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Posts posted by 75rLs3U4

  1. [saint mode]Uhm, lemme think, dude...Uhm...Mhhh...No...Yes...Yeah!Take a pencil and write this address: billg@microsoft.comSend a mail to that address pleading for a free copy of Microsoft Word.If uncle Gates is in good mood, don't doubt that you receive in your hotmail account a link with to download a free copy12[/saint mode]Man, at this time all the Microsoft Office products are commercial software, you need a license to use them.As people here said, go with OpenOffice, it's free, has a wordprocessor very alike to Winword and other software like spreadsheet, presentation and more. :P

  2. As everybody said, the first place is to learn PHP, and SQL, and I ain't kidding. :P The other thing that you have to learn is math, accounting, statistics, some of css and html, security and other related stuff that you need to make a good algorithm.Two years ago I try to make something similar, but, man, for a 14yo kid is very difficult to know this. At the year of study all of that stuff, I decide go with oscommerce and modify myself the php code.But, if you need something more professional, there are other carts that you can pay as x-cart, cre loaded, sunshop and other more.If you need to pick a cart for you, I recommend something that help you to know how much you are selling, how much is your inventory, and an easy way to upload data from excel or access to the site, in order to update fast your inventory.

  3. First, any country has the right to defende itself. If Russia thinks that USA is getting more fire power in Europe, Russia can use all that is in it hands in order to "feel more comfortable" in case of a war with USA or any alley of USA.Second, USA says that all that missiles are for defensive use, not for offensive. Well, also Bush said that the went to war to Irak to destrooy massive destruction weapons... and the real thing is oil and a picture of George Bush father in the floor of the Irak Government offices. :P At this time, nor USA and Russia has enough resources to mantain a Cold War again, USA has a deep economic problems to launch a war in Irak without results, and Russia has a terrible problems with corruption and mafias.So, if the people of both countries want to have a country to live in peace, they must consider to the next time vote for less chit-chat people like Putin and Bush, and have more action people that solves the problems, instead of talking about war like talk to sports or Breatnoy Spiears, er, Brickney Spuars.... not... Brintey Speers... holy shot... this fingers are crazy... :P

  4. That's right, Opera is the fastest browser.And any browser get slow if you have a dialup connection or a low-speed broadband connection (sadly, they still exist).But I think is more important to have a browser that can navigate safe, with plugins and macros, to make speedier tasks, than a browser that loads and render fast the sites.And you have the option to choose which browser to use... or like me, use several to don't get wrong! :P

  5. I am happy with the speed I have now so that is not a problem, but I think it would be hard to get used to opening another browser all over again. I don't use too much with my browsers except I have one add on which is installed in both Firefox and Internet Explorer and I don't have to worry about pop ups because the basic blockers work fine for the sites I go to. The tab feature is really the only new thing I need, looks doesn't really matter to me and being able to type in searches in the Firefox URL bar is nice. Other than that I'm set, so I'll probably just stick with what I have. I haven't had any security flaws recently either so no worries there either.

    I use Maxthon since years ago, because it has the same compatibility with some sites that Firefox, for any weird reason, can't browse correctly. About Maxthon has the same as Opera and Firefox: plugins, advertise hunter and nifty skins.

    In look and feel was very similar to IE6, and at this moment I still using the version 1.5, because all the plugins that I have are for that version. The problem is that the users that make the plugins sometimes disappear of the map and then is not too much support to upgrade the plugins to a new or enhanced version.

  6. I don't know if they have a team of hackers... but that is true, they have a team of SPAMMERS!!!!! :P Too many people, friends of mine, recommend me to join to myspace, and after some months, I went to the register form and voil?!, a brand new account, and one person asking me to join to be my friend.I checked his profile, and see that he was part of the MySpace Team. Well, is good to have as "friend" one of the people of Tech Support, I think, so I accepted to join to my "friend ring".Well, one day after, about 35 girls was asking to join to my circle of friends. Hey, hey, hey!!! What is this? Lola... I don't remember she. Sondra..., Claudia..., WetPoozie.... oh, my, oh, my!I don't know if the Playboy Team reach to me, but certainly I think I that MySpace has inside a great community... of spammers. :P Better smile, than cry, we say here in my country. Be careful...

  7. I saw something alike in a website with xoops, some stupid kiddie of Arabia changes the index.php and put a weird page about Palestina and stuff antiUSA.Always is good to read about the cms and security alerts to avoid to be victim of this kind of people, because is very easy to write a script to inject in them and take control of the site.Also, exists a lot of mods, hacks and other stuff related to the cms to protect of script and sql injections. It's a must to always check if they exists and to install to have a safer website.

  8. It's supposed it will happen. The talon d'Achille of Microsoft are the software that "dressed" his operative system. Microsoft has the concept that must fill the OS with software that emulates real antivirus and real firewalls to compete with other software creators.The problem is that left big holes that let hackers and attackers to take on assault not only the operative system, also the software, documents and everything that is inside of the computer.I was thinking when Bill Gates left the CEO, maybe the things change to make more strong the software to have a better Windows, Office and other stuff made by the Redmond boys.But, Mickey Mouse, they bet to still put more garbage instead of software and their systems get bigger and slower. Pretty, but very unusable for the people with old machines.And this is an advantage for hackers, crackers and other people that likes to found the holes left by the programming team of Redmond. So, I have an advise for they: the smaller: the safest.If they reduce the components to the core and stay there, will be more difficult to a hacker to found new holes in a smaller footprint operative system. :P

  9. Xoftspy. Mh, it was one of my favourite software to erradicate annoying virus and trojans without hassle, but, time pass and something happened with this tool, was loosing the touch to remove the software and make my system very unstable.One day I decide to go for other options and now I don't use Xoftspy. Maybe in the future... if the people of Xoftspy get a better search and remove engine. :P

  10. Well, there are too many tricks to fall in some annoying advertising that cames with dangerous software that put your computer upside down.It's a shame that Techrepublic joins to this kind of advertising, but I think if they do that is because they know what they're doing with the people that visit them. :P My advice is to use Internet browsers like Firefox, Opera, Maxthon that came with tools and plugins to stop this kind of dangerous software and, to change to other sites that don't use rude advertising like that.

  11. Oh, my, this topic is too old! Two years! :P I love Yahoo!, I started using USA.NET services until 1998, when the service become paid. Then I jump to hotmail, great service, but after some months I get full of spam, hundred ever day. So I search for other webmail services, and found Yahoo!Yahoo! is improving their services very fast, and is getting better every day. I jumped to GMail a year ago, but I don't like the service, was very... plain. Well, what I supposed to have, if the web search engine is the simplier of the world?So I return to the beloved Yahoo!, and now I'm very happy with the service.So, maybe late, but; happy bday Yahoo!

  12. If I were in your position, I'm be very anger. I can pass something of a Internet-friend, but if you say that is a closer friend of you, man, I'm be considerate to talk seriously because to be a prank with a pal is something weird.Try to talk or look for a common friend that make to stay in reason to your friend, remember that friendship must be prevail after all.

  13. Recently I've discovered an interesting tool called Phelix, it seems to be a successor of a freeware Seek & Destroy Music Duplicates. Phelix is unique in one feature: it actually identifies duplicates by listening to music. How it works, I don't know, but it's surprisingly fast (from the aspect of fact that it is obviously processing mp3 audio). Lots of zombie-duplicates have been found, invisible for conventional tag-matchers (50 in my master collection of 3000 songs). Tool selects also songs with sound similarities. Conventional tag-matcher is powerful and very fast. I don't know if there is any better music dupe-killer currently on the market.

    Phelix is for Mac, friend. Do you have something similar for XP/Vista based computers?


    I don't have at this time too much mp3 as I had about 97's-98's, but I remember the difficult to identify one of other because the songs were encoded at different bitrates, and I remember use a lot of shareware to try to remove all the mp3 files duplicated, and all of them was futile.


    So if any of you have a real waveform file comparison -or something simmilar- for Windows computers, please, post here...

  14. You know,like a floppy drive,can a harf disk be write protected?Coz I need to use my hard disk at a friend's place who's PC ios severely infected,I hope to use my antivirus to c;eanse his system as no AV installs onthat system.

    Look, the hard disk is a device to read and write information -all the information, without discriminate something.

    All the media has that function, to store data. The only way to avoid to infect a hard disk (or floppy, flash drive, etc.) is just to keep unplugged and without store nothing on it.

    As Saint_Michael said, the only way to stop some of the viruses, is that, using any kind of AV, Antispyware and Optimizers to keep the hard disk without the most common infections.

    But, the real thing, is that the only way to keep your hard disk without problems is, at first place, avoid sites that contains dangerous active-x and javascripts, sites like warez and porno.

    More restricted options are, limit the number of users and talk to them to take practices that avoid to get contaminated or, also, missconfigure the whole system.

  15. Yes, maybe you're the few fortunately people that enjoy the brand new laptop or desktop PC with OEM Vista, or something more, you got the bucks to buy the new OS of Redmond boys.


    But, as you can see as a licence owner of Vista, this isn't bells and whistles. You found that something get wrong when you plug the old device or you try to play your all-thru-the-years games.


    Don't be panic, Microsoft maybe has not give exactly what changes will be in Vista SP1, -codename 'Fiji'- but some OS components which missed the RTM cut-off will almost certainly be rolled into the update.


    "regressions from Windows Vista and Windows XP, security, deployment blockers and other high impact issues as are the primary focus for the Service Pack"

    Testers was enrolled in the Vista SP1 "Technology Adoption Program" and "must be willing to provide feedback and deploy pre-release builds into production environments.", and Redmond boys says "an opportunity to influence product changes including the opportunity to work directly with product groups influencing their short term and long term goals". Sure, babe.


    There's also a clear desire to ensure that SP1 is rock sold. One of the goals for TAP testers will be to "validate the stability of Windows Vista SP1 through production deployments". Oh, my.


    "It’s important that customers deploy the Service Pack into production environments within 30 days of a milestone release. Issues will surface from the deployments as well as throughout the program as end users test its limits thought their day-to-day activities. The Windows TAP team will work with customers to identify and drive these issues."

    So, people, don't get anger with Microsoft, just wait, maybe SP1 can be with us before than 2008... or maybe not. Some people in the office is making bets to August... 2008. :P


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