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Posts posted by 75rLs3U4

  1. If american-?ndians would think like the people that ask "no mo' illegal immigrants", maybe America still be without contamination, with more trees, and no extinct animal races.Let's face it. USA needs to change the laws in order to regularize the immigration. Is weird that american people make contracts with illegal immigration people, meanwhile Congress asks to punish the people that contract to the immigrants.With laws enforcing the legal immigration from all America, the USA Goverment could have more control of the people that cross the border to find a job.USA is the king of the Capital. And the Capital Theory says: the cheaper, the better. The industralists are contracting immigrants because are cheaper, and give the same quality for the final client.If USA Congress freezes the immigration initiative, they're are denying the American Way of Life, that is the core of all that joins the nation. Congressman are creating a big prison where the industrialist can't produce at lower prices because the laws are very inflexible to use a manpower based in immigrants.Indeed, using this kind of resources to stop the obvious, that approximates to comunist and fascist thoughs. Don't push to a democratic and free country to any of them ideologies. :XD:

  2. Meanwhile I rather prefer huge games like Half-Life, Halo, Need for Speed and other Windoze based PC, I could recommend you Reflexive games, they're tiny, I think are based in flash, and well created.So go there and give a sight, maybe you find something playable to entertain your time :XD:

  3. Thnks for the reply guys ..any one can make that smallest website it depends on the design and the data made at the site. i will try making smallest website due to your suggestion ..i have one problem how many kilobite?

    You are still very general of what you want to get.

    By example, I can upload a site with a 20MB of code and 1GB of SQL database.

    But, for Microsoft, this kind of size of data, is just a piece of crap. Sure they have a large code and database size.

    If you can tell us what do you have in mind about of a small website, just a simply html page, a php/sql site or something.

    Or what is the idea of have a small website; what do you wanna show in it. A creative person can do a small piece of art like the site that Kubi puts for us of what is a smal, very small website.

  4. It's weird to "don't have permissions" with the database.I always do this:Export the database in version 4.0 and zip, checking "drop database" (I don't like to make incrementals)Create a database in other hosting, take note of the name of it, the username and the passwordChoose the database created in mysql and then import the zipped databaseHope this steps help you to have your database working in the new site...

  5. The only way to have an active forum is to have great contents.But the contets are in part of the webmaster/administrator and, in the other hand, the people that visit your site. :XD: If you have users that felt that the admin/webmaster hear their pleads and petitions, you can get hooked to your site.But, if you don't have contact with the users, or the mods with the users, the users will be wiped by the insensibility of the admin people.

  6. Use of the Internet to find a couple is nothing of other world, is practically the same to know a person face to face.When you find a person face to face, you think about the person in good ways or bad ways. In Internet is te same.If you like how the person "writes", "looks" at the webcam, or you have coincidences with he/she, you make a link with that person.But, that is superficial. There is no way to know really a person until you coexist with the other person. My advice is this:1) Be frank and honest and don't expect that the other person be frank and honest with you.2) Stay cold and firm before to "fall in love". Visit the parents of the other person, know his defects and virtues.3) If after several months, or maybe a year, you feel that you know what are you doing, and feel comfortable with the other person, go with it!4) You'll find that after all this advices, maybe you choose the wrong person... so, don't blame to me, this is normal everywhere!Regards.

  7. The spam you get in your gmail account is blame of your browsing and internet social behavior.If you share your gmail address to many people, you'll get a lot of spam after some days.If you don't believe in this, just open a gmail account and don't share the address to anyone. You'll find a gmail account without any kind of spam or advertising.Try it. :P

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