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Blaze E

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Everything posted by Blaze E

  1. I don't see that public for at least another 10 years at least... That was done for supercomputers.BTW, I remember that some sciencetists managed to tansfer data at a rate of 1TB/s , or was that something else?
  2. Why do people hate Vista? If you can't afford it than doesnt mean it's bad! And if they are trying to give you more security, remember that you were the ones who complained about XP not being secure enough... Let's imagine them including an anti-virus with Vista, people would say they are trying to start a monopoly... I failed to see why do everyone hate Microsoft, maybe someone here can enlighten me?As for the SP, I'm not really interested... When they fix something they are going to break something else, like it or go get yourself a *nix OS, they are perfectly good, but they are free, if you want to spend money you can buy some disto's.Now some ranting: DX10.1 sucks! Microsoft you should be able to do a better job, cause not everyone will want to get a new GPU...
  3. 2038... Most of us would be 40+ year-old... >.<So we got another media bubble, they will make sure it stays that what until 2037 at least, so they can cause some fear and give old ladies some stokes! Just remind me if they don't find a solution by at least 2010... That way I know man-kind sucks, big! BTW, what would happen if everything stopped, no water or electricity? Big deal! People lived without them, they used to get the water themselves and they lived! looking for proof? Us!
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