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Posts posted by ramon

  1. no9t9, it depens on what you define under an "engineer", I'm not going to depate on, wheter or not, geting a degree or a ms paper is enough to call yourself an engineer, no.By studying, it isnt possible to give a real status, but nonetheless, If you want to get a job, you do need some sort of certification. I myself didn't got the opportunity to study informatics on school. I've worked in other markets for years and started working in IT. To get and keep a job in this market i need papers. and msce is a very good basis to do so.If you can get a college degree in IT, do it, but remember, only getting a degree wont get you through the rest of your career!Better start on a microsoft or a cisco or a nix or .... certification cause you are going to need it. that's my 2 cents.

  2. Well, I wanted it on the left because I think it will look beter on the layout of my site, I dont realy have another reason for wanting to do this. Well maybe just to know how to do this.But you lot are absolutely correct when saying that it is unusual and unlogical to place it on the other side. Well, I'll think it over once more and maybe think of something else to do to fix this.

  3. There will be video on demand providers, online shops, online schools, etc.

    hmm well, that already exists, and is not dependent on ipv6.
    Also some product suplyers want to give a fridge or a microwave an unique internet address for some purpose...
    Then the millions of addresses that now exist are not enough.

  4. Handy trick, I' going to try this one out soon.I have another hack for xp pro...If you use remote desktop, then there is a limitation, only 1 person can be logged on to the pc simultanious (counting local and remote),by replacing a .dll file, it is possible to log on locally and remote at the same time (you can even tell windows how many concurent connection are allowed).if you are interrested, let me now, so i can get you the required dll file and the needed actions (replace dll, remove file from cache and add registry setting.)greetings.

  5. Matt1eD,Driveletters is your least concern, cause you can change them dynamicly from within windows itself. Absolutely not hard to do.If you use programs like ghost, it will be an 1 on 1 copy of all bites on your harddisk.As for the place of the harddisk on the ide, it has to be on the exact same place as the old HD.So if your old HD is on your Primary cable as a slave disk, your new HD has to be on that exact same place (so it physicly replaces your old disk).My suggestion to you is the following;- keep your old drive at the place it is right now and connect the new one on the place of the CD for example.- Boot from a dosfloppy and run a program like ghost to clone your old disk to your new disk (don't use a one on one copy using a dos command, cause that will f*** it all up, bacause it doesn;t support long filename).- If this is done, the old drive and the new drive should contain the exact same partitions and data)- then remove both disks from your pc. set the jumpers on your new disk like those on the old one (e.g. if the old one is configured for Slave, set the new one to slave. same for Cable select (CS) and master).- place the new drive on the place that you have over now the old drive is out of the pc.If you do this, there should be no problems in replacing the disk with all the data it contains.If you wonder about the drive letters, after you replace the disks, go to start, control pannel, administrative tools, computermanagement, device management. and there you can change drives.I wish you good luck.

  6. You should also look into the settings of the boot.ini, cause if you're drive changes (i.e. another place on the ide cable / another partition), your ini file will be incorrect and you will get a message about not being able to find the boot partition. so make sure you have an exact copy from your old hd on your new hd, and also have the hardware setup exactly the same.good luck.

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