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Posts posted by mandyyx

  1. Favorite animes? Um, let's see.-Full Moon Wo Sagashite-Death Note-CardCaptor Sakura-Tsubasa Chronicles-AIR-Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuutsu-Chobits& Etc.Yeah, that's about it. I can't remember any more I've watched, but I only like animes with a similar genre to those listed above. Most other animes bore me. xD No offense to anyone that likes any other animes, of course(: I just have really odd taste.

  2. I don't exactly have a "favorite" meal. If it's edible, looks good, and will taste good then I'll probably like it. But otherwise, I'm open to whatever kinds of food there is. I like to try anything new. XD So basically, I'll eat whatever's given to me. Uhh, only in some cases though, I can get really picky. d: Oh, and back on topic, if I did have to choose my favorite meal, it'd probably be korean styled sushi?

  3. I wouldn't say harry potter books are the best books ever, just the best ones that I've read so far. (: They're filled with action, and things that are so different than books that I've read. It makes them unique? More interesting to read then books that are similar to each other in plot and such. But the harry potter books do have some sort of plot in it that repeats itself, like voldemort coming back and such. d: But then, that is the point of the book, kind of. Harry vs Voldemort, right? Correct me if I'm wrong. XD

  4. Even though video games don't contain the same "materials" that a "addiction" would have, such as nicotine or another substance(as stated by someone else) they do provide entertainment to some. Maybe someone who doesn't want to "face the real world" or.. someone who just has nothing to do. Its almost as if playing video games 24/7 would help someone escape the reality of things. Or maybe it's just the game. I guess it depends on the type of person. All these games are being created for use of entertainment, but they do get quite addicting to some people, and less for others, but getting attached to a game literally means you give up almost everything else out there in the "real world" and set yourself to an environment you're more comfortable with. Meaning the environment of the game?It's not so good to get addicted to the game, but sometimes you just can't help yourself once you find a game that's so interesting and fun you can't bear to tear yourself away from it. I'm not saying it's good, I'm just saying that sometimes people who are addictive gamers can't help but to want to play that game 24/7? ;P

  5. Yeah, there's a lot of animal cruelty going around in the world. It obviously can't be stopped. People just use animals, hurt them, for their own purposes. It's just taking advantage of the animal as a regular "item". Some people use these animals just for their own entertainment. It's just not right. Hurting animals because you feel like it. There's never a need or "have to" when it involves hurting animals. To think that people hurt animals because of their own will, it's almost as if they don't even recognize that animals are living, breathing things too.

  6. I can definitely live without a computer. But considering that I spend most of my time on the computer. It'll be somewhat boring to picture my life without my computer. ;P I do almost everything on the computer. Chat, homework, research. I did spend a couple of weeks without using my computer for entertainment purposes, but all it did was bore me. I spend about 6+ hours on the computer a day. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but I do think I spend too much time on the computer. My family has bugged me about it a lot. But most people around me spend most of their time on the computer, so I've gotten used to it, but living without a computer would be a great improvement to the health of people who spend half their day or more sitting in front of a screen playing games and such, unless it's something important.

  7. A world without math.. Hm. That's hard to imagine. Everything would just fall apart without math. Or, they wouldn't be there to begin with. Most of the things we have today, like technology and such inventions wouldn't be here right now if there wasn't such a thing as math. And as much as I hate math, because it's so difficult, I can see why the world needs it.

  8. Hmm. I don't hate my school, but I wouldn't say I liked it either. It's more of in the middle. The good side of it is that my school isn't so controlling, everyone is just themselves. But I dislike it because of the drama that normally happens. Now I know that social issues aren't anything of the school's fault, but it is happening in the school, so I guess it counts as part of the school? But either way, I wouldn't say that I hate my school, it's just hard to get used to, sometimes.

  9. Yeah, I have thought of life to be pretty similar to a sims game. It wouldn't be surprising to find out that our whole life and being was a game controlled by someone with greater power, that is, if our life was a game. But then it would be possible that if we are living in a game, then the people playing the game could be living in game too? It's kind of weird and scary picturing that everything in your life happened because someone made it happen.

  10. I think Hellogoodbye is okay. It's not my favorite type of music, because I prefer more of rock music and such, but it works in some cases when theres nothing left to do. Their songs are pretty good too, some of the lyrics and such. It's really catchy to listen to. At first when I heard it, I didn't know what it was but then it got stuck in my head so I just had to find out what the song was, and the first song I heard from hellogoodbye was probably Here In Your Arms.

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