Wit hthe graphic needs and everything of Halo 2 I don't think Bungie has the plan too, the games are short because it is a very difficult and long process creating Halo and Halo 2, Bungie knows more people play XBOX games than PC games, and are wise ecenomicaly to get the third Halo out quicker than to spend time transfering it to the PC, it may come out sometime after Halo 3 thoh, so don't worry, you should have it on PC soon...
Hmm, I use AOL and have gotten a few virus's, try using Norton's and see if it tells you where it is located, it usually will in the logs,I've never used MCaffee, but if they have any type of logging mechanism check them thoroughly...
Can you tell us a little more, besides that it won't live it's faithful life? Like does one thing not work, or everything not work, or what? Check your power cord is not cut or bent badly anywhere, then if it doesn't work send it to sSony and ask if they can fix it, there not much else we can do sorry.
PHPBB Has modifications/mods, look on their site, https://www.phpbb.com/You should use PHPBB it is much easier to use, and has plenty of mods. But IPB has some cool mods too, like the army system, kenka, and it has a report function, it's your choice though...
Sorry, I thought I could give you a reputation point, I guess I can't for some reason thogh. I have a question, what do we do if is cracked is there ANY way to fix it then?
That is really cool, aweseome thingy you have here, you get a reputation point, that relly is an amazing guide!
Cool, you must know alot about CD's, do you manufacture them. lol just joking. But really that's even more help! what about games though or like stuff?