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Everything posted by Bios

  1. its too boring to do traffic generation programs, i did find interesting sites but none i stayed at too long. It was really a waste of my time, i wouldn;t reccomend them to people in future.
  2. nice site, i personally prefer reading john chows blog though for monetizing blogs (something i should be doing later in the future) he also has some special deals like his Kontera deal where he can get you on the through the content of your site rather than the 500,000 page view requirement.
  3. fantastic tips but theyre only going to work based on how much people put into their website content wise no one wants to visit dead websites. so technically the most important thing is regular updates to be honest.
  4. My fave for Naruto info at least, has always been narutofan.com i got the theme from series 1 off it and it has great info. i always go to it first for naruto stuff.
  5. I didn't know your phone could get virus's... i knew about some phones faulty bluetooth that can be remotley hacked and dialled out from a pda, ( seen it done on the tv). Would explain why my phone is acting a bit sluggish ive just put it down to me using most of my memory on music and stuff ( its a walkman phone)
  6. In my opinion the most damage you can ever receive deal with a mobile phone is throwing it at someone... even then it doesn't really hurt unless you get a corner in the head.. so no i dont think phones are as dangerous as theyre made out to be... still refuse to test turning it on on a plane though
  7. brilliant game for a free one. I always play a little when im at my dads ( he has a better rig than me) so i usually pop on. everyone should play it atleast once if anything. I like the class and levelling systems because when i made a more permanent move on fps i was an mmo man. so it gave me goals to work towards other than just "Capture flag escape with flag and take flag back to base" which can get a little tedious at times in my opinion.
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