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Posts posted by 9block

  1. I've been a member of this service for quite some time now. Maybe not as much as others, only 6 months. But its been a great 6 months. I originally started posting on these forums, and I was addicted for a good month. I earned about 100 credits to spare. While posting, I worked on my website - a hobby tryin to earn some money from google adsense. I outgrew the free web hosting and decided it was time to upgrade. Sadly I didnt go with your sister host because I needed extreme amounts of bandwidth and space. Currently I have 3TB of bandwidth monthly and 300GB of space. I still continue to use Xisto though, because other sites are still linked to my Xisto account, I used cPanel to redirect to my current site. (BlackLabelled.com if anyone if interested).Although I don't have time to post on Xisto forums, even though I could easily make the time to keep my credits up enough (basically posting a topic a day, or every 2-3 days - I have decided to pay for credits and have justified it as a cost to my website. Although I wasn't sure how much traffic goes through my site because it is an instant redirect, google analystics doesn't pick it up as a referral. Recently my credits ran out and my payment hasn't been approved, so my account is suspended for now (although this will change when my credits come through), I have realised I do get quite a bit of traffic going through Xisto. I was wondering why my traffic count was down recently. Ironic. Anyway, I just wanted to say Xisto is a great source, and I will recommend it to anyone looking for free hosting. I thought I would post my storyconsidering ive gone through every free host out there. I used to be resourceful, almost cheap, and Xisto satisfied my needs. It really helped me develop as a web designer because I never hd to worry bout switching from host to host. I would recommend to anyone that can save their time to upgrade to Xisto - Web Hosting (Xisto.com's sister site).thank you very much Xisto, it has been great working with you. Good luck to your website in the future, your development, and your sister sites and other projects. Great forum, great members, great service/hosting, great support!James BurtonblackL.trap17.com // blacklabelled.com

  2. well i appreciate your help. I ended up going with a different provider, sorry :) Ill show you my reasons.If Xisto - Web Hosting is anything like Xisto - it is a very good host. Support is friendly yet professional. Only problem I had with support was the three day waiting period on the pre-sale question. Not a big deal. My main problem was freedom plan is roughly $15/mo for 250GB bandwidth and 10GB space. I needed slightly more space - 20GB for now, possibly more in the future and 250GB would not help my quickly growing site. I found another host of which i pay $8/mo ($4 if i went yearly) for 3000GB bandwidth and 300GB space. This should cover my bandwidth costs for a while even though I believe before I even hit that quote I will need to upgrade to a dedi for quality/speed purposes. Still, it is cheaper and gives me alot more room to play. Plus support was instant because it is a big company.Im sorry for not supporting Xisto - Web Hosting. Im sure Xisto - Web Hosting is a great service, considering Xisto is the same service and I would still recommend Xisto/Xisto - Web Hosting to any friend/web designer. You can possibly see a dedicated server purchased in the (far) future pending success of my current website. Thank you very much for your services! Great service.

  3. Well, although it was done possibly for good, perhaps they should try other methods. I have a few various ideas, ill list below. There is probably a reason the population in russia is not as, lets says, wanted. This is probably (just assuming) because of living conditions, jobs, healthcare, education, government policies. ---One---The government should attempt to overall increase healthcare, education, and living conditions in the country. That will increase people wanting to live there. While this (obviously) does not make babies, it does decrease emigration, increase immigration, and overall influence the population.If the country has a good healthcare system, justice system, government policies, equality, less warfare, better education, ect - who doesnt want to live there? To be more indepth, ill give you a few minor examples. With better healthcare, more people will obviously want to live there, but life expectancy will increase aswell as less deaths. This can be done with more funding and benefits for healthcare workers/nurses/doctors/media awareness. A good solid fair justice system will also increase equality - with that comes immigration. A better education will influence immigration, the welfare of the people, and the future of the country - overall contributing to a healthy living condition. These are just a few examples, im sure you can think of more---Two---Multiculturalism. If the country has more equality and benefits for various cultures, this will bring more people. Instead of being so dedicated to one religion and building and developing various areas to various cultures, immigrants will flock. With an overpopulated asia just south of them, and a largely populated middle east west of them - a few established multicultural cities will greatly increase the population.---Three---Education and media awareness. This is directly related to the idea of influencing people to procreate with prizes, instead of giving people prizes for having a baby on a particular day, they should instead give benefits to having child. Similar to Canadas/United States position after world war 2. The idea of giving prizes is an immature idea, and with more development could spawn a great idea. For example, the government could award a monthly cheque for every child up to say 4 years. Of course there are drawbacks to this idea, but it can be temporary placed for immediate results. You can debate this, saying that parents will have more children they will abandon or neglect just to receive some money - and this probably will occur. But there is loopholes in every system.Those are a few ideas that came to me. Basically, the government should make living conditions better and simply put - make the country a good one to live in.

  4. I am interested in Xisto - Web Hosting's Freedom Advanced plan. 10GB of Diskspace/250GB Bandwidth for $14.95 a month.Is the domain free even if I choose to pay monthly?Will the prices ever change; Will they go up or down?Are the servers faster/more reliable than Xisto? (Xisto is a good service, just wondering if quality increases with payment)Is the activation immediate?*edit.. new question: If I go over the bandwidth limit, does my site show an error until next month, or do I get charged with fees. And can I upgrade bandwidth/space if I need to in future?PS: In the flash at top of website, Difference is spelt Diffrence. lol, just so you know :)

  5. Have you ever heard of the google recruitment advertisement? Perhaps you should look it, while it is old and no longer avalible - it is really cool and maybe yu should research it and it might give you an idea of the type of people they are looking for.

  6. actually there is a cell phone out. Im not sure how it is programmed, but it had i believe three buttons on it.

    One button is to recieve a call
    One button is to send a call (to home)
    One button is to call emergency

    I could be wrong, I seen it long long time ago. But regardless, they are out there and do exist. Google children's cell phone and there are plenty of articles and what not. It would be a good idea to give a 13 yr old a cell phone because it would allow them to go to local theatre with friends and still be able to contact them. I use to go, only my buddy had a celly though.

    And heres the post about the firefly

    Firefly: The Firefly phone is available through Cingular with a contract or as a pay-as-you-go service from major retailers. This translucent blue phone (other shell colors are available) has just a handful of programmable buttons on the front, including “Mom” and “Dad” icons to speed dial those individuals with a push of the button. There is also a 911 button. The phone book (PIN protected) allows parents to program in up to 20 numbers. In addition, an optional instruction sets the phone to automatically reject any call from a number not in the phone book. The Firefly is just a little over 2 ounces and its battery allows for 6 hours of talking, or over a week of standby, between charges.

    Source: http://cash4digitaltrash.com/free-email-newsng-children.asp

  7. Regardless of what water monkey said... it was a good two day binge, and definately rougin it at that. First night, there was just the three of us and we forgot utensils/plates ect. We ended up flipping hamburgers with an axe I cleaned with water, then serving them on a fresbie. Good times, lots of beer, no fights, fireworks, music, and just a little bit of trouble. Crazy weekend

  8. I thought I get my two cents in since google nor yahoo pulled up a search result for this yet, it would seem to be at this time all fluff at this moment since the author failed to mention the name magazine or scan the article to read more into it

    Just for you I researched it a bit and came up with a lab that is using halographic storage methods... and this is what I came up with...
    Story 1... "Add water and get 12.8 Petabyte on 1cm˛ "

    If they would be able to make this invention work commercially you would according to Jonathan Spanier be able to create a memory that can store 12.8 Petabyte (12.8 million gigabyte) on 1 square centimeter.

    Source: http://www.aol.com//

    Story 2...

    A FIRM which makes a disc that can hold 60 times more data than a DVD said it is ready to release the product next year.
    InPhase Technologies, based in Colorado, has developed a commercially viable version of a holographic disc which can hold 300 gigabytes of data and can be used to read and write data 10 times faster than a normal DVD.

    InPhase Technologies spokesperson Liz Murphy said that unlike other technologies that record one data bit at a time, holography allows a million bits of data to be written and read in parallel with a single flash of light. This enables transfer rates significantly higher than current optical storage device.

    The discs, are 13 centimetres across and a little wider than normal DVDs. They store data in a light-sensitive crystal material using the interference of laser light. A single light beam is split and passed through a semi-transparent material. This acts like a filter, changing different parts of the beam to encode bits of information

    Source: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread185529/pg1

    there are two completely different stories I had no problem finding... and you guys should definately read the first one. I assume that's what this thread is talking about.

  9. Wow, A couple of weekends ago I went to sauble beach. Let me fill you in with some general facts before I tell you my story...

    I am going into Grade 12B... which is second year grade 12.
    Alot of people went to Sauble Beach on this particular weekend from my highschool. (All same camp ground)
    Most of these people were light friends of mine.
    Two good buddies of mine had a campsite there aswell, friday and saturday night.
    Me and my girlfriend went up on the saturday night.

    Now to the story. It was absolutely crazy! We showed up around dinner time Saturday, and the campground had quite a few kids. This particular campground is for parties, their website specifically says you can play your music as loud as you want and all night long. Me and my girlfriend showed up to the desk, got a campsite... The exact words from the owners of the campsite were "What the hell do you want?" - lol. Anyway, we got a site beside my good buddy and set up the tent and stuff. Everybody in the campgrounds were kids... 16-24 years old and people were walking around every which way... music coming from every direction... beer flowing... ect. I was in heaven.

    You might be askign why I mentioned our neighbors across the road, as they seem insignificant. Well heres a little R-rated story for you ive hidden, read at own discretion.

    When I got to the site and setup, my buddy was telling me that one of the guys had a girl come up to him, and give him head right infront of the campfire. People ended up circling around there campsite and watching. This doesn;t phase me, but when I heard it I thought it was definately the sickest campground ever... and by sickest, I dont mean gross... i mean awesome.

    People would walk by talk to you, ask you where your from, offer you a beer and head on. I had 18 with me so I was good for the night. So we got bored, and head over to the neighbors campsite across the road to introduce ourselfs, there was three guys - seemed cool no problem. Then more people came and we just shot the breeze and relaxed. It started getting dark and a party was forming at the campsite beside us. Must've been 150 people, it was crazy. Completely loved it and had a good night. Biggest party ever, not too many older people, a few 40yr olds that stayed off in there little section nd dropped by when the party started. No fist fights, two little scuffles, it was relaxed and calm and just chills.

    Well, its labour day weekend this weekend. I am not sure if the states has labour day weekend, but Canadians get the monday off for a long weekend. Last weekend before all the kids go back to school. Me and my good buddy, along with two other buddies and my girlfriend have decided to go up for the friday/Saturday night again. Were not sure if there are going to be other kids going to the camp grounds we are, but there website has an advertisement for labour day party weekend for kids. This should be fun! Website below.


    Anyway point of story... I'm heading up tomorrow morning, and hopefully I'll bring back some stories for you. As for what were bringing... this might remind some of the older crowds of the good ol days...

    Packing list...
    2 sleeping backs...
    1 tent...
    couple burger/shotdogs/tinned cans (cook on fire)
    1 cooler with ice
    and most importantly...

    2 2-4's of cold beer.
    (and maybe some liquor for the girl)

    So should be a crazy weekend, ive been physced for past two weeks... and Ill bring back some crazy drinking stories. See you all in a couple days.

  10. I believe that is 30 PB? Which is a PetaByte, as according to wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petabyte

    Now 30PB could come in some serious handiness. Im sure if you had a 30PB hard drive... alot of companies would sponse you a Gigabit connection to allow them to use your harddrive as a server (database). With that, they would store their data (rapidshare has 2.4PB which isnt all used) and you would also have a nice connection provided it wasn't maxed out all the time. If you was, I'm sure you could limit the connectivity and save 10mbit (1,000kb/s download) to yourself.

    Im quite the thinker... thats my little scheme. You would receieve from 10mbit connection no matter what... and possibly faster depending on how much you would want to borrow and conserve. More importantly, out of the 30PB you could allocate a certain amount for yourself.. lets say 1/100th of a Pb (10TB) which is still plenty.

  11. i liked SM's from the beginning. the vectors plus the girl are just simply sexy. The other two, while well done, simply seem like a copy of SM's (no offense guys) and while it was a nice attempt it didnt match it overall. Will... the girl has too much done too her, should have left her nice and sharp... as well your signature is missing a nice 1px border. Mich... the border or yours really makes it look unprofessional... and the writing should have been slanted and faded to make it look like it was part of sand.No hate on any signature.. better than I could ever do and fairly good all around. Vote to SM still.Saint-Michael:2Will.Allison:0Mich:1

  12. Not bad, just don't expect to play games on that thing.

    what? Considering it is only 2.6ghz... but is rated up to over 5ghz. Plus its a dual core. With 2 GB of ram, and a downgrade to XP ... add a new video card and that thing is ready to game. Plus I plan to upgrade to 4GB eventually.. even though this will handle most games at 2GB

  13. that computer isnt bad at all... save some extra money and upgrade to 2 GB ram for bout $80... and add a 500GB hdd for $80... Iknow those two together cost bout $160... but you'd have all the space youd ever need plus you need more ram. If anything just upgrade to 2GB ram and if your budget, go for 1 GB ram... you definately need it. Your comp will run alot smoother and quicker - im sure you already know this tho. As for the 500GB, that could be a bit overboard for yourself... possibly go for a 120GB for $40... tigerdirect has 72 hour sales and HDD's can be amazinly cheap. Sign up for their newsletter.

  14. newegg prices...processor: $119motherboard: $200HDD: $90Graphics Card: $70Memory: $45x2 = $90case w/ PS & Fans = $55cables: $20dvd burner: $30total: $674... with no media card reader. So im saving $200. Tigerdirect has amazing prices, and I'd choose them over newegg. After you take everything into considerating, it does add up. I have no idea how you built a computer for $280... Processors and motherboards alone would cover that. *note: you could probably eliminate $70 for graphics card as most motherboards have some type of Graphics card built in. So almost $700 before taxes with work and 5-10 several orders... compared to one order, no work, and $500. I think I'll stick my my Tigerdirect order that comes with an operating system by the way. I will format and clean install an XP or Vista myself to maximize performance.

  15. I am saving up for a new computer. My birthday was August 25th, and my rents gave me $400 towards a new computer. So a couple more bucks and I'll have enough for the one I'm looking at.


    AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ 2.6GHz (Dual-Core)

    2GB DDR2 (Upgradable to 4gb w/ 4 slots)

    320GB Sata II harddrive (3 more sata slots available)

    DVD?RW Dual-Layer

    Nvidia GeForce 6150 SE

    7.1 Sound


    I got a 250GB Sata sitting in my desk unused, after I install that It'll bring the Harddrive space up to 570GB.

    6USB ports/2Firewall


    $499 CAD - Its a refurbished gateway from tigerdirect.ca


    Posted Image


    The only problem is that agteway loads a bunch of bull software and the OS has been said to have problems. Must be configuration problems or something. I plan or reformatting it and running (most likely) a copy of XP. I might decide to stick with the Vista, and if I do I'll probably upgrade to 4GB ram. Either way, I'll most likely reformat when I get the computer and install the choice of OS. I'll most likely then sell my computer in the classified.

  16. My computer is roughly 6-7 years old. AMD 1800+/60GB/256MB Ram (Upgraded to 7**mb). It was from a random guy with classified ads who builds/sells computers from his living room. Now, the PC has lasted me a long time and I don't turn it off for very long so it was practically been running for 6 years. It came with a copy of Windows 98 and I upgraded to a downloaded copy of XP.I plan on getting a new computer soon, and it comes with Windows Vista Home Premium. I plan or possibly downgrading to Windows XP - but I am not sure yet.

  17. "Does Creation need a creator?" - Wow that is an amazing point of view and I actually like the concept. I don't believe a creation needs a creator. When a peice of grass grows from the ground, who is the creator? The seed? Who created that seed? A peice of grass that grew...Ultimately it is a cycle... and the obvious question everyone would ask now is how and who started the cycle? Well, why did someone have to start the cycle.We are all used to have an object and have an origin. You were the creation of two people. The tree was the creation of a tree's seed. The popsicle stick was the creation of a human farming a tree. Everything was created with purpose and an obvious creation. So who created it all in the beginning? Perhaps no one or nothing. We can now conceive the concept that it was just there. No beginning and no end.

  18. I used to play years and years ago when I was smaller. But I really only used it to see how much money or neopoints I could make. I made a storefront and tried to make it as big as I could, plus I invested in the stock market. I really just used it as a business simulator and what not. I never really liked any of the neopets, and I only played a game or two that you could earn the most points.

  19. Thats good to hear from a fellow Canadian. I am curious of your age, a bit more of your location and maybe more of a story from you... education ect. I really like to meet the computer users and enthusiasts because I am one myself. While I am a XP Power user, and completely noob to the *nix setup, there are a few interesting posts you are going to find on this forum.

    I'm not into advanced web design... I enjoy coding HTML/CSS with notepad, and doing some minor graphics with photoshop. I have alot to learn. I have learned QBasic, Turing, Holts Java (ew), and some minor Visual Basic. I really have no need, but those were simply introduction courses I have taken so far in highschool. I plan on taking web design related courses in college next year. I would really love to learn and master PHP aswell, perhaps even some web based java.

    Anyway, to the obstacles... you should read the "Read me" guide to Xisto... if you have any questions, instead of asking right away, take a quick breeze through the read-me and you'll learn alot of how Xisto works. Anyway, good to see another programmer/designer in the forums.

    Oh yea, and here are some interesting topics you might like...
    http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shoh+firefox+addon - An addon for firefox/IE7 that allows you to search Xisto in the google bar! :XD:
    http://forums.xisto.com/topic/35196-why-linux-cant-be-and-not-equal-to-windows-linux-windows/ - Why linux and windows can not be compared. Amazing post!

  20. Megaupload has never really been a very good service, and to be honest, judging by what I've heard and seen of the site, I find it untrustworthy.

    I disagree with you. I also prefered them over Rapidshare and I found those two services were the main competition at one point. I found it was easier and quicker to download and seeing as I guess I only used them periodically to download maybe a 100mb file I was never effected.

    If they are having troubled with bandwidth, I believe they should use more advertisements instead of decreasing the amount of downloads you can use. If you are download 250MB from them within a matter of 5-6 hours you should really upgrade to a premium account anyway. You can;t expect to download the whole internet for free...bandwidth does cost money and you should be thankful these services are available or you would still be searching/downloading from P2P programs/torrents at a much slower rate.

  21. Good to see another member in the forums. I live in a small town, aswell, an hour north of Toronto. It's about 15K large. Hopefully you get signed up and have fun building your website(s). your going to have admins and moderators greet you soon, they will tell you to read the Readme and terms of service... The read me will help alot, and a quick skim over it will teach you about how Xisto works... its really worth a read. The one tip I can give you, and you will see often, is to make a good quality post. Not only will you get more credits that way, but you will be supporting the forums with your ideas/knowledge experiences... and that is exactly the way to making a good post - by sharing your experiences, your knowledge, and your ideas/thoughts. Enjoy your stay, and hope to see you around alot.

  22. I signed up for this service, I believe it was yesterday - maybe it was earlier today... My perception of time has gone through the window this summer because I haven't really needed to keep track of the days. Anyway, I seen another member on this forum made $120 off it this month, so I was interested.

    Here are the perks that got me... considering I don't really believe in these online money makers.
    + Member on Xisto has said he made money from it - I doubt he's lying.
    + "SurveySavvy.com is part of Luth Research, LLC, a market research leader since 1977." - Meaning it is reputable.
    + 3 million people are signed up over 190 countries - so its not limited to USA and they are a good company.
    + $3 a survey may not be alot, but $2 for every survey your referrals do and $1 for every survey your referral's referral's do.
    + No limit on the payout.. (So you get paid no matter what!)
    + They send cheques... so everyone is eligable and you don't need paypal, egold, ect.

    Well, with that being said, in my conclusion, they seem a reputable and deserving company. And If you are interested in joining, go for it!

    *If you do join up, email me at irunvicecity@gmail.com or PM me, and I'll send you my referral code. Might as well help me out too :XD: - but you don't have to.


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