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Posts posted by Reygekan

  1. Get some good friends to help out, even let 'em sleep around your bed if need be. If you're really motivated they'll help you get out of bed and into a gym. My metabolism is huge so I've never seen it as a problem, but I know that if I did have it, my friends would force me to execute ^^

  2. -Definition of religion


    Atheism is the lack of belief in god. Because Theism exists as a religion, [1]Atheism must exist as a lack of religion seeing how for every value there's an opposite.

    While i agree that theism within itself is not really a religion, by definition, like you mention above, it is. But the beginning and ending part of that definition can be directed to atheism as well. But definition number 6 of religion is what should clear all doubt: [1]Yes, but this value isn't against religion, it's against the belief in a god (big "G" or small) or gods. For the "a" infront of theis[t/m] is derived from the Greek which is in the negative of something (which one might claim means "against"). Theism's defintion is:

    No where in the definition is the word "religion" found. Nor is it found in the other sources for the definition of "theism." Therefore, atheism is not against religion. Everyone believes in something—this is inevitable—and they of course may stick to it till the end: this is devotion in their faith; which fulfills definition number 6.


    Also, atheism can be divided in sects as well—in a more strict sense: for example, Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, and of course those outside of these things, etc. But this can be said for agnostics as well, who are basically in the middle of things.

    [1]Gah, I suffer from poor wording disease <.<'


    You see, the keyword in the definition of Theism is BELIEF. What's a religion? A set of BELIEFS concerning the cause and nature of creation. Just because it didn't cay "RELIGIOIN" in it doesn't mean it's not religious ^^


    Atheism IS divided into it's own sects as it is, Agnostic beign an Atheist sect in itself, just as Theism is divided into sects. Atheism in itself is not a religion, it's the lack of theism, however Evolutionism, Darwanism, etc., are all religions- sets of belief of the cause and nature of creation.


    Theism is always religious because it's belief in G(g)od(s)- and a belief concerning the creation of the universe or creation itself is in fact religious. Atheism on its own isn't religious simiply because it's lack of faith in a diety, however Atheists are often religious due to holding beliefs in Evolutionism, etc.,

  3. Ah, thanks bhavesh ^^Psht, is that a challenge? Soul Eating Contest powuh! =PAnyway, thanks for the comments. I'm very impressed with the credit system, definately a nice way to keep the place active with posts that dont consist of "IHMA CHARGIN MAH LAZOR LOL WUT" <.<' I'll have to keep an eye on my credits then. Hm.... this means doing stuff... D=I have to say I've already taken a liking to this place. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Or not, you really don't have to =P

  4. As to Trufusions points...

    [1] Theism in itself isn't a religion seing how Theism is divided into sects. However, Theism is a religion in the fact it's:

    1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

    -Definition of religion
    Atheism is the lack of belief in god. Because Theism exists as a religion, Atheism must exist as a lack of religion seeing how for every value there's an opposite.

    [2] True. Bad phrasing on my part <.<'

  5. The problem is that many Theist's use belief or faith as points for their opinion when belief or faith can only be gained by oneself. You can't be told to believe and you can't be forced to have faith. Atheists seem to believe that the existance of a god is impossible and oftentimes use many impossible questions or "Prove-it". You can't prove god's existance, that's why it's religious, it's about faith and belief.It's true that many religious discussions are based on rather ignorant views, but avoiding the topic is worse, religious should be something discussed, not ignored. If you're not free to discuss religion, new ideas or thoughts never get out there and that's bad, religion should be a matter of discussion, however it should be discussed in a decent and civilized manner, not used poorly to insult the beliefs of others.

  6. Thanks for the links and comments ^^ I've read the links and I'm fairly certain I get the gist of it. I'll ask around when I need help, assuming I'm not too stubborn to try and fix it myself and cause it to go horribly wrong. The latter is more likely <.<When it comes to hobbies... I have to say that eating the souls of my enemies is definately up there. I also enjoy playing Chrono Cross (Best. Game. EVER.) and some old SNes games. Definately a fan of the guitar (Fooly Cooly style! =D) and listen to music that will leave you screaming in pain and begging for mercy. Totally not my fault <.<Trap 17 is an awesome name by the way. Reminds me of Team 17. Worms FTW =D

  7. I don't use the emote smilies, I use text smilies though.^^, <.<, >.<. xDThey seem a lot more fun to me. I personally can't stand the picture smilies, I'm not sure why. It's probably a secondary characterestic or a subconscious thing, n00bs generally tend to abuse those smilies so some part of my mentality tends to dislike them. (A n00b and a newb are different, just to clarify)

  8. Hey, I'm Rey. I've got a ridiculously small attention span, constantly fluxuate from being extremely mature to being an extremely immature moron, and like anything involving explosions, kitties, or exploding kitties. I have what's generally considered a sick and twisted sense of humor, and I have the belief that I'm perfectly normal. Heck, it's not even a belief. It's a fact. It's just that everything and everyone around me is different. Yeah, that's it.I will contradict myself and use faulty logic often in an attempt to inflate my ego. If you see anything that involves me telling myself I'm awesome, stay away.Heard 'bout this forum from an ad on another forum I manage (I've got three, two being pretty succesful and one being in-the-works) and I've got to say I'm impressed, a lot of members, many posts, a mindset that doesn't involve "OHMAGODIHMAEATCHOO". I'll like this place ^^

  9. Yeah, I suck with GIMP but meh. Messing around with it and creating some sigs. Of course, the sigs are all horrible but that's not my fault. It's the fault of erm...




    I'll tell you when I think of someone to blame.


    Posted Image

    I go by the name of Shodu on some forums, did this on my other computer (with the fancy brushets) before it crashed. I miss my brushes D=


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    Messing with render work


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    Y'know this is the first time I've ever used a Render in my sigs? I gotta work on that


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    I was bored <.<


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    Effects... so much fun. <3 Glow affects.


    Posted Image

    Megaman Zero is like god. Except he can't be god because I got dibs <.<


    Harsh/Soft criticism encouraged ^^

  10. There's always converters for this kind of work.


    It's a very nice Image-ASCII converter, however forums generally can't handle the format used for it and get rid of the spaces oftentimes mucking up pictures you make with it.

    ASCII artists CAN take a very long time to make their art if it's entirely custom, however many simply use converters for their work and shorten the amount of time it takes by huge amounts.

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