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I'm not saying marriage isn't a right and I'm not saying they shouldn't be allowed to marry. in fact, i really don't care if they do or not. if you want to marry someone, to it.what i am saying though, is that some things that come with marriage, privileges and benefits, are being called rights and are being protested for as "Gay Rights."also, i feel that if the US government allows gay marriage, why shouldn't they allow polygamy? or marriage to minors?these two are also illegal in America, and if two men should be allowed to get married, why not three men? or a man and two women? or two fifteen-year-olds that say they're in love?on the matter of gay marriage, and any marriage in general, i think that if it's consensual, it should be allowed.
First off, i'd like to start by saying that i have no problem with homosexuals or homosexuality, and i believe they should be allowed to get married.The whole topic of "Gay Rights" bothers me. Not in the way one might think. I do believe that gays should be allowed the right to marry one another, but i do have a problem with certain things being called rights.One's rights are abilities or privileges that cannot be taken by an individual or group of people, including the government.Things that are rights:Free SpeechOwning firearmsvotingowning propertymarriageThings that are NOT rights:adopting a childtax benefitssocial security benefitsworkers' compensationceremonial marriagesthere's nothing wrong with gay marriage, but don't call something a right if it isn't.
the funny thing is, not too long after the big "Global Warming" uproar, the same scientists and researchers that created this pseudo-disaster to push their political and ideological views on the world came out and almost blatantly told us there is no such thing as global warming.but since they don't want to admit their mistakes, they merely changed it from "Global Warming" to "Global Climate Change"now we have no way to complain or disprove their theory. if it gets abnormally hot, the global climate has changed. if it gets abnormally cold, the global climate has changed. personally, i call this "Global Season Change"Mankind is completely incapable of creating the world, how can we possibly be able to destroy it?
I'm sick of people saying there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. You don't know that. You haven't inspected the ENTIRE country.There's 169,234 square miles of desert in Iraq. The Army has dug up thousands of conventional bombs and artillery shells in the desert, don't you think that someone, somewhere would have been able to bury some kind of weapon in the desert and have it NOT be found for years?The United States never even searched for these "WMDs" in the first place. That was the United Nations' job. They searched less than a dozen sites and WARNED THE IRAQIS IN ADVANCE about the searches. There are satellite photos showing some of the sites moving several large covered flat-bed trucks just days before the inspections. Where did these trucks go? They disappeared into the desert and were never seen again.Don't try to play it off like we need out because the troops don't want to be there. THEY VOLUNTEERED! If you sign up to join the military, EXPECT TO BE IN A WAR! that's your job. They chose this, they can't complain, they weren't drafted. Besides, most soldiers aren't pissed they're there or anything, the news just finds the one or two guys in the unit that misses his family enough to hate being there and will say so on the news.On another note, can someone please prove to me that this war is about oil? I just can't see this. If it was about oil, why aren't Americans running the oil fields instead of the Iraqis that are now?
This is what happens when you don't pay attention in school: (NOTE: I found this on a metal grate at my school. How ironic is that?) SECOND NOTE: in case you weren't noticing or didn't see because you hate school and therefore don't go or something, "SCHOOL" is spelled wrong. (SCKOOL)
The thing about permission or public walls is that one of two things happens. The first, and most common, not every city in the world has permission walls that you can just go paint on. In the US, only a handful of cities have permission walls for the writers/artists. Second, at these permission walls, no one respects your work. (i.e. if you go out and spend a few hours painting this really nice piece with a few of your friends and it looks like something straight out of an art book, within a few days, some kid will have painted over that with a can of white Krylon.) All you'll be left with is a good piece with the word "ACID" or "RAZER" or something lame like that on it. At least with rooftops and the like you'll know that some kid off the street won't be able to destroy your work the next day.
I'm not too sure about Tenchi, but Neon Genesis Evangelion was made in the early 1990's and Akira was made in the 1980's.I guess I just prefer the older Anime series over the newer ones. Probably because they're either better than the newer ones (less repetitive or monotonous) or so bad they're good or funny (see "Dog Soldier")
not too much against dragonball. it's just the fact that for hundreds of episodes, a quarter of them were someone going "HHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" powering up, another quarter was training, and the other half was tournaments.And besides, for all the hype, it wasn't as good as people claim. Like all Shonen fighting anime, it turns into the same thing every episode.
At my school, there is an "Anime Club"at this club, they watch anime, read manga, and some even (attempt to) cosplay.I have tried to attend, but I just couldn't stand it.When I think of anime, I think of things like Akira, Neon Genesis, Tenchi, Ranma 1/2, you know, good things.However, these people only watch Naruto. NARUTO!!! The most wretched thing to come from Japan.First of all, it's not even the decent Japanese version. It's the crappy English one.Secondly, what kind of ninja wears a freakin ORANGE JUMPSUIT!?! Seriously!Third, the show itself really sucks. it's the same old thing over and over again. It's worse than Dragonball Z.I also hate the "Manga Cows" at the book stores. You know, the small children or teenagers that just sit there in the middle of the aisles of the manga section of Borders or Barnes and Noble, ripping the shrink-wrap off of the different volumes of the books and read the ENTIRE SERIES OF NARUTO in the store, blocking my access to the better, well written and illustrated series out there.This little rant may not have made sense to some people, but it just really bothers me.
Before you vote in the poll, please read this.Is art a crime?First of all, I'd like to make a few distinctions.Number One:There is a difference between graffiti and gang graffiti.Number Two:I have no respect for graffiti writers that feel vandalism and destruction are fun. Or, those that find fun in destroying rather than the art.Number Three: (The Spiel)Now I know many people think "painting a wall without permission is illegal and it really should be"But I find no greater joy than walking down the street and seeing a poster, sticker, or painted wall to kill the monotony. As long as there is no gang affiliation in the painting, I don't think it's wrong. This is just my opinion, and I would like to know everyone else's.EDIT:I forgot to mention this earlier...Most writers, the good ones at least, have a sort of "code of ethics" if you will. (i.e. no painting on private property, houses, cars, places of worship, that kind of thing.)
exactly. and the same goes for those "Super Churches" in America too.every single pastor at those "Super Churches" (the ones with several thousands of members) make MILLIONS of dollars each year.some even own as many as NINE DIFFERENT MANSIONS. and dozens of cars, boats, jets, etc.and that's the reason I never liked going to church with my grandparents.one more:televangelists. I wont go too far into detail, but how can sending a check for fifty dollars in the mail make Jesus forgive you? How can some guy touching your forehead heal you of cancer? or allow you to walk again?
How can anyone trust the men and women in charge of organized religions anymore? (by "organized religion" i mean Catholicism, Islam, etc.)The Catholic church has been filled with corruption for hundreds of years, dating back to the dark ages. Now, the priests, the ones meant to protect and guide the people, are being excommunicated and arrested for molesting children. How can people still follow these people?In the Islamic world, there are men that manipulate the words of the Que ran for their own gain and claim that they are instructed to send people to their deaths in the name of Allah. Why do people believe them?There are many other religions, each with their own problems and secrets.In my opinion, being a teen aged uncategorized Christian, uncategorized meaning that I do not classify myself with Lutheran, Catholic, Baptist, or any other label, you don't need someone to read the Bible, Torah, Que ran, or whatever, to you, all you need is the ability to read it and your own interpretations of the meanings of the contents.I feel that you can find God, Allah, whatever, easier by taking a look around you and examining the world and your life than by going to a mosque, temple, or church and listening to some guy read a book to you.This is only my opinion, but hell, I can read a book on my own. I don't need anyone to read it for me. Besides, the bible says its better to pray alone in a dark room where no one can hear you, than in the middle of a crowded market with people around.
My opinion is "what does it matter?" Like sonesay, I'm tired of hearing about her on the news. Hell, I tired of hearing about ANY celebrity on the news. Thousands of deadbeats get into custody battles every day and no one gives a crap about them. Why are these people any different? Because everyone wants to prove, be it subconsciously or not, that famous people are just as screwed up as they are.If I were suing for custody of my children, I'd want the mother to help support them too. Child support wouldn't allow him to raise kids and live on his own without working unless he's neglecting the kids. It's just not enough.But my biggest question is 'Why is this even on the news?' there are more important things going on than "Oh no!! Britney shaved her hair!!" or "Oh no! Two celebrities just got divorced!!" in case the news stations haven't realized, America is in this thing called a WAR over in these places called Iraq and Afghanistan (yes, maybe you forgot, but there's still sh*t going on there too) and that's a little more important than Spears's hair or "K-Fed" wanting child support.
I think this was one of the best movies of the year. most of the budget went to the CG and animations (so did about 80% of the end credits) which goes to show what low-budget camera work can do for you.The biggest complaint I've heard is that you never really find out about the monster.When are people going to figure out that the movie's about the people, not the monster. The monster is, as it is said in classical literature, machinery. That is, it's merely there to move the story along. You could have the same basic concept with, let's say, a Russian invasion or terrorist attack.The movie's about the people and their reactions.The only downside to going to see this movie, was that my mom got sick and barfed in the popcorn. i was terribly hungery for nearly half of the movie.Oh well.