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Posts posted by ErinsDesigns

  1. I never have and never will intentionally tan. First off, I'm so pale to begin with, I burn within 15-20 minutes of continual sun exposure lol Second, there is a STRONG family history of malignant melanoma and other skin cancers...therefore, tanning is out for me!

  2. I don't have curly or really wavy hair (just some natural wave), but I use Herbal Essences Straighten Up (I think that's the name of it - it's in a pink bottle) shampoo, conditioner and mousse, plus I use my straightener on my hair, layer by layer, and use some hairspray on it as I'm straightening it. I've heard that the John Frieda straightening shampoo works well, but that's out of my budget, so I've never personally used it. The stuff you are talking about, the chemical relaxer, is for ethnic hair, I believe, so I'm not sure how well it would work with non-ethnic/textured hair.

  3. Hey y'all, just wanted to post a li'l intro here to let everyone get to know a little bit about me. My name is Erin, I am 21 years old, and I will be a senior at the University of Evansville in the fall, majoring in psychology. I love to dabble in PSP, watch tv and movies, listen and play music, travel, dream, hang out with my family and most of all my friends! I also got back about 7 weeks ago (I can't believe it's been that long!!) from a 4 month study abroad stint in Grantham, England (Lincs - near Nottingham), which I am missing a LOT!

  4. I went to a public high school and I'm attending a private college...and I don't really notice any difference in the people! Both places I had classmates poorer, classmates at about the same place as me, and classmates who wouldn't know what work was if it bit them on their rear! I don't think you can judge people just because they go to a private school or a public school. And, by the way, the State of Indiana and my school are paying my tuition because I'm below a certain income bracket, so not everyone that goes to a private school is rich!

  5. I understand the skepticism involved in people's views on psychology and psychiatry (which, by the way, are two different professions!), but as a person who has been involved in psychotherapy for several years, and who is studying to be a psychologist, I can tell you it is not a charlatan profession. It is a very necessary and very important profession and for some people a very crucial path to their continued existence. If you feel you are being labelled by your psychologist or psychiatrist, I'd suggest you looking into changing to a different practitioner, because that is one thing that your practitioner should NOT be doing (stigmatizing your disorder and labelling you as such)

  6. I've suffered from depression for a little over 2.5 years now...and since starting the medication (Zoloft - sertraline), I've improved tenfold - not only with my depression, but anxiety and confidence and just my general personality! If you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it! (I'm a psych major, what can I say!? lol)

  7. I've started on a program called First Place (it's a religion-based plan), and so far it's pretty good. All about eating a balanced diet and getting proper amounts of exercise.I also lost 30 pounds by moving to England for 4 months, living on the 5th floor of a castle, and eating English food lol

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