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Posts posted by Azriel_Stormbringer

  1. I thought it would be a great idea for everyone to share their Steam names so that maybe some of us can play together on games like Counter Strike 1.6 and Source or even Half Life 2 Deathmatch.Mine is: mxkaosIm also running a clan at the moment for CS, only just started but we are getting there :)

  2. IE6 and earlier don't like png format.
    Microsoft doesn't work with them properly until IE7, but there is a javascript solution you can find on the Web. (Google it)

    I think MS tried to force their users to use jpg and Gif formats, but the web simply refused to bow under, so the png format is becoming more popular.

    Yeah, tis a Quicktime plug-in that you need. Back then i just used FireFox instead...oh...i do anyway lol!

    Love the site by the way, tis a very nice layout ya got there :) Keep up the good work

  3. Ok, all morning (about 2 hours actually lol) ive been trying to set up a Coppermine Image Gallery on my site.I tried to install but found out i needed some other thing installed first...not that it made any difference when i installed it.I was hoping there was some kind of image gallery that someone could point me to that i can install.As long as it isnt Gallery2 (search google if you dont know what it is) and can use different themes.Thanks

  4. Scariest thing is, we only found those first black holes by chance. The whole light bending around it thing...And, if a black hole came to our solar syste.....no matter how big, we'd be completely ripped apart by it. And as it comes towards earth it will be dragging the sun and any other planets it hasnt already consumed with it, so we'll be roasted alive first anyway.Ooo isnt solar destruction fun!Oh and that thing about galaxies passing through each other....only if the centres arent too close, otherwise the blackholes are gonna merge and create a larger galaxy, or one will consume the other.

  5. what kinda site is this you battyboy? copying and all. well done for umm... the exit option, came in very handy
    EDIT: HAve you read at the bottom of the home page of the site you've so nicely copied


    Wanna try reading next time? I said WASNT produced entirely by me. Siriusgrafix.com is my sister site.
    I kinda made that quite clear on my own site too.
    The template was donated to me by the Admin of Sirius Grafix. Dont believe me? Go ask him.

    This template was kinda used by me so i can figure out myself how i want the page to be looking.
    I will be building my own template but i wanted this up first.

    Thanks for the name calling....very nice.

    Im working on my slicing, has been about a year since i last had a go. Ima reslice it all later on.

  6. I use banners that are about 350x90 if i can. But ive also used ones bout 500x275.Best way is to use different sizes, if your using Dreamweaver for web design, just make a high pixel banner and then make it smaller in Dreamweaver, that way you'll keep the quality of the banner without pixelating it.

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