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Posts posted by Lindii

  1. This doesn't really sound like something that you should get so annoyed about. Just calm down and think of reasons why she might do things like this.
    Maybe she likes you? If you like her, try asking her out maybe?

    .... I'm not a *******. You know, first of all. I doubt she is either. She loves to cheat, if I don't answer her with the answers she asks my best friend. She copies my work and she admitted that my ideas are cool. If someone like her copies, cheat, uses your property for more room, I'm guessing you would be able to get angry too. I told her to look in the book once but she said she was too lazy and she doesn't know the page. Thats why you look and search for it. Plus she once said during this month, "I'm serious I really need help on it." She doesn't really asks for help, she asks for answers.

  2. I know.. I don't even think she likes me though. Ugh! I heard her behind my back that she was talking about how ugly I am and that I was a bi. with her friends even though I wasn't. I asked her once that I didn't really like it that she puts her shoe on my chair. No matter what I did she finds a way to do it. Like she pretends she needs to tie her shoe. I also feel sometimes like she copies down my answers. She puts her test really close to my desk and she looks in my direction for a few minutes. (I can see her eyes in the corner of my eyes.)

  3. (I don't know if this IS the right topic. Sorry if it isn't xP)Well.. Every single day when I come to school and sit next to this girl she always puts her stuff on my desk and her foot on my chair and her hand on my desk!.. I really like her but I'm really annoyed of that. My temper is trying to burst out of me. I don't want to tell her to keep stopping that but she might think I hate her. When she puts her arm on my desk she pushes a few things off my table. Well kinda and she plenty of room for her stuff! I want to talk to my teacher about it but I don't know if I should. I know I don't really own the desk but she has her own desk too. She has plenty of room to put her arms and feet on her own desk. When I put my feet up on the desk of the metal things (don't know what they are called) she copies me and kind of kicks my feet off. I try to move my desk a bit farther away from her but then she notices and puts her desk back right next to me. Please tell me what should I do. You might be telling me to just ignore her but I can't stand it. Any help? =[(Also.. I think this might be in the other board counciling advice.)

  4. I'd just finished reading the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. A great story with vampires, romance, and horror. Although it isn't really scary. I heard that it was next to Harry Potter. Twilight is one of the top 3 of my favorites. My Secound favorite book is Dawn Rochelle Books. The 4th book before the last. I think it's popular. It's about a girl who has cancer. Really interesting.

  5. Hey there! My name is Lina or Ling Ling. Its very nice to meet you. I hope to see you around here. If you need help you can ask the host members since they know a bit more. Plus I am a bit clueless in some places. Anyways, good luck on making your site once you are able to buy the packages =D

  6. Yes I do, but I barely get to play it. For me it takes around 15 minutes for it to load. TypoMage, no it is an online game. I am pretty rich at Vmk. The only time it gets addicting for me is when I start to play it.... I think I will play it in summer sincethey might have water slides again. If I recall, correctly, my character name is Faireus or so. Pretty fun. Especially during summer.

  7. I have to agree you but it only happens sometimes. I just go on the computer and play games, chat, and... watch. Well. I have so much to do on the computer that I will never really get so bored.I can't do anything else then on the computer >< I love reading and but I can't go to the library cause it wastes my parents car. I can watch tv though, and I can read books at home but I read it already, Its my parents books and I am too young, its really boring, its in another language. I would love to do some of my favorite things play tennis and swim. For one I can't swim or play tennis, again wastes gas, I might get a sun tan. I might be able to swim during the summer. Try it. :3 I watch tv and anime. Barely anime. Since my parents aren't home so much I eat without them and I eat near my computer ><;; I am not allowed to go and play with my friends because my parents don't agree, too busy, don't know their parents, and its "dangerous" their parents won't agree, and they don't know us. If it is to the library or somewhere near it yeah. Our city is pretty dangerous though. Alot of kidnappers and a gang is around here. I hear things like gunshots around here.I have bad vision but I inherited from my dad. I almost inherited everything from dad >> Even if I don't get outside much I am pretty athletic. I also have good grades even if I don't study or such. I might have gotten it from watching my sister too much. It does feel like it can entertain me for years. I have all these stuff. Although it is only once in a while it gets boring. Yes, I am a computer-freak. I am an indoor person. Except when i get to be an adult I might be entertained in cooking more. or Scientist. So I agree on both yes and no.

  8. Happy Birthday Xisto! What a wonderful time :3 Its the best time in the year for Xisto! I love this place! Great hosting too! Happy Birthday to you!Happy birthday to you!Happy birthday dear, Xisto.Ah! Forget it I'm hungry!-Blows out the candles and Grabs a slice of delicous cake- Anyone else want some? I bet this place will stay active for a long time. I might stay here till I will no longer live (just kidding!) Well thanks for even creating this site. Its wonderful!

  9. In middle school (5th grade, since our district has only 2 schools so I was in middle school earlier,) during lunch I saw a fight. I don't know since I haven't seen everything. Is was near the hand ball court. I was going to lunch and was in line. I don't know who broke it up. By the time I came back no one was there. It happens a few time.This one happened before that. During lunch recess, our classroom had a grudge on another one. In lunch time out in the fields there was a whole 5th grade fight!!! It was when all our 5th grade teachers were gone since they were need to learn how to control classes, stuff like that, and teaching us. So subs were here. Most girls weren't in there. I was near it but barely noticed it. Everyone was throwing rocks, and stuff like that. I was told that. So when we lined up. I still haven't heard but maybe a bit because in line people were talking about it, I was confused about what they were saying. I got hit with a rock in line ><;; It was maybe teachers who broke it up. But I am guessing no one did. Some people even throw rocks at innocent people! Like me =P I heard this the next day. Every teacher got angry. We were not allowed for the rest of the week to have recess (if I remember) and lunch recess! It was pretty unfair that the people who wasn't in there had to serve it too. I just can't believe that most of my classmates sat down when our teacher told us not to. I standed up and borrowed a book from my friend since we were the only class to have nothing to do. I didn't really care though about having to stand up. The people plus me who were in the sun were lucky to move in the shade and sit inside the hallway and not out. I dislike 5th grade but not the teachers. Its just that we always get in trouble. Like now we are suppose to line up for morning recess while the other grades don't! =[

  10. Most of your questions can be answered here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/46612-free-domain-name-free-domain-for-life/ about getting a domain and hosting, but you can you get both hosting and a domain at the same time when applying, just follow the instructions on how to get your domain and hosting and you will set.Yes you can have it separately then you can get your domain at a later time, however, since your saving up for hosting and domain you would have to get both at the same time because any credits you have left over when you hosting is approve is lost. Then you have to rebuild those lost credits again.
    You hosting lasts as long as you have credits, 1 hosting credit equals 1 day, usually people build for 20-30 and then just come back when they need more. Of course you can build up as many as you want some people have hundreds or even thousands of credits. But usually those kinds of numbers are based on the amount of posting you do during your stay here on trap.

    Now that I answered your questions enjoy your time and if you have any problems or even more questions don't be afraid to post or use the shoutbox to ask. Just make sure no one else has posted the same question by using the search box for the forum.

    Ahh. Thanks. Nice to meet you both. I understand now. I just don't read the whole thing when it comes to news... I see. So when I don't post for a day a credit gets lost. I haven't looked around alot so I can't really find out if the question has really been asked already. And the search box... Now that you have told me about it I will use it. I am pretty blind, Even if something is right in my face I don't really notice it. And okay, I will just post what you say if they really do ask the same questions. Well again thanks alot!! =D I might not ask anymore questions and I think I completely understand all this stuff. xD I hope.

  11. Nice to meet you too. I think I might see you around. Yes it is. But my goal is the reach 280 credits. But I only 19 credits. Its pretty hard. I only post a bit long, and around 5 post a day. I am online every single day. It surely for me will take a whole month to get to my goal. (Still No one answers my question. Umm.. I think I will move it to a help fourm. I think it is such easier to get it answered)

  12. My favorite pets.. 1. Pandas! They are cute and cuddly. And my name Ling Ling is one of them too! And I am chinese too. 2. Rabbits and bunnies. They are cute! Lonf ears sticking up so soft. I love them! 3. Horses/Ponies. What can you say. I wish I could ride them. I only rode them a few times. My recent one was in December in China. It was for taking pictures and also you are able to ride them! I rode them in the park. 4. Tigers I love the stripes! And they are Princeton's Mascot or so. Princeton is my future-college. I hope I am able to make it. 5. Let see.. Puppies? Puppies seem to be more active then dogs. They love to run around and stuff. I was about to get one long time ago. Except since my little sister is too young she might do something bad. Like in China she pulled a dog's tail and did others =( I feel sorry for it. 6. Cubs! I love the fure. I got a red lion for a valentime gift. So so cute!! I feel bad for my red lion (plushie) My sister accidently ripped the lion's hair. There was one more but I can't really remember. I think it was a kitten. They maybe cute but they can scratch! One long time ago the setting was at night. I heard a cat cry! Sounds like a human. It made me scared. It was being attacked by a dog.

  13. This happened a bit recently. Its not really much though. I was cooking rice and I accidently put alot of rice in with a not much water past the rice. I wasn't really paying attention. So I put in the rice cooker. After it was done and beeping I got up from my spot and opened it and found dry rice and then I saw how much rice I put in. Our family of 5 couldn't even finish it. To fix it I just put more water in and recooked it. I was pretty much been yelled only by my older sister. xP

  14. Hmmmm.. My favorite? I guess would say Ribs with Rice or was it steak? Macaroni and Cheese and Spaghetti. I think those are my 3 top favorite food. The others are Mc Donalds.... -day dreams about them- I eat McDonalds almost every Saterday expect I don't get fat!Of course if there is a favorite. There is a least. Well I don't eat many mexican food. Since I don't like beans and most of what I seen has them. I like their chips though! XD Well thats all.

  15. Hi there! Rosaline. Nice to meet you. I did my first post in this fourm. I'm quite new. 3 Days old I guess. I like acting and drama. I seen alot in my class.There is a bit too much people to even kinda sometimes remember them. By the way, My name is Lina or Ling Ling. Of course by the second name you can find out I'm chinese. xD Well. Yes. Xisto Is really cool. Mostly the free Well Wish and hope to see you around these fourms again.

  16. Hey there. Nice to meet you, too. xD I have read them. Maybe I should ask my questions not in the same board. >< I asked nearly 5 questions. Guess I will ask my unanswered question in the Help section. IF I could even find it xP I do enjoy my stay. This place is wonderful! Unlike any other ones I seen.

  17. There are two Hosting packages, the first is smaller and requires 10 credits to start and the other reqiures 30m credits, but includes much m ore storage and bandwidth.


    The 250 credits is for a Free Domain name for a year. The packages allow a sub-domain of Xisto.com. Example: jlhaslip.trap17.com is mine. Sub-domains work like a full domain in terms of access for the viewers, it just takes a little more typing on their part.

    Do I have to buy the packages first then the free domain package? (Since your kinda putting it like that) Or can I just have it seprately?? x[ Or. Can it just a be an upgrade to the free domain name for a year package? >< Also would the First (or Secound) package hosting last forever?

    (I just have a question after another. One answer leads to another question, sorry about that, it is like its becoming a help post instead of an introduce post.)

  18. I play it. Except I really haven't played it in a while. So much stuff to do. Its around level 10. I can't really get it to be a magican >< So I just didn't play it. It is like a month before I had play it. Its really hard for me to earn coins. Do you play FlyFF? I do. I haven't also played it in a while. Its stuck at level 2x.Well.. I just gotta say level 70 is far far away xD

  19. Thanks. Nice to meet all of you too. =DWow.. Hosted members. Can I ask you a question? How long did it take for all of you to earn the right amount of points. Since it seems way ahead of me. I just have like 1 point right now. Although it seems like it only took a month.. I can't wait till I get a hosted website =D

  20. Err.. Hello My name is Lina or Ling Ling. If you want I could tell you the rest of my nicknames (which there is 5 more). I just signed up here like 10 minutes ago. This place seems so good. The only problem is that it kinda... Loads slow and I have to reload to make it work. T-T Anyways. Just saying Hi. I maybe might need alot of help. Took me quite a time to find this place.

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