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Everything posted by Aerzil

  1. Hello,I make some music and would like to share it with friends so we can make really weard music together I tried myspace, but the songs are to big, and you can only put three at a time.Can anyone tell me how to put a musicplayer on my site?I have an emac osX, I'm using NVU to make up my site and I'm very very fresh about everything concerning creating websites.Help me and my friends who are very far away to make crazy music please!
  2. Hello, I've found some good french surveys -sites. http://www.conso-acteur.com/ http://www.ciao.fr/ It takes some time to reply to the questions about your profile (conso-acteur payes you for that), but sounds good so far. Has anyone got other sites for europe? Only surveys-sites please.
  3. I'm tempted, but somewhat reluctant to give out my paypal-information.Seen that they give 2-3 dollar a mail.Not bad at all at first view, gonna check it out some more.Thanks for the hint and I'll sure put your name as a referrer.
  4. You have these kind of little windmills that put vibrations into the ground to chase them. They don't like it at all.A cheap solution: jump!Otherwise it's very good to keep one or two of them, they are good for the ground.
  5. Hello, I know the problem Pain Perdu: eggs, milk, sliced bread, butter or oil In a large bowl: 2 or 3 eggs, a cup of milk, bit of salt and pepper, stirr it with a fork Heat op a frying pas, put some butter in it. Put the slices of bread in the mixture. (One by one) And fry them both sides. There you have some lost bread. Spanish omelet: Vegetables, eggs, milk, butter Chop some vegetables like courgette, oignon. Make a mixture like above with the eggs and milk. Heat up a frying pan with butter or oil. Put the vegetables to fry, when fried, add the mixture. Ones a little bit 'solid', you can turn over everything with a lid. Put the lid on the frying pan, turn it so the ingredients fall on the lid and put it back in the pan to cook the other side. Quiche: 1 dough all ready 2 leeks, 1 oignon Again with the same mixture of eggs and milk. Heat up your oven at 7 for half an hour. Chop the leeks and oignon, put them in the mixture. Put the dough in a recipient for oven, add the mixture with the vegetables. Put in the oven for half an hour, the dough has to be brown. Pa?lla: Rice, vegetables like oignon, mushrooms, courgettes... Cook the rice. Heat up a frying pan and put inside the vegetables with some salt, pepper and other herbs, as you like. Fry a bit and add the rice. You can buy chopped vegetables in sacks (refrigerated), it's not as good as fresh, but still has a lot of vitamines and it's better than buying all-ready-food. What I also do, is to make a lot of soup, so you have something warm to eat with a sandwich for example for a couple of days. Enjoy!
  6. Hello,I learned some Chi Quong exercises in a Martial Art group, but I would like to learn some more. Anyone has some good sites for me, or titels of books?
  7. I think it's the original way of Taiji Quan. The foundator is of a family called Chen.The Chen way consists of the 74 mouvements with the body. (Not sward or other)The goal is to meditate while you move. Like yoga, but in movement. Every movement is a fighting-movement, but it is used to meditate, to put all your energy and concentration in it. I'm still at my fifth movement, it's a lot of work to be able to remember all 74.Most of them are bast on animal behaviour and have names like 'jumps like monkey', 'claws of a tiger' or 'trying to catch a bird's tale'. It's beautiful to look at and you feel good when you practice it.
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