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Posts posted by omarsdali

  1. Conformist or Rebel Conformity is what keeps everything organized. It?s what stops chaos from happening(or from reigning our lives). On the other hand, rebellion moves the society (other word?) forward. Without it there would be no progress. This is the topic that Amy Tan shed?s the light on in her short story “Two Kinds.” By examining the images listed in “Two Kinds,” we will discover when to choose the path of conformity and when it?s better to choose the path of rebellion.In the short story, there are images of disaster. For example, when she was playing the piano, the author described it by saying her hands were “bewitched.” She does not have any control over her hands. Therefore, she cannot correct the mistakes she makes. Thus, she cannot stop herself from failing. Moreover “bewitched” generally means something bad is going to happen. There are more images of disaster in the text. For instance, when the author walks back to her seat, she mentions that she is aware of eyes “burning” into her back. The word “burning” indicates that the way people were looking at her was as if she had committed a crime. They were looking at her the same way they look at a criminal walking into the court. Furthermore, after the show was over, all the people were coming up at her “like gawkers at the scene of an accident.” This shows us that the author?s failure that day was a disaster. Her disaster was so terrible, it?s almost like when a person dies in an accident. That?s the way the people at the show were treating her. There are many images of false hope that are present in the story as well. For example, Amy?s mother talked about “America?s” being the land of hopes. The land where wishes come true; where dreams take place. However, in reality this isn?t the case. We can still find problems that exist elsewhere in “America.” Another example of false hope is when the mother was urging the daughter to be just like “Shirley Temple.” The mother saw “Shirley Temple” as an angel and wanted her daughter to be the same. The problem is that “Shirley Temple?s” story is like a fairy tale that can only exist in the movies. It can never become a reality. We can find images of prodigy in “Two Kinds.” For example, when the daughter first started taking piano lessons, she “picked up the basics pretty quickly.” The fact that she learned “pretty quickly” indicates that she had talent in her. She did not put too much effort into learning, yet she seamlessly “picked up the basics.” This clearly shows that she can become a prodigy and make her mother?s dreams come true. Additionally, when she played the song more than twenty years later, she was “surprised at how easily” the notes came back to her. Her talent wasn?t affected by twenty years of not playing. She was “surprised” herself at how well she was playing. Usually, even the professionals need some practice time if they haven?t played for a while. But she didn?t. Not only did she remember how to play the song but she also played it better than the previous times. Moreover, when she started playing the piano again, she played the song “Pleading Child” and after that she played “Perfectly Contented.” The titles of these two songs represent the two states she went through. “Pleading child” was when she was nine. She didn?t want to learn how to play the piano back then and always argued with her mother. “Perfectly Contented” is the state she is in right now, because she is in agreement with her mother and she is happy with what she has. The titles of the two songs both start with the same initials “P. C.” This reveals that they are closely related to each other. The author moves on from the state of the first song to the state of the next. In the same way, these two songs come one after another. The author confirms this when she says “I realized they were two halves of the same song.” Throughout the story, we have images of laziness. For instance, during her piano lessons, the author learned that she could be “lazy” and get away with “lots of mistakes.” This reveals that the author was not self motivated and did not want to put any effort into becoming a prodigy. Instead, she expected herself to instantly change in between day and night. This reflects the mother?s wrong belief that in “America” you could become “instantly famous.” This sentence influenced the author in a bad way, leading her just to fool around waiting for her prodigy rather than putting an effort into changing herself. Another example of laziness occurs when the author was practicing for the show. She “dawdled” over the piece she was to play. A “simple” piece that “sounded more difficult than it was.” The word “dawdled” indicates again, the laziness of the author. “Simple” is used here to emphasize on the author?s total lack of effort. She seamlessly “picked up the basics” yet, she wasn?t able to memorize a “simple song.” In addition to images of laziness, there are images of illusion. A good example occurs at the show. As soon as the author goes up to play her part, she “envisioned” Ed Sullivan jumping forward and introducing her to the crowds. As if she was someone famous. This image tells us that the author is (illusioned?). She thinks she is someone famous like “Shirley Temple.” Furthermore, the author liked to “practice best was the fancy curtsy.” Again, the author?s focus on the “fancy curtsy” shows us that she believe she is someone else. Through her use of images, the writes teaches us a valuable lesson. She shows us that the only way for the conformist and rebel to be successful and productive is when they are both in harmony and piece. That?s how she ended her story. The mother and the daughter were in agreement with each other. This is the only way for society to progress and move forward.

  2. I'm sure it's been waaaaaaay over an hour and my account is still suspended. I posted last night to above four credits, but when I checked this morning, it was still suspended, and I had ~3.16 credits. So, I poted some more, I'm now at 7+ credits, and it's still suspended, and it's been like 5 hours since my last post and over 24 houres since I went into positive credits. So, I'm not sure what's going on here.UPDATE: I found out what was wrong, it's working now. It turns out I am suppose to delete the .htaccess file from the website's directory so that it can be visited again. I think this is unpractical, in my opinion, because if the script can suspend an account, it should be able to activate it again.

  3. yeah I heard about this on the radio toobut there is something weird going on, on the radio they said he had just finished acting in the batman movie and his role was the joker. and he was very stressed from doing that role. Anyways, someone asked the first actor who played the joker role in the first movie and this peron said he had told him " I warned him"

  4. My account went below 0 credit and so, my account got suspended, however, I posted on the forum and my account is now above 5 credits. yet my website still shows the page saying I'm suspended. Is my account suppose to get re-activeted by itself, or am I suppose to do something else to re-activate it. ??

    The website link is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Thank you

  5. The first time I saw this, I thought it was real and I tried it hoping that it will work, but unfortunately it didn't. I know this is a hoax, there is no doubt about it, first because it didn't work, but also because, if you look at Mark Erickson?s other videos on youtube, you will see that they are all just funny and for entertainment only. The thing about them is that they seem soooooo real that people tend to beleive them at first, and some people still keep beleiving them, but they are not true and are only meant to be funny.

  6. QUOTE(sweet_princess @ Apr 25 2007, 01:34 PM) *God promised us that one word of the Qur'an will never change until the last day of the world (and even after that), and that promise has surly been fulfilled.

    Which one word is that? wink.gif

    I think she what she meant to say was that God promised us that NOT one word of the Qur'an will ever change until the last day of the world

    I am agnostic, and as such I cannot say that any religion is true.

    You can't say any religion is false either.

    and was founded by the prophet Muhammad

    I wouldn't use the word 'founded' because the prophet didn't make the religion himself, he was just a messenger delivering a message.

  7. I use Opera right now, it has many neat features, and it's the fastest browser for windows. Firefox is the fastest on Linux. Opera is also the only browser right now that does actually pass the acid2 test. The acid2 test is a test webpage that was written to test and make sure if the browser can renders the html pages properly and also makes sure that the browser follows the web standards.

  8. It really is a debatable topic. One that I've wondered myself, but I dont believe in God. I believe were controll our own destiny, lifes and our fate. Its not all decided but a figure we can not see, or have no 'Hard Fact' they exist. Yes their is Bibles, etc, but a book, espeically one so hard to read, cant prove anything.Well thats my opinion.. a little off topic, but not by much biggrin.gif

    If a god exists, it doesn't automatically mean that we don't control our destiny, and our lives and our fate. We can still have free will and have a god exists at the same time. There is no conflict there.

    Its not all decided but a figure we can not see,

    Although we can't see it, we can see it's creations, it's traces...

    Yes their is Bibles, etc, but a book, espeically one so hard to read, cant prove anything.

    We never tried to prove anything using the bible, we are trying to use science to prove that god exists, no one said anything about the bible.

  9. It was a display model so i didn't get any cds.

    Acctually, all new laptops don't come with any cds or dvds or anything. They require you to burn the recovery dvd once you turn it on for the first time. I know that because when I bought my laptop, I didn't get any discs.

  10. Hey OMARSDALIfor somebody who dislikes Islam, you certainly put a lot of effort in it, even I have never read so much about my own religion...
    who knows, with that much information in your head, even you can become an anti-islam terrorist!

    Hey lady

    Where did I give the impression that I dislike Islam?? I didn't mean to give that impression and I don't dislike Islam. I actually like Islam because I'm a Muslim. I don't see anything that I did or said that shows that I dislike Islam. If I did do, please show me where.

    4) Wherever Muslims are in majority, other religions are suppressed.
    5) No matter how many theories and arguments have come up saying that women are treated equally in the Muslim society, the reality is that the status of women in ninety-nine percent of Muslim communities around the world, is nothing but deplorable.

    True, but you can't judge Islam by studying the Muslims. If you want to study Islam, go study Islam not the Muslims. I'm not saying all the Muslims are bad or anything but if some of them do something wrong; it doesnt mean that that's what Islam says to do.

    I will be posting an article here that replies to those who claim that woman and men are not equal in Islam. And it also deals with some other myths about Islam. That is if I can find the link again.

  11. How do I capture Audio/Video in Windows movie maker under Vista ?? I use to have a capture button in the movie maker that comes with XP but I can't find it anymore with the movie maker that came with vista ? Does anyone know a good program that I can use to capture video ?

  12. You should use one that has the first three numbers the same as the first router and the last one diffrent.Also make sure that it's not in the range of the dynamically assigned IPs by the DHCP server on the first router, otherwise, you might have an ip conflict.If your first router's IP is: you DHCP range is: - you can use or 192.168.1.X where X is not 1 and is not between 50 and 100.

  13. I did this once. All you have to do is set up the second router with the same SSID and password as the first but use a different wireless channel on the second router than from the first one. And of course like Saint_Michael said you should disable DHCP on the second router and give it a static ip. This way you only have to connect to your wireless network once and when you go from one room to another your computer will switch from one wireless access point to another without loosing internet connectivity.

  14. Just resize your partition so you can have like 20GB of free space for linux, then when you install Ubuntu tell the installer to only use free space on the hard drive to make the linux partition and thats it.To resize your partition in Vista, right click on my computer and select Manage, then in the left panel click Disk Management under Storage, you will see all the partitions on your drive, you might have a recovery partition, anyway right click on the C: partition and select Shrink.

  15. Have heard this argument way too many times, finally decided to read and try and understand the Qu'ran myself. Which when I did, was quite happy too so I won't be fooled again. If rape, terrorism, sexism, racism and much more is considered peace, then Islam definitely is a religion of peace. Muslim "terrorists" are just people who've actually understood the Qu'ran and the Hadith well.

    You obviously didn't try hard enough, if you look at the five pillars of Islam, there is no rape, terrorism, sexism, racism, I don't know where you got them from, but when Islam first came it brought equality between the master and the slave, and gave women their rights including the right to inherit, when before she was being inherited herself.

    But defending your belief by lying is just not right, even if it's permitted in Islam. And I very well know lying to "safeguard" your religion is very well permitted in Islam.

    He has no need to defend his religion because it's not in danger, so there is no need for lying..

    No one has ever understood the message. Muhammad contradicted what he preached or made other writes in the Qu'ran. All Muslim scholars give in their own interpretations of the various circular-logic based hypocritical verses. I don't blame you that you believe in Islam and Peace at the same time.

    Give examples please. And don't forget that you should take into account the time period when the aya was revealed when trying to understand it's meaning. for example, in Islam drinking alcohol is forbiden, but there is one verse in the quran that says dont pray when you are drunk, you may think it's contradictory but when Islam first came drinking wasn't forbiden and Islam didn't that in steps, first by forbiding being drunk when praying, and then by completely prohibiting it.

    [1] I never needed the Media to make me realize how disgusting Islam was.

    It's still a fact. And the other day there was a muslim actor from hollywood talking on the radio and he said he always gets the same role in the movies, a muslim terrorist, and he always get the same line, "in the name of Allah I will kill you".

    [3]Why do you need Media? Learn from villages in Pakistan and many Islamic countries and breed 11 children per wife. That works faster than Media.

    because he wants to educate people about what Islam really is.

    [6]Some contradictory goals there.

    Where is the contradiction ?

    [7]No one needs you to tell us when we've got the Qu'ran for ourselves.

    Not many americans have a copy of the quran, and even the ones who do probably don't read it. I know my uncle still didn't read the copy he has.

    I don't want hate-posts in reply. And I don't want anyone to preach me. If you want me to explain why I think Islam is what I think it is, all you need to do is ask.

    Why ?

  16. PHP is a server side scripting language, it's like javascript but the only diffrence between them is that javascript is a client side language. Server side means the code is executed on the server the the output is sent to the browser, so no one sees your source code. Client side means that the code is executed by the browser, so the code can be seen by everyoone.If you want to learn php just go to w3schools.org and read the lessons they have over there, if you already know another programming language like me, it will be very easy and you will be writing php code in no time.You can't test your php code just by opening it in the browser, you have to either uploaded it to a hosting account or install a webserver on your pc ( IIS or Apache) if you understood what server side means you'll know why.

  17. I always wanted to switch to linux but I wanted to try vista because it might be a good os. So I buy my first laptop, and because I like my computer to run very fast and be very responsive, I ordered the highest hardware ( T7200 2.0 GHZ and 2GB RAM ), Vista looked nice for the first couple months, but after that it got very slow after I installed a lot of applications, and I couldn't keep it on for more than 5 days before I had to reboot it because it got really slow, not to mention ie and msn messenger kept crashing. So I got sick of it and decided to finally install Linux along side windows and dual boot them. I wanted to go with Fedora because had tried Red Hat before but Fedora 8 didn't install on my laptop, the installer kept freezing tight before anaconda loaded. My next choice was Ubuntu, so I installed that and it was awsome, it added vista on startup so I can choose between both, I didn't even have to use BCDedit, and it runs VERY fast, I finally feel that the price I paid for my laptop was worth it. With Vista I was very disappointed but with Ubuntu I am very happy. Now I just have to find out how to run Dreamweaver on Ubuntu.

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