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Posts posted by webointer

  1. Steps of making website:*Make blank html document*Recommended - write code, not use graphic editor*Define page title, charset, put your meta tags (Optional)*Background (some color or image)*Define where is a top, navigation, main place, bottom for signature*When design of template is over, re count your website (ex. index.html, about.html, contact.html - now copy template 3 times, and rename it)*Define hyperlink on all pages to connect it between.*When making site is over-Test on your computer*If is test on your computer all right, find some hosting to put page on internet

  2. My favorite sport is soccer, I have played for 10 years in club called NK "Lomnica" (Croatia).But also I love tennis, handball, basketball, K1, skiing, ice hockey, ...I will adduce some popular Croatian sportsmen.*Tennis - Ivan Ljubičić (TOP 10 in WTA - NOW)*Handball - Ivano Balić (Best world's handball player - NOW, he was member of Croatian national team in Olympic games in Atena 2004, when they won a gold medal)*Basketball - Dra?en Petrović (you maybe don't know much about him because he die in car accident in 1993, but he was a on of best players on NBA)*K1 - Mirko Filipović (He is one of best K1 ad Ulimate fight fighter)*Skiing - Janica Kostelić (She got 2 big cristal globes, 6 medal on Olympic games (Salt Lake City 2002 - 3 golds, 1 silver and in Torino 2006 - 1 gold and 1 silver)*Davor ?uke? (He got golden ball from World Cup France 98, because he scored 6 goals at this competition and that year Croatian national team was on third place in the world)*Duje Draganja (2nd place at Olympic Games in Atena 2004, swiming 50 meters free style)

  3. My best mail is GMail, spam is automatically put away, you can make list of your favorite mails, search engine is installed in mailbox, if you lose connection with internet while you was writing mail, GMail will save this message in folder "Drafts". The main characteristic is: space of mailbox is more than 2.5GB. GMail is also multi language, service is translated almost in every language. And to see more features of GMail, go to GMail main page and sign up.

  4. How to manually remove viruses!
    Have you ever been in the possition that you know you have an virus but you dont have any antivirus?? Its almost impossible to remove it manual without knowing about a few tips & tricks.
    After reading this turtorial im sure you will know how to manual remove most of the virus lurking around. But that dosnt mean you shouldnt have any anti virus on you computer!
    Anyway, lets get starting with the turtorial.. I suppose you already know what safe mode is. If you dont try pressing the F8 key some times when you start your computer. You havto do this when your computer is about to start the first windows components. In win2k or xp i think you can press space and then F8 when it ask you if you want to go back to previous working setting.
    Enough talk about how to start you computer in safe mode, but if you want to manual remove viruses you almost everytime haveto do this in safe mode becouse in safemode most viruses dosnt start. Only some few windows component is allowed to run in safemode. So here is what to do.
    Step: 1: Start your computer in safemode.
    2: If you know where the virus are hiding delete the executable file.
    3: Open the registry and go to the keys below and add an : in front of the value of the string that you think its the virus. Like this, if string is "virus" and its value is "c:\virus.exe" change its value to ":c:\virus.exe". The : is like comenting out the value. But if you are sure its the virus you can just delete the string.
    Here are the keys you maybe want to look at:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runonce

    4: The virus can start itself from some other places to. win.ini is the most common files that viruses can use. Soo you should find the files named win.ini and system.ini and look through them and see if you find anything.
    5: Look through the startup folder that is normaly located in your profile directory \Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
    6: Try searching for the virus executable to see if its hiding some other place.
    7: Finally look through the list of services that windows is running. This list is often located under control panel - administrative tools - services. After this 7 steps just reboot your computer in normal mode and try to figure out if the virus is still there.. If not SUCCESS if yes, try to go back to safe mode and hunt some more. Off course this 7 steps will not work on every virus out there, but many of them.

    WARNING: Be careful when in the registery because you can cause serious damage to your system in there.

    ADVICE for delete virus manually, install NOD32 (in my opinion best antivirus program), put your computer in Safe Mode and last step is to start up NOD32, begin with "On-Demand Scan".

  5. I don't have problem with weight I play soccer every day, but my friend was have and he did following.If you have to lose weight, you need to do next:*If you drink alcohol drinks, STOP NOW*If you eat much adipose food, STOP NOW*If you have stressed life, PUT ON BRAKEWhat to eat:*vegatables and fruits*only black, NO white bread*NO Fast Food, start eating boiled mealPractise:*Walk 3 kilometers every day*Go to GYM twice a week for 1 hourAfter 2 Months of that treatment you can lose 25-50 kilograms depend of your initially weight.Good Luck

  6. What is your view about TCP/IP? Can you give other factors related to TCP/IP? What are the uses and contributions? Kindly give examples. How about subnetting? Thanks.

    TCP/IP (Transmission control protocol / Internet protocol) is primary internet protocol, for connect minimal two computers (for example in local network in your house).

  7. I live in Croatia in Donja Lomnica this is the smaller village near main town Zagreb.Every day I commute for about 1 hour in one and another 1 hour in another way.My school is much supporter from side of Croatian government than another schools. In school you can go only if you in Primary school had 5 (A) in Mathematics, Science, Biology, Croatian and English. My colleagues is the best in world on informatics competition ACSL.We got big GYM, outdoor playgrounds and athletic runway.I'm soo happy because I go to that school. In my school is going a girls too and most of them is very pretty.

  8. I use NOD32 for 5 years, and nothing has made damage on my computer, and NOD has AMON for "File sistem monitoring", DMON for "Microsoft Office document monitoring", EMON "Microsoft Outlook email monitoring", IMON "Internet monitoring".You can also made On-Demand Scannering for The most preciously deleting injured files. Update for virus deffinition is Every day

  9. I wonder if any one create smallest website on earth? any webmaster can share this things .. .if they can make how could it be? :lol:

    Easiest way to make website:
    *Download Dreamweaver 8 (on adobe.com, you can download free trial)
    *Download tutorial of using Dreamweaver 8
    *Make website
    *Put on hosting

    Or if you don't want making website, just install joomla on hosting

  10. I have bought a domain .But before I bought that domain, its owner already put yahoo ads/ adsense ads on their website.Now, I own this domain, can I put my own adsense ads or yahoo ads on my website with this domain.Please let me know whether I can place it or not.thanks

    You can put AdSense on your site if you have permission of your Hosting provider, and to put domain to that hosting you have to put DNS url

  11. Which company u like better?rite now AMD has the edge over intel with there 64 and FX series...

    INTEL !!!, I have Intel processor since 2002, I use computer every day, in that 5 years I don't need service and everything is all right.

    But my friend has AMD, he brought processor 2002, price of his processor was more than my, and he need best ventilator because his computer was much warm than my and last problem is when you have heavy ventilator you have more noise and vibrations.
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