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Everything posted by Chuckarthy

  1. well when i asked her out i made it perfectly clear that no matter what she said that i still wanted to be her friend. I will take your advice and continue to hang out with her and ask her again in like a month. I however would still like to get a female opinion on this because only god knows how the minds of women work (i know that firsthand having three sisters). Thank you againCharles
  2. well after reading all of the posts on here where people keep on saying that they have regretted not asking someone out i decided to call her. I threw out the idea and the answer i got was something to the effect of "lets continue to hang out and get to know each other and then we can see what happens on down the road". Anyhow im not sure how to take that i keep on wondering if it was her way of saying no without trying to hurt my feelings or if thats really how she feels. Now im just confused again and not really sure what she thinks... sheesh why cant things in life be more simple lol! Anyhow if i could get some insight from a female perspective on this i would be very appreciative.Thank YouCharles
  3. Chuckarthy


    Well, to be perfectly honest im a mac LOVER so im biased BUT..... i will say that no mac not even my precious macbook pro (you have no idea how much this pains me to say this) can compare to a PC when i comes to games. I would say that your best bet when it comes to bang for the buck would to be to find a computer whiz who lives near you or has a shop and go to him and get him to make you a custom computer. That way you can pick out every thing you want how much you want it to cost =0 and how powerful you want it to be. As well as the fact that you can really make your computer look awsome with a cool case and whatnot. Believe it or not if you had someone make a computer for you you could spend somewhere around 25% less on the computer if not more! Plus theirs no better tech support than someone who built the computer with their bare hands =0. Anyhow just thought id throw in my two cents.. Best regardsChuck
  4. HI ALL! First off i would like to thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully you have some good advice because I sure do need it. Here is my story im 16 (i know it says that this is really intended for people over 18 but my parents and I dont exactly get along and their the last people I want to go too for advice). Im going to put it plainly, The vibes I get from most people are that im pretty ugly in the face and ive come to terms with that when I finally realised that i started working out like a madman and now im in pretty good shape. Anyhow about 8 months ago i received an email from a girl that I have had my eye on for quite some time. Lets put it this way she is beyond being just shy i went to school with her for three years in middle school with around 40 kids in my grade. I swear to you it wasnt untill the 3rd year their that i heard her even say one word! Thats how shy she is! I then left the school for my 9th grade year and she stayed there. Out of the blue she sent me an email im not even really sure how she got my email address because i dont really tell that many people what it is anyhow here is what the message saidHey, Charles I hope this is the right email address ^__^;What's up? How's your summer been? We haven't talked in a long time.Right now I'm really bored, to be honest. I just got out of summer school yesterday; I'm really happy but I have nothing to do. I could start my summer assignments, but...well...I'm not. I'm going to put that off for as long as possible.So... what are you doing this summer?Unfortunately I was only able to keep up and email/ IM communication with her because I am now attending a boarding school well over 500 miles from my house (im not their because i got in trouble =0 ). Anyhow while at school I called her up and over one of my breaks back home i went out to the movies with her. This has continued over the past months. Recently I have gone to the movies with her on several occasions as well as some concerts I have looked on the internet at things about how to read a womans body language to tell if they can like you but for some reason I feel that in her case because she is so shy that most of that dosent really correlate to her. Im not really sure if im just deciving myself because I wish it was the case or if my belief is in some way based in truth. For example it says that she will maintain eye contact, touch you during regular talk or when you say put your arm around her in the movies will for lack of better words cuddle. Now here is where im not sure if these are just me denying reality or if she is just an exception to the rule. (1) She very rarely makes eye contact with anyone at all period because she is so shy (2) She never touches me except for when we hug at the end of going out somewhere and we have never kissed (3) She has no problem with me putting my arm around her but she does not "cuddle". Here is my problem, i dont have a problem with asking her out to her face its not the guts i need. But i really just dont want to put her into a position where she feels like she is almost obligated to say yes to me because i want anything that happens to be sincere. What can i do so as to read her body language properly and how can i ask her out in a way that wont put her into that kind of position. Thank you for reading this and hopefully you can make some sense out of this garbled post. Sorry for my grammar and spelling. Engrish aint me goodest subjekt.Thank YouCharlesPs -- if you have any questions feel free to ask and ill answer them to the best of my ability
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