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Posts posted by runescapeguy

  1. Doing Meditation is good, therefore do meditation daily twice in the morning and in the evening. Its not only makes your health better, but also increases your mental power. You soon be notice that your memory power increases, you can be able to remember more and more things. Your physical strength too increases.

  2. As guys we tend to think in terms of competition. Girls? Not so much. It's why they're not so into sports for the most parts, or competition. The reason for the bathrooms I think shows a fundamental difference between most girls and guys. Girls think relationally. When they go to bathrooms together or to malls together it's not to accomplish a task but to build relationships. We think of shopping as "let's go, find what we came for, conquer the shopping task!" But with them shopping doesn't have to be just to get something, but to spend time with someone they want to get to know better. When a wife wants her husband to go to the store, he might think it's just a waste of time, but she wants to spend private time with him apart from all the kids and busy-ness.

  3. Well it is easy to get water from the ocean it is in fact clean safe and not hazardus project in the beginning and if and when we come in contact with such problem as scarce water in the developed world we will start using it from the oceanes however there is another big problem which will happen oceans will become more and more salted and by that ocean currents will change affecting the climate of the world in many different ways this might be real problem because europe might end up like cold land and even further tornadeos and so on.So extensive use of such water is really dangerous for the hall life or for the mosr of it in the world.

  4. Many women try too hard when it comes to their makeup. I tell my girlfriend that she looks pretty even without and it isn't a big deal to me. She enjoys wearing it though (in small amounts..) to enhance some of her features. If a girl can wear a small amount and make certain facial features stand out that she is particualarly proud of then I dont see the harm of a litlte makeup. Not that she needs it, but it makes her feel better about herself so cool with me.

  5. i hope this is true, mi grandmother died from a liver cancer... before i was borned, im amazed that a mathematic discovered the ecuation, i didn't know that with math you can also do those things... i just thought it was just Q.F.B. and doctors who do that... i hope someone is searching about the HIV cure too, imagine how thousands of people are dying and infecting with it

  6. The most evil corporation in the world would have to be the tobacco indstury they still sell cigarates even thou they know they are bad for people and they are still putting in all that stuff in there not caring about others health,Another will have to be the oil company's they are burning in a whole in my bank account with the price for gas now of these days gas is $4 dollars back then when it was $1 we was saying it was expensive now i wish it was back to that price.

  7. I do not think that he deserves death sentence but should live life and feel the heat for if he dies then he is a winner for nobody can humiliate him nor can anybody beat the crap out of him. I think if he is given parole then half of his earnings should be given to he victim not as charity but for expenses that she would like to make, I guess he should be put in a prison in Iraq and put up on display or atleast not give him parole of any kind.

  8. the only books that i have ever read and that have "changed my life" were The Harry Potter series. It all started out with my parents getting mad at me and sending me to my room..pft buttholes *rofl* neways, my grandpa had given me the books earlyer that day and so i decided to pick up the first book and start to read it and i liked it ...i didn't go to sleep until late that night because i was getting so far into the book..I never read before that..never..not unless i was forced..andd they encouraged me to read..but i only read those other books dont appeal to me..but iw also changed my life because it made me want to make a harry potter fan site which is what i am working on now...so you could say that is the reason i am so kean to the internet and making websites and i owe it all to my parents :-D heheit has also made me such a harry potter freak! i have like 10 posters in my room that are harry potter related!! and i love it!! sometimes im ashamed to admit it but ive had dreams i was in the sequal...it has also changed my life by encouraging me to write..J.K. Rownling is so excelent at this stuff that i thought maybe i can write like her some day and encourage others haha yeah right..but i am in the process of writing my own fan-fiction story some-what close to her books..so you can say i am a HUGE HARRY POTTER FREAK and that i am a HUGE HARRY POTTER FREAK oo yeah and that i am a HUGE HARRY POTTER FREAK..and it has changed my life quite a bit

  9. omg i loved it...... we were required to read it in class and at first i was dreading it.... but i got into it and it was really good .... now me and my friend are reading eldest..... The movie come out is the U.S on December 15 i cant wait... to go see it.... me and a couple of my friends are going to practically campout to see it.... definatly cant wait....

  10. I would definately dont want to know when i would die ,because it may make me sad even before i am dying so it would make me like a paranoid guy and i would be scares till death all the time before actually dying so no point of dying ,if i die i lose all my wealth ,my family and all my earthly positions ,i never want to know when to die because i am already living daringly and spirit every second of my life

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