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Posts posted by wanchope

  1. @ Upnorf Cr3w~ running and jugging is good but i should not be overused.I was once into the problem,that was in my youger days @ school becasue i ran a very long distance,i have a problem and my doctor adviced my against it but it does not me I should not exercise at all,my running should not be like a punishment.As of jugging,it is alright but more prefarble while ranning or at a cool weather.

  2. OOps this Blog is gone ;) i missed the article there!I agrees that blogging is the best way of making money online/internet marketing.there are many ways involved which includes contentpublishing/advertising like goolge adsense.kontera,adbrite, -affiliates sales-product reviews, private advertising.product sales etc.Some bloggers like John chow are making at least $35,000/mounth with their blogs.

  3. masturbation is one of the most powerful addict that is more rampantin youths-both male and female.I have came accross some people that complained on masturbation addiction.I will like to know the easiest way of being free from masturbation and I have heard many people talk on the psycological implication,is there any psycologycal implication of masturbation?

  4. lol the you must be a great surfer.Why not allow your self to me made a google booter/spider better Xisto booter but one problem is there.booters dont click on barnners so your adiction is extraordinay...many people are bound to be spending their time online without mush purposes,I have came accross people that can chat for 10hours at a go online.there are many things online so it is encouraging that one have to use his/her time wise online...

  5. Yeah weed is additing far more tha cigerate.many people havetried to deny the fcat but it kept on remains the truth.many reserch have been conducted on the smokers and it was found that those that started smorking it at 20's does not give it up even till late 60's.some people whoa are smokers of weed have kept on swiming dipper into it even when on tries to stop it.Drug enforcers have voiced plain that it is very addictive.I dont think it have any metal effect but I have seen a situation were are smoker got mad for a reason yet unknown tome.

  6. I have learn not to accuse a group of people because of some peoples reaction,eg,saying that women are heard to satistfy in business because of your experience with some women altough you can use the few to represent the womanhood.Well what you said appers to be truth but I will like you to know that the behavior of some female clients is base on the erea of the business you are transacting with them.A woman that meets in a funiture shop will not behave like a woman you meets at fashion shop because they values faship more than funiture.What I wants to explain in the somarry is thet they act base on their intrest and one thing is clear-women are highly emotional creature,They seldom hide their emotions.

  7. hornestly I cannot understand you well but I believe you areasking on how to be a SEo expert and a good internet marker.first,you must know that both SEO internetmarking have rule and when you dont play according to the rule,am afraid you may end up a losser.From what you explained,it souds as if you see SEO as spamming.Before you add your link to any website,you have to understand the postion and search engine ranking and the relevance of the website.add your link to any website you found around may decieve search enging to think you are a scam-forget about all these link blaster softwares that are beign promoted around,why not try good article directory and link directory??Yahoo answeres is the best search enging/traffic help now.As of internet marketing,I thing I cannot satnd and say it here,you needs to seltle down and learn the pros and crons in it.Thanks.

  8. I love to find program that doesn't cost anything for the simple fact I will not use my CCard online.


    Too darn risky if you ask me. If someone comes across this and has experienced a good program that really works and actually pays out I would like to know about it.


    I have found one myself it is working for me now. here is my referral to you Your referral link: http://www.surfjunky.com/ just copy and past to your browser. If you found one to be working for you give me your referral and I will help you out as well.



    hi you commited two offenses,

    1st:you brake a rule here (no referal links)

    2nd:the website is scam (surfjunky) i knew this long ago,cant you seek a better way of earning cash online???

  9. I've researched this, in the process of looking for work from home opportunities, and was warned that the survey sites are scams by numerous web sites. Of the most immediate concern are the ones that want you to pay a fee to take the surveys. It seems you find out that you will not qualify for any but a handful, and can not make anywhere near the money they claim.
    I've had no personal experience with Awsurveys.com, but I'd be very reluctant to get involved with it, until I heard a really impressive reports from someone who has used it, and has made money.... and enough to be worth all the hassle and trouble.

    there have been many reports about this paid survey,many will warn you never to join them cos they are scam,while some will encourage them cos they are hornest,many people have shown their payment proof.in one of the criteria,i contacted the admin nad he replyied my message denying been a scam,this is confusing,but all i know is that am a member of the paid survey and i cnat conclude till reach my payout.
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