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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. can somebody get me the background tothe first one?Fine.. nobody answered this.. lol please get it.. i really want it dont ask why.. lollike as an april fools joke, ,add that to your website that would be soo scary and funny.. everybody would like leave..
  2. Thats.. pure freaky? I mean wtf, i never heard of this, but sitll wtf.. im not sure if i should beleive it.Lol that thing made me have like a n ightmare.. i mean... wow.. scary...but i mean who would do that.. sickminded people? not even them..
  3. I think that murderers should be hung, but in the electric chair, or whatever they do today, instead of being givin a life sentence in jail! What is the point! them goverment people are just wasting our money, by collecting extra taxes paying for food and items for people in jail! If somebody did something wron, like murdered, and given a life sentence, they have time to think of a new plan for a murder, if they escape!? I am thinking the head of the prisions, or whoever is wanting them to escape and go around and start murding people, but why? Do they know the people who are in jail? Or do they just feel bad for them. Dont feel bad for them, just look what they did, they ended somebodies life unexpectedly, and that is pure wrong, and all they do is give the murderers a time to think of another plan... I think anybody with a life sentence should be killed, or sent away to their death somewhere... somewhere.Just think, part of your tax goes to.... cleaing up (dont think of it that way) messes from murderers, building new containment areas for the murderers, buying food for the murderers, buying clother for the murderers, buying more murders for the murderers!!
  4. Well, i am not sure if somebody already posted this, just delete this if somebody did, but i didn't find anything :)I think that murderers should be hung, but in the electric chair, or whatever they do today, instead of being givin a life sentence in jail! What is the point! them goverment people are just wasting our money, by collecting extra taxes paying for food and items for people in jail! If somebody did something wron, like murdered, and given a life sentence, they have time to think of a new plan for a murder, if they escape!? I am thinking the head of the prisions, or whoever is wanting them to escape and go around and start murding people, but why? Do they know the people who are in jail? Or do they just feel bad for them. Dont feel bad for them, just look what they did, they ended somebodies life unexpectedly, and that is pure wrong, and all they do is give the murderers a time to think of another plan... I think anybody with a life sentence should be killed, or sent away to their death somewhere... somewhere.Just think, part of your tax goes to.... cleaing up (dont think of it that way) messes from murderers, building new containment areas for the murderers, buying food for the murderers, buying clother for the murderers, buying more murders for the murderers!!Please tell me what you think about this matter, your opinion..
  5. Mkay, I know it is usually better if guys ask girls out, but like.. a lot.. girls have been asking me out? Is it some kind of joke, or do they actually have feelings for me, and then i feel dumb for not asking them out myself, because most of them I knew that they acted like they liked me, i should have asked to something, it just feels unusualy to be asked out by a girl, is it completely normal? Or not. Now i don't feel confterable dating a girl that asks me out, because im not sure if it is just a haux, im not sure if i should ask, or just say NO. Its really weird, a girl asked me to ask her out? Is that normal, is that desperate, or a joke? Its really been getting to me!
  6. Yes i have lied many times about my age, location, time.. Things like that, if they have my time, they can know my general location (lol im paranoid) but i can't really think of anything other then that, i pretended to be another person on aim to see what that person ( i knew) thought about me
  7. To tell you the truth, I think I am the bully in my grade, I think bullies come along by not being accepted by others, I wasn't accepted a lot because i was foreign, some people be my friends now because they are afraid of me, I do not like that a lot, but nobody dares touch me, i know why, but its not as fun. I'm pushed around mentally, but not physically, but that leads to physical harm to other people, because i sometimes get angry over it. I am more tamed now, i have more friends, who are actually friends, but i also have enemies, enemies that are able to just walk up to me and say disrespectful stuff, but i do not want to do anything about it because then i would be disaproved by many people, yes i am not the highest social class (well, our school doesnt really have big classes, its retards and cools ppl) but im kind of in the middle, when i say retard, i dont mean mentally retarded, just dumb.. strange.. people.. if you know what i mean, sorry if am insulting anybody.. but you have to see the people at my school.I am really trying to change, and next year i hope to be a big change. I hate bullies myself, and if i see somebody being bullied i step in, and help
  8. I know how you feel, but it was not as harsh for me, i had to bear the loss of a loved one, and i have learned to cope with it, It didn't take long, that I am not, and I am proud of, partly because i don't know how i can get past it that quickly, and partly because i did, i stood up, and said, why am i acting like this? She will always be with me, in my heart, and i can never actually loose her, try to think that if you have more troubles, and to tell you the truth, you said she died in (sorry) a motorcycle accident, then you took up biking? Is it the same thing that she did? If so, i heard that it is good if you do the thing taht person died doing, because it strengthens you, but seriously, i do not know where the hell i heard that, but its somewhere in my mind, I don't want to go into detail of everthing that happend to me, but it wasn't as bad as you, I only had one loss, but the age that the loss is at effects you a lot. If you are around your pre-teens, or teens (early teens) you tend to have more of a bad reaction, but get over it quickly, you know what i mean? But again, I am very sorry for your losses..
  9. ARGH! I agree! I mean, really, some sites i don't think should have them boxes.. because then the site just.. loses 100% of their activity (not rly)
  10. Umm.. sucks :sPlease please please tell me that you did not follow my tut, if you did wanna remove it LOl..well.. nate.. if you need any.. artistic "help" call me
  11. Double post! I really like ie 7, becausei have never used opera, so i have to go with ie on this one, Lol i think.. how it everthing (but i like FF better! ) so don tthink im an IE lover because i kinda hate it, but that is my only choice Lol..Double post! I really like ie 7, becausei have never used opera, so i have to go with ie on this one, Lol i think.. how it everthing (but i like FF better! ) so don tthink im an IE lover because i kinda hate it, but that is my only choice Lol..Lol j/k just messin with ya gostbox :)I think ie could be made faster, but they were lazy, and it could.. be more.. nicer
  12. This is a tutorial on how to make a signature like this: First of all, you need to find your render, try to find one that doesn't have a lot of space around its arms, or doesnt have a cape, because then it will not looks so great with empty space. For the signature I used this render: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png 1) Open a new document, with a white background, any reasonable signature size will do (don't make it too large ). 2) Go Edit---> Fill (shift + F5, or set black as foreground ( I think) and click control shift backspace) 3) Duplicate that layer, so now you have two black layers: When you have done that, then you go to filter --> Render ---> Lens Flare set on these settings: (make sure that you put the lense flare under where your render is going to be located). 4)Then to make it look better, erease the part that is next to the actuall part that is bright. (circled in image below, and make sure that you did the lense flare on top black layer) 5)After that, you can open up your render, again, here is the render I used: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png and place it on the right side (you can choose wherever you want, but make sure that the lense flare is under the render). Resize the render to the size you want, or leave it if nescesery. Then duplicate the layer (Control J) and click the little eye next to the layer in the layer pallete. 6)I am not the GREATEST at smudging, but I am not horrible, let me show you how the outcome should be (does not matter what brush you use, and you might want to smudge a bit more then shown ): 7)Set that layer on colour burn, colour dodge, or overlay, whatever setting suites it the best. Then duplicate the layer, then put it on colour burn, colour dodge, or overlay, whatever setting suites it the best, but make sure it is not to dark, it should look like this after: 8) Once you have done that, un-hide the hidden render (click on the little eye again). 9) (you can choose if you include/exclude this step from the signature) duplicate the render again, and then set it on hue, then the next one on soft light, or a setting that suites it... (you prolly shouldnt do this ) 10)Mkay when you are done that, create a new layer (control shift n) and take out your pencil tool at a 1 pixel thickness, colour white. Then trace your render with it, then set that layer on overlay, if you want, you can create a new layer again, scribble a bit over the render, then lower the opacity, and set it on overlay, so it looks a bit..... well, how do I explain it.. Cool? Lol. Your outcome should look like this: 11) Ok, next step you create a new layer, on top of all layers (control shift N), go to image --> apply image and set it to this: 12) To the layer you just completed by applying that image, you need to follow this tutorial: ( I made, it is short) http://forums.xisto.com/topic/48223-photoshop-mosaic-tile-effect-learn-how-to-add-a-nice-effect/ 13) You may have to remove some steps on that tutorial, or not, you just need to make that tile effect, and that is it. Once you made that, erease all the tiles on the render, and then lower the opacity of your eraser, and erase the rest of the part, so it isnt as.... as.. intense.. 14) Next you can create your border! Mkay, im not sure if this will confuse you or not, but i will try to explain it the best i can. Click the letter U, it should hilight a tool that is nine tools down from the top, in the right collumn. Right click that tool, then select rounded rectangle tool. Set the tool on these settings: once you select that, click the top left of your signature with it, and hold the mouse down (dont do it at the top left corner! go more right so you cut some of the ugly junk on the left side off) and then drag down, all the way down to the bottom of the signature, then drag to the right, and drag the curves of the right side over the sig, so that side will be square. here is an image on how it should look: Take pen tool, right click that circle thing you put, and click make selection, then copy it into a new document with a transpaernt background 15) copy that into a new document, and select the outer border of the image (make sure background is transparent!) and click stroke, set it on these settings: (on a new layer) then set that layer to overlay, add your text, and voila! here is a complete version of the signature: Thanks for viewing, tell me of any errors please!
  13. Nice tut, i reall yhave to try this soon! thanks for psting!sorry, i don't really have time to try it.. but i will still post it if i ever come to it again, and try it because it look pretty coolI can tell you put some effort into the tut..good job mate..~Tramp
  14. Good, because i just wrote that, takinga risk because id dint know if that is what he wanted.but it would be more then four lines.. because you say like "ne wlayer, apply image.. then FOLLOW TUT" which is more lines then four -.-but it can still help people.. like some people have been trying to figure it o ut..
  15. Mkay, Lol, i did not understand half the things you said . So do you want me to make a tut that shows how i made that signature? Or what Lol. i would rather you not diss my tutorial -.- its annoying, lol
  16. Mosiac Tiles! This tutorial i would say is very simple it is for Adobe Photshop CS2! If you want to add a nice effect on your sig (easy also) stay here and read. This would be an example: You see the tiles on the left side? That is what you are going to learn today. Okay first, if you want to apply this affect to your signature, you open the signature you want, create a new layer, then go to apply image, to apply image.. when you are done that, go to filter,pixelate, mosiac and set it to this : (that is the size that i usually use, and is what i used in my example signature) Once you are done that, you can erase what you don't want, before or after you add the effect you want. After that, you go to filter -->sharpen-->sharpen then click control F a couple of times more untill you get the effect you want. This looks best when its only in corners, but its your choice you use it. I personally think it looks 100% better with darker colours, and you cant do it on just a white background or just black, it has to be a design, or you wont be able to see the mosiac tiles... I will be releasing more tutorials with this one, and i will answer any of your questions. Short tutorial, but nice Lol
  17. V. 2 I know I barley changed anything, I kind of burned the glow, But i think now it looks worse.. Comments?
  18. Didn't you say you knew how to do this nate -.-.. Thanks for your help guys, ill work on it, and tell you my result.
  19. The Pro Designer?? If so, I don't beleive it was TPD (the pro designer) Because his signatures usually have more then a 1 pixel border... I will ask him if he recalls saying that, once he gets back from his vacation and gets on msn -.-
  20. just show the result, see if it is worth trying.
  21. Yeah i looked at that.. (@jlhaslip) but i cant get the.. code. i guess. for a .bat..
  22. I want to know how to make a batch file that will run a program at a certain time of day, like a scheduled thing, but i want it in a batch.. lol.. Easy enough?If you give me permission i can edit it to the program i want Lol.. just put it in code tags! Thanks! Notice from BuffaloHELP: Topic title must be specific. Modified.
  23. Haha your funny nate.. Windows.. more orginized.. Windows.. better.. you should become a comedian instead of working for jagex Mac.... lets start it with this, Macs are way better at windows in mostly everthing possible, speed, orginization, graphics, cows.. cats.. everthing.. I have to say, I like windows more.. as many of you might find hard to beleive, it is just because i cannot afford a good mac, windows are good for their price, and so are macs, but they are too high priced macs, and some of them you could get the same out of windows.. Oh wait.. This is operating system.. taht is why it was Windows.. Lol.. oops.. Well I have never used a Mac. but ihave heard a lot, people say that it is very usefull and have many components that are very helpful.. I think Windows is more dumb people freindly, no o0ffense to anybody, but it is easier to learn.
  24. Tramposch


    Lol thanks, and thanks for your support in the shout box..I hope i get to know you better.. in the gross way... j/k LolThe credit thing is confusing me, is there like a list that somebody made that says whitch forums i get credits and posts, and which i dont? becaue that would be helpful, because most people miss the description of the forum.. Does it matter that much if i broke two rules already? Lol..One.. i posted a url in the shout box.. the other i forget.
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