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Posts posted by PSTUBb

  1. Thanks! That's an excellent tip!Yeah, one of the other things about Berklee in Boston is that it's hard to get into, they hold auditions and expect you to know quite a bit of theory aswell as some relative pitch training and sight reading etc.Thanks for the tip on going into movies and video games. That's an awesome idea, I'm gonna look into how to get a foot into the industry. I agree that the failure rate is rather high in the music industry, so perhaps I can work out how I would go from movies and games to record labels or perhaps take a step up as I slowly gain a reputation for my music.About the online experience though: It's true that you miss out on alot of stuff like classroom interaction and hands on messing around with gear, all the facilities and stuff, but I think that an online options suits me very well cause I usually spend 3-4 hours a day on the computer anyways, often more, and I've become adept to collecting and learning information online. Sometimes I'll spend an entire night just reading up on a topic and learning tons of new stuff.Hmm.. well, we'll see I guess :)A mistake isn't a failure if you learned from it imo.

  2. <br />Hey, DOS was not a virus. It worked quite well. It's when he startedcreating Windows that he got in to the virus business.<br />

    <br /><br /><br />Yeah but DOS was bought off of some other programmers by Bill Gates who merely modified it before marketing it.

    Anyways, I HIGHLY doubt microsoft would pull such a stunt. It's stupid and really would hurt themselves more than anything and they know it. I mean, look at all of us in this thread. We hear Microsoft is framing Gmail, we feel angry at microsoft. That's not what their looking for, trust me.

    I think this is an error in the code, a mistake on microsoft's part which is flagging the false virus. Nobody is framing anyone imho, just some mistakes in the code.

    And then again, with competition building between the two giants, who knows what's going on, eh?

  3. Well Google has been the big dominator in the field, it's constantly developping new services too which means Microsoft has some major catching up to do. Microsoft has a hard time catching up with competition, often only mimicking what others are doing, changing things up a bit etc. like they did with IE7 *coughfirefoxcough*. One thing however is that they have shown in the past that they are well capable of taking over in certain areas. Remember when Netscape was the browser to have? Many of you probably don't but at one point everybody had Netscape and well, we all know the end of that story.One thing I despise about Live is the heavy use of Javascript which can often be resource intensive for people with weaker machines. This will change though as people get more and more powerful machines. Google keeps it simple and I give them props for that. Atleast we can say Live > MSN lol.HOWEVER, Live's image search feature is FAR superior to both Google and Yahoo! Both in terms of relevant results and the way to browse through those results. It's a really great use of Ajax and shows some innovation on microsoft's part (omg innovation? microsoft? appocalypse!) you guys should really try it out and see for yourselves.Anywho, this is gonna be a huge battle and we're the winners cause the more they fight over who gets the customer base, the more developpement and innovation will appear which will, in the end, benefit us, the users, most.Good luck to both Live and Google (but google more :)) and may the best engine win.

  4. Ever wonder... "What can brown do for you?" Use UPS!lmao jks but seriously me and Mr. Wonka have been developping a consumer level device to do the same thing. The main issue has been making the actual central device small enough to fit inside a household and then the second factor is cost-effiency. Right now we've got the thing down to about the size of an elephant (a chocolate elephant ofcourse) but it would still cost us 2 Cajillion chocolate coins per unit to manufacture. This would not make for a profitable venture.However, me and mr.Wonka work tirelessly day and night and we assure you that a functional, relativly cheap model will be available by the end of 20082. Keep your eyes open! Members of Xisto.com will recieve special discount!

  5. Well, I'm already pretty much decided anyways so you probably won't change my mind but I wanted to get your opinions about my choice.I'm looking for a career in the music industry (despite many warnings to stay out :)) most likely as a producer/writer/performer. During initial research on where to go after highschool, it seemed the Berklee College of music was exactly what I was looking for. It's the only college that offered a songwriting degree. The problem is that I am Canadian and Berklee is in Boston, which is only 8-9 hours away from where I am but much too expensive. As I am an international student, I think it would have cost somewhere around 47,000$ a year for 4 years and on top of that I can't get a job while I'm over there cause I'm an international student. So, I opted for their online courses.A masters ranges from 8,000$ to 11,000$ online, still alot but it seems worth it to me. The proffessors seem to have equivalent credentials online too, some of them having worked with huge companies and legendary artists to prove it. The learning experience incorporates discussion boards for members of the class to talk + the proffessor often posts in it, weekly assignements, reading assignements in textbooks and lots of interactive media to teach you the concepts. The best part is that acording to some people, you can hold down a 9-5 and take courses at the same time, and start paying back immediatly.My objectives after graduating are either getting a high job at Sony or Universal or EMI or even starting my own indie record label. (I'm in a band, I'm starting to produce hip hop beats and my friend and I rap.)Wise decision? I have till next year to make up my mind.SeanPS if anyone has had experience with Berklee Music Online please tell!

  6. It's all right but I must say the graphics aren't as good as they could be. First the JPG artifacts are quite prominent. You can see them most around the letters CFC. This can usually be fixed by raising JPG Quality before saving, or using another format like PNG. It's also of my opinion that the blur/filter used on the graphics could have been left out for a cleaner more professional look, but that's all you. Finally the uneven borders of the graphics are kind of cool and I see where you were going but it could use some anti-aliasing as it's very choppy and not smooth to the eyes.Anywho, it's all opinion, take what you want from it!Sean

  7. That's a great idea but I agree with others about students (like myself) being lazy and having other things to do. HOWEVER, here's another idea: Develop online software aimed to be used by schools instead of individual students. Instead of students putting up their own assignement dates and homework tasks, have the teachers do it. If a student forgets when his exam is or forgets what the homework was for that night, he can log-on to the school website and check it out. He can opt-in to get email and txt message reminders too :) Now that sounds more useful and efficient. :) Hope it helps!

  8. I'm writing this review to tell you about the new website I use as my homepage from now on. It's called http://www.netvibes.com/en. It's a customizable home page that allows you to read your favorite RSS feeds (think Digg, CNN, any news/blog/article/e-zine site should have an RSS feed), the weather, your emails, to-do lists, reminder notes, and plenty of other modules. If you can't find the module you want, request to have someone build it, or learn the awesome Universal Widget API yourself and code your module just the way you like it.

    You can drag modules around to the layout you desire, create multiple tabs for your different needs, it's great. I have in the default tab my emails, CBC news, my Myspace comments, Local Weather and a To-Do list, a few of the latest posts on blogs which I check often, and a search module (so I can search google or msn or yahoo or whatever I feel like at the moment). Then I have a technology tab which I use to keep up to date on the latest Digg posts in the section, plus Technorati and some other tech news sites. Then I have a "Search" tab (all tabs are nameable btw) which has all my modules for regular searches, image searches across multiple sites, video searches, Reverse Phone number lookups, all that mumbo jumbo in one central page, most of these modules can search multiple websites, depending on what your favorite is. That's just a minimal use, but I'm sure you can start to see how this website would be useful to you. You could even have a module count down to a certain event and remind you when it's coming up. The best part about this whole thing is: After you've created your page(s) you can access them from anywhere in the world on any computer with internet access (and Javascript support :)).

    This service is truly beautiful and also in constant developpement. Just recently they released their new API which allows programmers to code widgets/modules that are not only compatible for http://www.netvibes.com/en but also googleIG, Apple Dashboard and now even on your own website with a little Javascript. Even more recently, netVibes.com became skinnable! Currently there are 4 predesigned themes, one designed by my favorite Webdesign blogger: Veerle. If you don't like any of those, and don't like the original colours of Netvibes, you can change the entire thing to whatever colour you like, and import your own wallpaper. It appears you can even import Myspace and Twitter themes. I am sure we will see further customizability very soon.

    Another recent innovation being developped at http://www.netvibes.com/en: NetVibe Universes allow you to create a page customized to a specific topic and allow anyone to view it. Currently in Beta Phase, several Music artists and companies have been given invites to create Universes. Now you can keep up with the New York Times, 50 Cent or even Snoop Dogg's interests. Soon you'll be able to make them too.

    "That's great, but are there any down sides?" Good question. Perhaps the only downside is the load time, which depending, can be rather slow compared to regular websites. I think it's also a bit resource heavy, considering the heavy use of Javascript and Ajax, although this is what makes the site just so damn sexy :). Plus they say they are constantly tweaking the core to load just that much faster, so perhaps we will see things speed up over time.

    All in all, if you like keeping your things organized and centralized, (who doesn't?) I highly recommend taking Netvibes for a test run. It's 100% free and you don't even have to register! I do recommend registering (it's quick and as far as I remember doesn't even require email activation) because it lets you type your email and password in from any computer in the world and access YOUR page(s)!

    Visit http://www.netvibes.com/en

    And no, I'm not affiliated with NetVibes.com in any way :(
    btw, does Xisto have an RSS feed for it's forum?

    EDIT: This should be in "Website Reviews" my bad I missed it when I was reading all the forum titles.

  9. It was 3 years ago. We were leaving Chapters (Bookstore in Canada, I don't know if it exists elsewhere) and I noticed on one of the tables a book someone had left there titled "Rich Dad, Poor Dad - What the Rich Tell Their Children About Money That the Poor Do Not". Not exactly being born in the richest of families, I was intrigued by what secrets might lie within this book. Secrets I would never learn unless I opened and read it's pages. I pointed the book out to my mom, she looked the price then put it back on the table. We left. I was kind of disapointed but I didn't mind.Fast forward a few weeks to christmas, it turns out my mom had decided to buy it for me anyways! I was excited. All of a sudden, new possibilities raced in my mind. What could possibly be held in this book that I didn't already know? I started to read it. The book, atleast for the first few chapters, was impossible to put down. The author starts by recounting a story of his childhood which takes you to the moment and reminds you of yourself at every turn.Robert grows up with 2 influences. On one hand, there is his own highly educated father who, despite his education, is fiscally unstable, and there is his friend's father, the 8th grade drop out multi-millionaire. After seeing that excellent education and a stable job aren't always the answer, he turns to his friend's father, his "Rich Dad" as he often refers to him, for help. Throughout the first few chapters you follow Robert and his friend as Rich Dad teaches them lessons about money in innovative ways as opposed to standard classroom style teaching.It is in my opinion a very well written book, and although the author sometimes takes a painfully long time to make a point, the information you gain is great, but even better imo is the motivation you get. You realise that YOU CAN become rich. It's not just the lucky or the genius or the ones born into richness who get to be rich. This book gives you a hint on how to start your own journey towards riches if that is what you desire.While the general ideas on how to start are quite vague, Kyosaki does leave a recommended reading list at the end of the book, and there are further realeses by the author under the same Rich Dad Poor Dad series which delve deeper into certain topics and systems.When you first finish the book, you feel motivated, encouraged, ready to plow through everything. You really feel like you can do it. The problem is that once the cloud you're sitting on starts to fade a little, you realise that you don't know where to start. The author does leave some starting points but none of them really applied to me, as I was only 14. Then again, it's hard to start making money at 14 years old with 400$ to start off :) Wether this book will serve me in the future or not, I owe my desire and my motivation to become successful to this one book. This one book showed me a whole new world I might have never even glimpsed had I not read it. There's a whole new section in the book store I'd never even visited before!My suggestion: If not this book, get A book, get knowledge, learn that YOU TOO have the power to become successful no matter where you are right now, as long as you think first, put your money to work for you instead of working for your money and learn from your failures. Keep on plowing, for great success usually comes after apparent defeat.Good luck!SeanWritten specifically for Xisto.com

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