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Posts posted by imskaterpunk

  1. i think people can be genetically altered to have super powers like the x men but i also think that if we give it time people will evolve on their own and gain the sweet powers. i would hope that if scientists figured out how to genetically alter humans to have powers i would want to be the first one in line to get mutated presuming there was no bad side affects that could kill me in the long run.

  2. I personaly think that all cars should switch to water power provided they find a way to convert water into a efficient fuel source. i mean just think about it if we had cars that ran off of water we could just pull up to a lake or ocean and fill up till the next stop. but most likely on the down side the government would probably raise the price of water and put a huge tax on it. water would also be taken off the store shelves and we would have to go to a water station which would most likely bring us back to the same situation we are in now but not nearly as bad. but you know what i still think water has a future in powering our vehicles of the future. Now lets talk about that liquid that is probably know worth as much as gold to people GAS this liquid is the basis for most of are cars. i dont know if there is a good side to the gas we put in our cars, but i do know the bad sides of gas first off gas is like one of the biggest polluters in the world and we need to live on this planet so we dont want to kill it. another thing that is bad about gas is that we go to war over it and thousands of innocent americans are losing lives over it, i mean what has the world come to when we have to fight for the thing that powers most of vehicles and other things. when we in america have the money and the resources to invest in finding alternative fuel source. i know there is solar and electric but they arent that good of a power source because 1 solar power is not that efficient plus what if you wanted to take a nice long drive at night even though it charges throuhout the day and electric just sucks because you have to literally plug your car in and wait to go anywhere so that is why i think we should use water to power are cars of the futurereply back with your ideas

  3. my first game system i ever had was a Nintendo the very first one, and at the time i thought the system had the best graphics ever. i even had the original classics such as:ZeldaSuper mario brothersDuck huntPitfallsome of the best games ever made period(besides halo 2 or gears of war :lol: ) but now i have moved on to bigger and better game systems such as the awesome xbox and i am hoping to get a brand new xbox 360 elite

  4. red vs blue rocks out loud i think it is one of the best things ever. my favorite episode to date is either phe3r the reaper or knock knock whos ther pain are the best episodes on my list but there is some other good episodes.

  5. dude a naruto mmorpg would be the best thing ever because im sick of the fighting games by naruto. whos your favorite character and why do u like that character? my favorite character is probably Sasuke or Kakashi they rock for many reasons such as the fact that they both have sharingon and they know chidori or whatever its called. but seriouslly this idea for a game rocks out loud, 2 thumbs up

  6. dude if there was no internet my life would be devastated because the internet is how i talk to all my old friends and look funny pictures and a bunch of other junk. on the other hand i would not be wasting away in front of the computer screen all day doing nothing but giving myself carpel tunnel (or however you spell it) anyways lets just hope the internet does not go down for good.

  7. You know what i think i think they should make a sims game where you can actually get real stuff off the internet for your house such as above the counter cupboards, plasma tvs, basements and third stories etc.. i think that would be awesome and you know what else they should add to the sims they should add an online play version that way you can talk to people and see other peoples houses that would one the best games ever if you agree reply and tell me some other things they should have.

  8. hey i would advise getting a really good Mp4 player because the are good and play videos. just today i saw a Mp4 player on ebay for only $41.00 it was a really good deal and you should check it out just got to ebay type in mp4 players and then got to buy it now then scroll till you see a 2gb mp4 player and reply back if you buy cuase i want to buy it badly

  9. hey as you probably know im a skater myself which is why i decided to write this tutorial on skateboarding. so lets start off with some basics that you need to know before you get to bigger and better things,1) a simple little pivot, all you have to do is put a foot in the middle of the board and one foot on the tail, lean back and turn. if you do this you should do it on flat ground and start out with little 90 degree turns then go to bigger spins2) a manual, manuals can earn you some big points if you know the variations but lets not get to that just yet. alright so to manual get moving then put your feet in position like a pivot but instead of turning just go strait.3) the almighty ollie, this trick is the basic of all tricks you also need to know how to do this to do just about everything in skateboarding. for instince if you wanted to do a frontside board slide than you most likely have to ollie onto the railif you need to ther tricks just reply

  10. okay dude why would you get a playstation 3 they suck and you know what sony should not have even got into the game console industry they should stick to what they are good at making some freakin sweet plasma tvs and stereo systems. some other reasons why you should not get a ps3 is that 1. they cancatch on fire and burn down your house 2. they suck they are big and bulky and last of all you should get a xbox 360 simply because they are the best game systems ever. so get a 360 and make me happy and you know what actually get a xbox 360 elite because its cheaper and it only cost 480$ and it has a 120gb hard drive and the ps3 elite only has a what 80gb and it cost like 800$

  11. dude if you say halo is bad then you can just shut up because everyone i know who has an xbox has halo also halo will kick counter strikes butt at anything i dont know why you dont like halo and i cant make you like it but i think you should get an xbox if you dont have one and get the halo 2 that show you the best of halo

  12. hey any one reading this and you probably think the same about HP computers. first i will tell you how much these computers suck by telling you about my friend who has one of these hated computers. well first off they are slow is crap and have really bad lag and i forgot the rest of what my friend siad but trust me they suck if i were going to buy a computer i would so not go and get an hp i would spend thousands more on a computer from E machines or alienware (go alienware) so if you even think of getting a bad computer remember this your wasting money and your time so why not just get a brand new alienware or emachine or even dell

  13. hello the matrix has you lol do u like alienware because my uncle because my uncle joe works for alienware and he has some sweet computer stuff from them. have you ever been to alienware.com you can customize a computer for you but i warn you it will not cheap. like one time i made one and it came out around 12000$ or something they are good fast but exspensive. if you want i will ask my uncle if he will give you a good computer for cheap. i mean he gets the stuff for like super discount prices. it rocks cuz i can do whatever on his computer with programs he has he would kill anyone who broke his computer

  14. hey dude i would say if you want to buy an Ipod (depending on how big your hands are no offense) I say get an ipod nano but if your hands are bigger maybe a ipod video or ipod mini because my brother snapped his ipod nano because he has big hands or get what ever is the cheapest or search ebay or something

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