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Posts posted by truman69

  1. hey i went to cpanel then to addon install php-nuke it asked me for a url were to install so i made and the it just says

    Is this an upgrade?We are installing in /home/truman69/public_html/PHPNUKE... Complete! You can access your new PHP Nuke installation at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    You should setup a superuser right away.

    so wot now?????? plaese help lol thank you for bein a big help

  2. wanted to no if anyone is up 4 helping me i want a PHP sie like this site here but not that colour and english muisc :P:) i no it is something to do which phpnuke but i dont no were to start if some could let me no what i need 2 make a site like this. or were to make a site like this. or if anyone is up for seting me a php site up and send me the files soo i can edit it in frontpage that would be great (if ya can edit in frontpage :lol: ) hope someone can help ill give u Reputation if you help me thank you chris

  3. soooooo i download the program and signed up 4 my gmailhost n i tryed testin it so i copyed a mp3 in 2 the drive it came in a e-mail the i sent the link to a mate and it just took him to the gmail homepage??????? can anyone help me with this?i think it may becuase your not aloud to hotlink or my gmailhost as not been set up yet? i dont no would be a big help if anyone knowsthanx chris

  4. i have been think about hookin my ps2 up to the net but didnt no if its any good or if you have to pay i have a xbox as well n i know you have to pay 4 xbox live if i dont get the net i will defo get on the PS3.Do you play games online on your ps2 or xbox?do you like playing online games?is there a lot of gamers online?do you think it will get better?how much do you pay for online gameing?

  5. then dont buy the same games if u have a xbox and a ps2 u dont buy the same games u get it for 1 or the other i still want one i got the money just waitin not for it to come to the i have not tryed it yet but it looks great and sony have never let me down befor :o SONY Rulzzzzzzzz

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