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Everything posted by pradhanashish

  1. actually php is best lang. for website davolapment.style sheet is must for website davolapement.one imp. thing that is imp. for website davolapment is database.database knowledge is must for WD because all data is stored in in database.anotherthing that is imp. for WD is flase knowledge.all these thing are imp for website davelopment.
  2. Definitely dogs. I absolutely adore how loyal and lovable they are, regardless of the fact that they take more effort to care for and such. My cousin and her husband have a tiny little dog breed to remain small its entire life, and a huge husky. I think they are probably the most adorable pets ever because they curl up and take naps together... it is definitely a sight to see! Ever since I've wanted the same pairing... a tiny and a big dog. [hr=noshade] [/hr] yes cat is best because its looking so cute and attarective and its bite all mouse that is very unusefull so cat is best... i like cat the reason is That is number one. All of my life i've dreamed of getting a cat and being able to have it as a pet. I've wondered how it would be like. Anyway.....It's definitely cat . I've got two little ones and had another one that died a few years ago. They are always excited and happy to see you. Personally I like cats more than dogs....but that's just me. [hr=noshade] [/hr] cheetah is looking beautiful but very denjrous.a cheetah have to much ability like run fast but not a pet so cheetah is not a pet but dog as u say is very usefull and vary faithfu. a dog protact ur house from theef and obey what u say and very friendly.so dog is the best pet then cheetah its only my thinking...but i like dog most then cheetah... Notice from truefusion: You can edit your posts... Merging triple post.
  3. In my opinion Saddam was not innocent . how can you think that he was never innocent ur thinking was totaly wrong .
  4. its good for php programmers well we r trying to use it.....................
  5. u r naot using correct folder of image plz use it correct image folder where images r exists.................
  6. I was just thinking about this because when I submitted my application for hosting I saw this option also and it just disappeared later on. How really do you register and apply for it I have read this first forum post and FAQ's. I would like to know whether it reappears when you collect 250 credits and what actually happens when you obtain it does it deduce more daily from your account or it deduces same amount 1 credit per 24 hours? Thanks in advance.
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