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Posts posted by GMTech

  1. The current registation fee is $20 or 15 Euros (how do you make a Euro symbol?) 3D game programming in GM isn't very time consuming, if you read the manual and practice you will be pretty good, I managed to make a massive jungle for my first game in a few days, it is much more difficult getting the 3D models... GM-University is correct though, there is 3D model support if you take the time, also, if you have a finished 3D model, I can create a .dll based off of that (by converting the model to C code by hand, then setting it up to draw when functions are anounced) for free if I have the time.

  2. Pop-Ups/Pop-Unders are the worst thing to hit the web since the "luv bug virus", and it's true, what can be good about distracting web pages with false ads interupting a site veiwers experience, nothing can be good about it, there is no logic behind them anymore, they used to server purpose as confirmation messages, vbut now they are mainly what I described above, but are browser friends often now come with Pop-up blockers, so they aren't too bad anymore...

  3. I wouldn't go crazy per-say, my life is not computers though they are a large part, I went to my last year of schooling in a completely computerized enviroment (yes it is very cool :blink: ...) I don't beleieve I had any relation in my birth to the computer, but anything is possible. I wouldn't be bored all day, I enjoy a good book or movie, or visiting a friend, I also run. I already play board games now and then, but I wouldn't have to play them all day. I wouldn't end up working all day, I would definatley have a different job though :ph34r: . No I wouldn't know what a computer was to want to invent it :) ... If computers secretly exsisted I would have a computer, but I would keep it in the open and let people marvel at my magic machine :P ... I might be less inteligent, a large portion of my education was taught to me by computers. I only like a little coffee... I would be wide awak after that coffee :P . I am not suicidal :P ... Umm, I don't think I'd be a cop either...? Nor a robber or mugger, I think I'd be a regular person... I would like to exsist on this Earth, and I do... I wouldn't die of boredome, and I wouldn't invent games. I wouldn't invent more games...Would you think about inventing computers? This post has good thought, but I think you really asked a few crazy questions :angry: .

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