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Posts posted by ephemeralkiss

  1. well, I have track practice 6 times a week. (Mon. thru Fri & Sat.) We do hour distance runs, and three track workouts a week. I just got home from doing cutdown two hundreds, thats running 3 200s with a minute rest. After every three, rest gets cut down 15 seconds until you reach 0. Then you run three more as hard as you can go and your done. Man, I hate that workout. :unsure:

  2. I am a freshman girl who started running in 7th grade. Now during the track season I run the two mile and for cross country I run the 3 mile. Sectionals for track is just around the corner and I need to shave 5 seconds off my time to qualify. The qualifying time is 11:31. I ran an 11:36 in 60 degree semi-windy weather last week. At this meet I ran these splits:400: 1:23800: 2:45Mile: 5:40Finish: 11:36I'm thinking that I should run a slower first mile and then not die so much on the 2nd mile. Is this a good plan? Please post any ideas for mental, splits, diet. Anything will be appreciated. Thanks! :(:unsure:

  3. I do cross country and track. The best ways to prevent stitches are to:1) Stretch your abdomen properly by reaching one arm over to the other side.2) Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate. A lot of stitches are caused by dehydration.3) As you said, regulate your breathing during your run.4) And most of all, don't start out too fast during the start. As a track two miler, I know that a stitch in the start is very painful. Simply create a set of splits and follow them as closely as you can.Hope this post helped :unsure:

  4. I do cross country and track for my high school team. I am a freshman female, and I run the two mile varsity on track, and I run the 3 mile for cross country. My team just placed 3rd in the State in cross country and track sectionals are next week so I'm VERY VERY excited. :unsure:

  5. It has been scientifically proven that eating a healthy diet while overall benefits health, really doesn't have much of an effect on acne. Of course, if you run your face in french fry grease it does, but no one ever does that unless they want an army of zits. But anyway, I had very mild acne, but both my parents had bad acne as teens. So I started going to the dermatologist in 7th grade. As a preventative measure, my doctor prescribed Accutane. It is the most effective pill on the market. It has been called the wonder drug. But, it is very expensive (200 dollars a month with my insurance :unsure:), and it also has been linked to birth defects in infants. Its been a year since I've been on accutane and I have had only 2 zits from that time. Yes, thats right, TWO ZITS! Ask your dermatologist about Accutane. It is TRULY AMAZING! :(

  6. I just started high school and was also known in grade school as the short skinny blond girl who never ever wore makeup. Now, I just apply some eyeshadow and a touch of mascara (I have long eyelashes without it). I find that it makes my eyes look a little bigger, and it takes me two minutes. So now I am the short skinny blond girl who wears a teensy bit of makeup. Its all up to the girl who puts it on, but for me using eyeliner and bronzer and all that other stuff is WAY out of my league. :unsure:

  7. :( Yes, I also own a chi straightner. I got it as a gift at christmas. I have wavy blond hair that looks nice naturally, but sometimes you need a change once in a while. So I got a chi. I find that my hair is done in about 20 minutes and is silky and soft the ENTIRE DAY! YAY for CHI! So far I've had no working problems or aanything, so I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed... :unsure:
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