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Posts posted by robocz033

  1. ok, i am installing a simple machine's forum (smf). i can download it manually, but when i try to access the install.php, i get a 500 error. before, i could access it, but there was a problem with mod_security. so now i have 2 main problems, and 1 small problem


    1. Mod_Security is conflicting with smf, if disabled, it risks security, however, security is one of smf's strong suits.

    2. I cant access my files. none of them work. i dont know what the problem is.

    3. (small problem) Fantastico isnt working.

  2. wow, you are going to be my life saver!!!! can you tell me how you uploaded it. because when i upload it to a directory called smf, then try and load the installer, it doesnt load. then i tried to do the webinstall and the didnt work. actually non of the files that i have loaded work. lol. so i need help starting there...

  3. What people don't get is mac has the longest history with computers, which kind of means they have the most experience. although windows is easy to use and very common, macs just have everything. if you know how to use a mac, its easy. on the other hand, most people dont know how to use them because they are so different from windows. although windows has set a standard, mac has exceeded it by including many features and so many helpful programs.as for parallel desktop, or bootcamp in some macs, i dont believe you need to buy the os, it can just run it. so there is no downside to it. but because windows became so popular, apple did not stand a chance. they cost more and they dont have the same compatibility as windows machines do. and dont get me wrong, i like windows, but all the stupid viruses are just plain annoying, that is why i switch to macs, but still use a dell for windows stuff. however, i do use all windows programs with my dell. as i said before i haven't had to install xp for it, so i dont believe that you should have to. to answer those questions i would suggest going to http://www.apple.com/ and locating an apple store near you and talking to the mac geniuses. the apple store near me has helped me with multiple things, and their customer service is unbeatable. so, to me, mac is the best way to go, but not the only way. it all depends on what you need to do.graphics wise, mac dominates, but windows can run faster, but it uses more resources. macs are more expensive, but come with great features, while windows are cheap (you can get em for like $200-300 baseline...) and almost everything is written for them, however you will still find support for programs in most new programs/versions (mainly within a year of the last update) at least all the programs i use have mac compatibility.

  4. This is seriously one of the best things i have done. but it requires that you must first go to http://www.moparscape.org/ from there u can go to the forum, but what i have to tell you regards the first link.


    There is this great invention called a private server. it is based off of runescape, however, it is a much better game. I have made a server called UnderArmor Scape. There are many features and more get added weekly. a new minigame is added every week along with many commands.


    Private servers are easy to play and fun beyond belief. Making a server, on the other hand, is harder than i thought, but i learn java and i did it and it was rewarding. but beyond that, let me get to the meat of this thread. UnderArmor Scape is a server based off of Phonescape, i will discuss this later. To begin with, it look exactly like runescape, but is sooooo much easier. I have customized it to include many commands that can be found doing ::commands or going to the quest tab and clicking on command list.


    Now i will talk about Features:

    -Commands such as:



    and many more that give you items, take you to places, and give you many hidden surprises.

    -Easy Training

    Ever wanted to be 126, or maybe 225, well in my server you can! And it wont take years like it does in runescape, in fact, it will only take a couple hours of work, maybe less! Private servers, such as UnderArmor Scape are great ways to obtain happiness because of their ease of use.


    Have you dreamed of having a gold crown or a silver crown next to your name? in my server you can, well if you earn/buy it. for more information on staff go to http://www.underarmorscape.co.nr/ and look around, you will find information, help, and layouts for applications for various things.


    Now onto server bases!

    My server, UnderArmor Scape is based off of xlinescapepk, which was coded from phonescape. the only difference between bases are the way they are coded. pimpscape, my personal favorite is usually the easiest and most common use server base. at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you will find a tutorial section with many tutorials on minigames, training areas, and countless other things. Phonescape is a less used base, but still popular. the server which i based off of, xlinescapepk, was and is one of the most successful servers in the history of moparscape! and by adding even more, i am going to continue the legacy even though it will be under a new name.



    UnderArmor Scape training is easy. the main things to train are attack, strength, defense, mage, slayer, and hp, but hp and slayer are automatically trained will training the others.


    Simply attack the dummies in the training room. you will see your attack jump up in level with record speeds, much faster than runescape.


    Do you know how to close a door? because if you do, strength training should be very simple. all you have to do is close the door in the training room!


    A little stack of hay is all you need, located in the training room, you can crawl into it and find defense xp, but dont ask me how it got in there, because i dont not know! (i actually do but i will never tell anyone! lol)


    Teleport. its as simple as that. most users teleport to ghorrock because it is fast xp. oh yea, you dont need runes, a lvl, or anything to train mage! watch out tho, by teleporting to ghorrock, you put yourself in the wild, and could get killed, however i am adding a random area teleport thing, like runescape has, so you dont tele to exact coords.


    do the command ::range and gain access to the range guild, simply hit the targets (no need for bow or arrows) and you get xp. range is easy because even though there are level requirements for bows, they hit amazing


    there are other skills you can train, just find em!

    oh yea, max skill is 120!



    -steal from the stall in the training room, do commands and sell stuff! get a p hat, cracker, mask or anything fast!



    there are other servers out there. to find them go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ then <- snipped -> and choose one


    now to the ending! =(



    to play this, you must first go to http://www.moparscape.org/ and let the client load.


    Posted Image


    After loading, you will get this screen:


    Posted Image

    it is very much like rs so its self explanatory.


    After you go to Enter, you see this:

    Posted Image

    where it says username, make a username, where is says password, make a password

    and in the server ip, put in (that is my ip, it uses hamachi which i will talk about next. there are also no-ip which i will talk about too)

    there is something called ports, to change the port, default is 43594, go to file/new port, then type in the port. all threads will tell you the port. mine is default





    some of you may have heard of hamachi, but those of you who havent, here is a quick lesson.

    Hamachi is a VPN program. its uses ips and networks to link people and share programs. using hamachi with a private server allows the hoster to run the server, and the players to play it.

    in order to play hamachi servers, you need hamachi, which can be downloaded at https://www.vpn.net/ download it. then set it up. now you have hamachi. it is simple to use and very convinient. to log on to a network do the following:

    Posted Image

    Posted Image


    no-ip servers are more popular because people are generally lazy and dont want to join networks. so no-ip makes it easier. i am working on no-ip as of now, but so far am unsuccessful.

  5. Well, right now i am kinda bent on buy an external hard drive with at least 200gb of storage. my main use is for partitioning for os's. but i have two questions1. What will happen if i use an external hard drive to run different os's? and is speed going to be a problem because of usb?2. What is the best brand of external hard drive out there?

  6. what so many people do not understand or know is that all macs come with parallel desktop or a program of the like, depending on which model you get. which taking this feature into consideration, makes a mac come out on top because it can run windows programs without struggle. Not only do you get the benefit of parallel desktop, but they don't have as many viruses made for them, they are insanely cool, they come with great programs, and they are very user friendly. My personal choice is a mac, i will not tell you which you should buy, but i recommend a mac because of parallel desktop which basically gets rid of all of the issues everyone brings up. It is not a very recognized feature, but that does not mean it is not important!

  7. I know what you mean, however, around my area, most computers dont come with it installed, they say it is ready or capable. however, the high-end stuff is definitely going to come standard with vista. i would say right now that vista is not the best option because of problems with compatibility, mainly affecting those upgrading. but when buying/building a new pc, i suppose vista might just be the way to go...

  8. u got 2 options, first, get wireless n, it should work. or get a repeater like Jimmy said.


    going with the wireless n route would be great, but there is one problem: you are not guaranteed that it will work and it will be a lot more expensive. that being said, it kind of defeats the purpose unless you want cutting edge technology.


    Wireless n is definitely longer range. some same up to 800%, but that is with favorable conditions and correct receivers. which leads me to my next point, they claim it is faster than 802.11g, but that is only with the compatible equipment, otherwise you only receive range benefit and a small amount of speed benefits.


    Going with a repeater will be cheaper, if you have the equipment. then you need it able to withstand weather, which is where you should look at Jimmy's post.

  9. gmail by far. i have used it for about a year now, and all i can say is wow. the only complaint is that some of its buttons, such as compose mail, aren't very noticeable so i get confused sometimes. but beyond that its great. the size is constantly growing, and now you can join without an invitation. i have not tried inbox.com, but im pretty sure gmail beats the pants off of any other web email on the planet. cause some have huge storage, but who needs it, i can never fill 1gb of storage (its close now with my private server stuff now) so 2.6-2.7gb for gmail is great.

  10. i have been trying to share a printer for a long time. my setup goes:modem-->router-->office comp, radio room comp, wireless router-->my computer-->wireless laptopis there a way i can set up a vpn, with hamachi maybe? or set up some sort of network so i can print from any of those computers. by the way, the printer is on the office computer.and i have trouble opening ports in my wireless router, mainly for hosting private servers for moparscape. i can use hamachi for it, but cant us http://www.noip.com/ 's no-ip duc. i make exceptions in the firewalls (windows firewall and mcafee), then i made exception for port in router, with program name (rk.no-ip.org) but it still doesnt work. it might help to check out what the hosting is like, so i recommend going to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. then go to the tutorials section, then go to portforwarding. this works with some people, but others cant get it. maybe it has something to do with my comp, i have a dell dimension b110 running windows xp.

  11. I am currently looking for an external hardrive, at least 200gb, to use for data storage, but mainly to partition for different os's. i want to put on mac osx, xp, vista, and linux. im not sure how i will get osx on there, but i will find a way. however, does anyone know if have an external for this partitioning will sacrafice speed (because of connection type) and if so, should i use firewire/eSATA. and will it also make the os's portable? if i could do this it would be sweet...

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