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Posts posted by Paradox

  1. 1. If the internet went down.If it just went down lcoally, I'd go read a book or something.If it went down world-wide, and was down for more than 2 days... I'd start tearing into my ISP2. If Phones and all communication went down.I'd play video games to keep me sane.3.If all of the above happened...Doesn't number 2 technically involve the internet going down too?

  2. The iPod all the way. It has more storage space, longer battery life, and is in all ways a better portable music device.I don't have one myself, but I have compared the MP3 players and iPods that my friends have, and I think that the iPod is by far the best. It can store 1000's more songs, and having a larger storage space means that you can use files of higher bitrate, and thus higher quality.The only drawback is the cost. iPods cost so much more than MP3 players.For now, I'm happy with my ancient CD player.

  3. Hello to all the members of Xisto.My name is Daniel, but I go by the alias Paradox. I come from New Zealand, and I'm in my final year of High School.I plan to enjoy my stay here, and to post at least once a day, something I havn't yet managed to do on ANY forum I visit ( :angry: ) because of other matters getting in the way. But hopefully, this will change.See you all around!

  4. Yesterday I applied for hosting. It was accepted.Today I checked my e-mail's and got the message from Xisto, however upon going to the page and filling in my details, I got a message that my username and password were incorrect?!I'm sure they weren't, I know how to spell my username, and my password is hard to spell wrong.Can someone shed some light on why this happened?

  5. Hmm... A good question.GRAPHICSSNES: Fairly good graphics for what it is.N64: Outstrips the SNES like light outstrips a snail.STORYLINES (in General)SNES: Generally more in-depth to make up for graphicsN64: Less in depth in general.ACTIONSNES: Many RPG's which involve a lot of time.N64: More games that don't involve heavy thinking, and a good for a quick go.MY TOP GAMES:SNES - Legend of Zelda, A Link to the Past - Chrono Trigger - FF Series - MegamanN64 -Goldeneye - Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time - Mario 64 and Mario kart - Banjo KazooieBoth consoles have lots going for them, but the N64 outranks the SNES in the terms of modern gaming. But, if your like me and enjoy "old-school" games, then maybe it's not such a bad idea to have a SNES around either.

  6. Two days ago I joined Xisto during a class at school. 25 minutes later, I am at home, attempting to get back to Xisto and continue posting.However, I kept receiving a "Page Cannot Be Displayed" error, no matter how long or how often I tried.I talked to a friend of mine over MSN, and she said that she could see the site fine.Is there an issue with my ISP here, or is it something else?The only difference in connection between my school and my house, is that I have Dial-Up, while the school has T1.

  7. I'm currently working on a project for school. I have to make a program for a client, and my client is the head of the Japanese Dept.

    I have run into a small problem however...

    After finally managing to work out a way to actually get VB to display Asian characters, using the .textRTF property of the richtextbox control. But, in doing this, it turns it into something like this...

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq1\fcharset128 MS UI Gothic;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1041\f0\fs17\'93\'fa\'96\'7b\'8c\'ea\lang5129\f1 \par}

    Needless to say, this creates a slight difficulty for checking the input of the user against a stored value, i.e showing the user a word and getting them to write it in japanese.

    So far, this hasn't been an issue, but in response to testing results, I had to increase the font size of the displayed characters. Of course, this affected the programs ability to compare both values, as one is now different to the other.

    How can I get around this? Any help would be appreciated.
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