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Everything posted by hars53

  1. aww man it says your site was suspended. What a shame, I wanted to see it!
  2. The PS2 is definetely the best, i love how it's bavkwards compatible with the PS games, and like how they didn't change the controller layout. Like with the GameCube, i had to totally get used to that controller, it was totally new to me. But with the PS2, they used the same layout with their controller so i had no problem getting used to it.
  3. Allright well i needed a better host for my stuff, and so i found Trap 17. It seems awesome, i'm going to get one of the hosting packages as soon as i get enough credits. Anyways, I just got an animator at my website, chromepixels.com (we're allowed to advertise here, right?) I'm currently working on an animation, and my new animator is getting used to LiveSwif.Also, I improved my site's navigation, i found a cool SWF file to use as a navigation menu.Anyways just check out chromepixels.com if you get the chance
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