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Posts posted by AnkitGoswami

  1. Federer beat Nadal 7-6 (7), 4-6, 7-6 (3), 2-6, 6-2. This must have been one of the toughest matches for Federer on grass. At one time I thought he was going to lose but then as always his game just improved tremendously and he was over to overcome Nadal who gets better every year. I just hope Fed-ex keeps winning and I really really want him to win the next French open. He is such a great guy and an excellent athlete.

  2. Oh come on. How can you blame baffaloHELP for your mistake? Rules are rules and you will not get free hosting if you don't even read the rules let alone follow them. You are not an exception to the credit limit for free posting. I would advise you to continue posting and concentrate on the quality of your posts. Try to think whether others would actually be interested in your posts. Don't give up and you will get your free hosting soon. Even I got hosted after 3-4 weeks of joining because of a stupid warning (even lost weeks worth of credits).

  3. I am using google apps as the mail server for my college's website but I can't figure out how to enable single user sign on. The main problem is that everyone has to sign in through a page hosted by google having some irrelevent content. Google check where the data is being posted from so I cannot use a form of my own for this purpose. The page even has a javascript which prevents me from using it in an iframe. I did some research and found out that I need to buy a public key certificate to enable single user sign on (makes sense, google wants a secure login page). I don't think I would be able to convince the college authority to shell out more money especially after I just got the hosting upgraded. If anyone knows a way to sign into google apps without involving a google hosted sign in page please let me know.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    For the future reference, "help..." is not an acceptable topic title. Modified.

  4. my first system was a media 8-bit console and I played it for nearly 6 years before getting a 16 bit console. However, I got my first PC about 3 months after that and since then have said goodbye to non hand-held game consoles. I prefer playing on a PC using mouse and keyboard. I use a game pad for games that are best played using a game pad. I have owned a gameboy?advance and an N-Gage QD since then but I have to say, the N-Gage was a disaster although I still play the Gameboy.

  5. A funny thing happened to a friend of mine. Both his parents go out for work early while he is sleeping so his mom always locks the front gate of his house. Yesterday when he was alone in his househe heard someone knocking at the front gate. After he ingnored it a few times and the knocking persisted he decided to check it out and TADA a thief was trying to break in while there was someone inside. The thief fled leaving his tools behind.

  6. 1 The Bourne Ultimatum by Robert Ludlum2 The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum
    3 The Bourne Supremacy by Robert Ludlum
    4 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K.Rowling
    5 The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie

    Robert Ludlum is my favorite author because of the Bourne series of books, those books are way better than anything else I have ever read.

  7. Is no one here a fan of Max Payne games? I think Max Payne 1 & 2 were revolutionary games. I must have?finished both?games?3-4?times.?The?concept?of?bullet?time?was?awesome?and?so?was?the?cut?screen?narration.?There?are?two?many?ingenious?parts?in?the?two?games?to?list.?The?best?part?was?when?you?had?to?play?both?Max?and?Mona?in?the?same?time?in?the?story . That was awesome.Another great game for its time was Recoil. I wonder why it didn't have a sequel.

  8. well it is not that I can't delete the folder but whenever I try to delete it the ftp client (or explorer) hangs because of the many many folders that were created inside it. It's like backup/backup/backup/backup/backup/backup/backup.....? ?so the ftp client gets stuck just trying to figure out the time required for deletion.Go ahead and try the script in localhost without the $path!="/backup" inelseif(is_dir($basePath . $path) && $path!="/backup")put?the?php?file?in?any?folder?and?give?the?arguments?like(in the last line):?dircpy("","../", "backup/", $overwrite = false);

  9. the trouble is they?don't have cpanel but plesk and I hate it.?I can't figure out how to use the file manager so I will have to resort to?downloading?a?lot?of?data?and?then?deleting?that?on?the?server?to?make?enough?room?for?uploading?files.Then?I?can?run?a?delete?script?and?also?change?the?backup?script.?The?real?problem?is?the?site?has?gone?way?over?the?limit (guess the size restriction doesn't apply when you are creating files using php) so I'll have to download a lot and downloading?files from ftp is soo slow.?

  10. I maintain my college's website and since I update it frequently, I decided to write?a?php?script?that?would?backup?all?the?data?in?a?folder?on?the?server?itself.?To?backup?all?the?data?I?would?only?need?to?run?the?script?once?in?a?while:





    $path = $source . '/' . $file;


    if(is_file($basePath . $path))




    print 'File ('.$path.')



    if(!is_file($basePath . $dest . '/' . $file) || $overwrite)


    if(!@copy($basePath . $path, $basePath . $dest . '/' . $file))




    print 'File ('.$path.') not copied.';






    elseif(is_dir($basePath . $path) && $path!="/backup")




    print 'Dir ('.$path.')



    if(!is_dir($basePath . $dest . '/' . $file))


    mkdir($basePath . $dest . '/' . $file);


    dircpy($basePath, $path, $dest . '/' . $file, $overwrite);














    print dircpy("","", "backup/", $overwrite = false);



    _linenums:0'><?function dircpy($basePath, $source, $dest, $overwrite = false){print "============================================================================"; if(!is_dir($basePath . $dest)) mkdir($basePath . $dest); if($handle = opendir($basePath . $source)) { while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $path = $source . '/' . $file; if(is_file($basePath . $path)) { print 'File ('.$path.') '; if(!is_file($basePath . $dest . '/' . $file) || $overwrite) if(!@copy($basePath . $path, $basePath . $dest . '/' . $file)) { print 'File ('.$path.') not copied.'; } } elseif(is_dir($basePath . $path) && $path!="/backup") { print 'Dir ('.$path.') '; if(!is_dir($basePath . $dest . '/' . $file)) mkdir($basePath . $dest . '/' . $file); dircpy($basePath, $path, $dest . '/' . $file, $overwrite); } } } closedir($handle); }}print dircpy("","", "backup/", $overwrite = false);?>



    What the script does is copy all the files (including all the files in the subfolders) to the backup folder using recursion. The first time I ran this script I forgot one thing :

    elseif(is_dir($basePath . $path) && $path!="/backup")

    I did not put the second condition in the above elseif.

    Now you might be beginning to understand my problem. The script went into a mad loop and started creating backup/backup/backup/backup/backup/backup....... Now the folders run soo deep that they have exhausted my webspace and I?am?unable?to?delete?them?('cause of 3 things : first, the folders run too deep, second, they contain .ftpquota files and third, I cannot upload any more files to try and run a script to delete them).



  11. Example of a table: (lets call it student)


    ????[/tab]?????????????Roll ??????????????Name ??????????????Branch

    ??????????????????1 ??????????????????A ???????????????Computers

    ??????????????????2 ??????????????????B ???????????????????Civil

    ??????????????????3 ??????????????????C ????????[tab]???Electronics


    Now in this table called student the fields are : Roll, Name, Branch

    to create a table in?phpmyadmin?just?fill?in?the?table?name?and?no?of?fields?on?the?initial?form?and?then?click?go.

    In the next form enter the respected names of the fields (eg?Roll, Name, Branch ), type (integer, char etc ), length (max size of the variable in most cases varchar with length 255 does the trick unless you are going to be comparing?some numbers) don't worry about collation, you can set attributes to unsigned etc if you need , can decide if you want null values,?set default values, auto increment etc. Now one more thing you can do in this page is set the primary key. The primary key of a table uniquely identifies each record in the table. Now press go and you will have created your table.

  12. I just tried safari and have got to say I loved its look. The address bar doubles up as a progress bar which is really neat and the rest of the interface is also quite good.?It?also was?quite?fast?however I noticed some graphical problems and also it didn't warn me that the download will stop if i close the main window (the download manager was in a separate window). But being a beta I think it can get away with that. I don't know how secure it is but it definitely deserves a try. It?will?heat?up?the?browser?wars but it's a long way from making me switch over to it from opera.

  13. I used to love organic chemistry back in school. It was by far my favorite subject while on the other hand I absolutely despised inorganic chemistry it was all cramming and little logic. I loved to read about the organic mechanisms and trying to figure out unknown mechanisms on my own. I still miss organic chemistry a bit but I guess college level organic chemistry would not have been that easy (I say this from my experience with physics).

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