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Everything posted by Nychii

  1. I know this is an old thread, so there's probably no one here to argue it but I've read some of the things being said and I think I'll defend the side that says video games aren't a complete waste of time. The main reason why I declare this is because of the grouping of the term "video games." By doing this you are being ignorant of the fact that video games vary between genres as much as books. You can say that a golfing video game is the same as a first person shooter, that's the same as saying that a nonfiction novel written by a previous President is the same as a porn magazine. Believe it or not, there are games that increase visual memory and other such abilities. The old people of Japan are having their latest craze over a mind exercise video game that would help individuals improve their memory and increase immunity to alzhiemer's disease. There are also games that increase physical abilities, namely DDR (Dance Dance Revolution).I will not disagree with the fact that some games are a complete waste of time. But then there are also movies, books, theatrical plays, whatever that are a complete waste of time. No matter how classic and ingenius Shakespeare is, his plays are a bit old and overdue. If our teachers cared to allow us to read a translated version rather than the original, the book might have been a bit more bareable. Back to the subject of games. Some claim that video games are not a good substitution for novels. Well, it just may be an alternative source for individuals who are unable to sit through reading a book. People learn different ways, some more visually than others. You cannot force someone to learn or experience something another way. I agree that movies can be an alternative source to playing a video game but video games are just movies but you can put yourself in the position of the main character or whatever character you play in order to create your own story. The most valuable portion of a game isn't it's images really, but it's game play and it's ability to allow an individual to experience the situation. You can always be told what to do, but would you really understand the concept of gravity for example than watching something fall to the floor? Someone can try their best to explain what green and red are to a color blind person but wouldn't it be better for them to actually see the colors?Also, video games may be a source to improving world relations by increasing world awareness. Historical games that may have been no more than a sword hack slashing game have allowed children to arrive at school with the ability to map out the Roman Empire. And there are games that are creating awareness and peace between some Palestinians and Israelies.Yes, there are games that are a waste of time BUT BY NO MEANS ARE ALL VIDEO GAMES A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME, FACE IT!
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