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Posts posted by blackrabit

  1. Well if you read some articles posted all around the internet you can see BLU-RAY is the superior format (as you called), it has protection against scratches and humidity while HD DVD doesn't, and you are wrong about which holds more data, BLU-RAY is the one that has a bigger capacity, but it costs a little bit more.I will not take a side in this fight either, at least for now, although I bet in BLU-RAY.The price is still too high, and some major brands are still to decide which side to take part of.

  2. OK here is a post from someone who actually has Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate installed.I upgraded to Windows vista one week after the final released and I'm really satisfied with it. It seems to be more stable than Windows XP but you need a powerfull machine for the graphics, no CPU lower than 1500MHz or fewer memory than 1 GB at 533Mhz is recommended. In my case I have a laptop with 2.0GHz and 2024Mb at 533MHz of memory, my graphic card is a ATI Mobility Radeon X700 with 128Mb dedicated memory, so not a top market machine but it runs Windows Vista pretty well.No security issues found, just some Windows services I think is better to shutdown such as Windows Defender, never liked it anyway.I'm running Kaspersky Antivirus with no firewall, but I'm an informatics technician so I would not advised simple user to follow my example.No compatibility problems of major importance found until now, got a problem with UltraVNC but it works, and I problem with Alcohol 120% virtual DVD driver, it crashed my entire Vista system, had to reinstall the whole operative system, but I don't consider it of major importance because I don't know much people using this software.eMule runs fine, azureus java version too.Apache server with php and mysql set up with no problems so as you can see no big problems with Vista even knowing it is a completely new OS with no specific software massively produced until now.I RECOMMEND THE UPGRADE AFTER MORE THAN 2 MONTHS USING IT.

  3. Better browser with no space for doubt : Mozilla Firefox!!!!Second place in my opinion: OperaThird place: Internet ExplorerJust wanted to make something clear, I do have all these browsers on my laptop, and I do use them all but there is something I hate more and more when I use them, the ability that microsoft has to make pages in a way they only work in internet explorer, I think it's a shame. Shame on you Mr. Bill Gates, you should be sued by this behaviour.

  4. Well I have to say I don't agree with the majority of you, I play world of warcraft for a year and a couple of months now and I'm still not addicted to it, I'm able to play other games, I have a girlfriend, I hang out with friends, I'm even able to spend a month without playing which I did some times in the last year and I still think it is one of the best games ever made.I have a lot of friends who play it and I know some cases of addiction I just think it's a matter of self control and diversified interests, and you can play it without being addicted to it.Currently I'm here to host my wow's guild page and I'll try to learn a little bit more about php and mysql while I do it, so I can join two of my greatest interests, WOW and informatics.Those who never played it, please try, you won't regret it, but take it easy, be carefull not to get addicted.Those who stopped playing, admit it you miss those times.Live well, play games, make friends and never stop learning.

  5. Here it is, the new BLU-RAY disc, the next generation of optical media that should replace DVD's on the market.
    Some movies are already being sold at DVD and BLU-RAY format, although prices here in Europe still are around 300 to 500 for a table BLUE-RAY reader, more or less the same a DVD player costed when it arrived at the market. Some laptops are coming with BLUE-RAY too although they cost around the same amount.

    I would like to hear your opinion about this new technology and for those who don't know it yet here I post a link for your information:

    BLU-RAY on Wikipedia

  6. Hi to all, I'm Jo?o Soares a.k.a. blackrabit, and I'm from Portugal, I ended up here because I was looking for a freewebhoster that would give me enough space to host my pages and with a decent bandwith which is the case of Trap 17.I also needed MySQL server with at least 5 databases, php with GD support which I think is very important nowadays for a decent webpage.With all these conditions created together here I am, and I hope to stay.I intend to host a webpage about my World of Warcraft guild, with roster capabilities and EQDKP too, that way we can be organized and have a decent database about all the guild members and their stats.

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