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Posts posted by prashrb

  1. I could not send a request to host a new free web hosting, after accumulating enough credits from forum postings. And I get the following error.


    Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.


    The error returned was:


    Our records indicate that you have already submitted an application. Please wait until that application is approved or denied before submitting another one.

    And my previous request was denied due to lack of forum credits. still I get this error, that my previous request is still pending! :P

  2. do u have any step for it or any thing that can help me thank you

    U may have to re-edit the entire source to use a common database. As far as I know is, all the three uses different database structure to store information. It's a critical task re-editing the source.
    I suggest to learn the database structure, using phpMyAdmin or something like that.
    Once done, try to edit the code to use the same table for atleast username and password fields.

    And, there's no definite solution ...unless u experiment with it.

  3. :P I'm surprised to see ZERO support for Bush!He should do real piece of work... He's for war, which he should cease.Can anyone ask Bush to stop throwing wars on islamic countries?I'll appreciate, if Bush makes sensible decision, and speak less. Also teach him to live life in peace, and solve problems with sense.P.S.: I'm not against anyone, and I'm not political too. Please don't get offended.

  4. Google has release GMail for open registrations in India. No more invites are required.


    Now all Indians along with the citizens of Europe and US and few other countries can now register for GMail without an Invitation.


    Just head on to the GMail home page,


    If GMail is available for Open registration in your country, you can find a Sign Up link below the Login form.

    Free not only in India... everywhere in the world!

    The best ever mail provider is now open! No more invites required!

    But I did not understand the point, why still every new registration have 50 invites! :P ??? :( lol

    The best feature is sending mail from any address, provided you own them.

    I signed Gmail. I have a email forwarding address, but can use it to send mail. Now can use the email address to send mail, with the help of Gmail! :(


    Check it out!

    Posted Image

  5. Free hosting services disables mail(). and phpBB uses this function to send mail. You need to find a hosting server that have mail() enabled to use phpBB.

    I suggest addyour.net

    It offers,

    * 500MB hosting space (infact unlimited currently)* 5 MySQL databases
    * php 4
    * php.mail() enabled
    * supports phpBB
    * nice FTP access with 5 FTP accounts
    * excellent cpanl
    * 5 Free POP3 and SMTP mail accounts
    * 5GB/month BW
    * Domain: username.b4site.com or username.4mak.net
    * five sub-domains
    * Custom error pages
    * No forum posting required

    check it out: /legacy
    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Quote tags are required for lists which are included in posts. Use bbcode quote tags when the list exceeds 30% of the posting material

  6. Some people wonder what E-mail service they should use. Here is a list of some that you could choose (I am listing those that I know and remember. If you know any other services, please post a reaply and tell which one) :


    Hotmail - Space: 1024 MB

    Gmail[GoogleMail]  - Space: 2823 MB (continously expanding)

    Yahoo Mail (mail.yahoo.com) - Space: 10 MB (small amount of space but security is good)

    AOL Mail (webmail.aol.com) - Space: 2 GB

    Windows Mail   - Space: 2 GB

    Inbox Mail (http://www.inbox.com/) - Space: 5 GB

    Dodgeit (http://www.dodgeit.com/) - Space: unlimited (I think) (message deletes after 7 days) (receive only).

    I use Yahoo! mail service. Thye have upgraded. It's not 10MB anymore. they offer 1GB space. With Yahoo! Beta, emailing is fun. They have good AJAX sink for mails. They do support SMTP and POP3 access, letting you to access mails from your favorite mail clients.

    They have the best security.


    They have a tonnes of features loaded with every free mail account.

    Apart from mail space, they also provide free web space of 15MB.


    Check out: Yahoo!


  7. I have tried mail.com. I found it good at it's features

    * 100MB of mail space
    * Ajax interface.. highly recommended for broadband users. (optional)
    * Easy to use address book
    * FREE Calendar, Notepad, Greeting Cards and Games included
    * 100s of addresses to choose
    * Free e-cards

    It had a few ads ...a banner on the top. But when you can an email address like prash@bikerider.com, who cares the ads! :P

    check out the list of domains they offer.


  8. Well, I'm a Gmail user, and I tried to sign up with inbox.com after looking this topic. It asks me my credit card details!! Gmail don't!So I conclude Gmail is best and free! and ofcourse no credit card headaches with Gmail. Also Gmail is now available to everyone. No invites required anymore.Gmail have got the best spam filtering. and loaded with tonnes of features!!Wish u all happy Gmailing!!

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