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Posts posted by Roconza

  1. I can't help see there are more and more chain letter going around of late online and it's really bugging me,what is the point of this.I don't think chain letter happen in real life any more,so I can only guess it has moved to the online world now.I think it cute on DA because there just for fun but other seem pointless I'm not sure what goes threw people's minds when they do this but it seems the only thing you do is spam some one.There some thing that happen some times in my yahoo mail acount I get odd spam email from other users sending me links to all kinds of crazy things.The odd thing is I don't even use the chat rooms,I only use it once but it seemed full of more pervs then any thing so I never used it again but I still get spam e-mail from other users......WHY!?

  2. I'm not sure if this is the right place but I wanted to know if there is a to work around page info?I want to make a website were I can show my art work but I don't want people to use my art or graphics with me knowing.I found out even if I disable right click you can still download images using page info and add on in firefox.I want to know if there is a why I can keep poeple from downloading my images using this optoin it's very distresing to learn people can down load my work using optoin and add ons and I would not even know it,if there is no way to counter this I not even try.

  3. Oh man I had the Worst PMS last week,I got depressed and the angry,then depressed,then happy and I got pissed again for no reason.I got really upset over any thing it was really bad.I get really heavy Menstrual cycles and really painful craps I even get cold chills.

    I have found that eating nothing but bananas, or any other raw fruit or vegetable, as long as it's only one kind, can really help alleviate cramping of the uterus. -it works!!

    I may try to do that.

  4. Hmmm fish are tricky animals to keep here both easy to care for and very fragile.I got a fish tank and did every thing,I got a filter and the and drops.I did every thing even waited 48 hour before adding fish to it but when I got some fish they slowly started to die week by week.I started with 7 fish and they droped down to one,the bad thing was that every time I got more fish they keep dieing and I got tried to buy stuff to fix and it kept happening.In the end a got a fighting fish, sure you can only have one but the the most easy fish to take care of no filter,no waiting and they make a nice decoration.I have mind in a vase with a pant and some colorful rocks and he couldn't be happier.

  5. I think I may ask her if she needs help,at least that way I can help and have a good look around.If she lets me help I can have a look around the place ,if it a good place I'll help out the animals in need but if it looks like the animals are not being taking care of I'll let the right people know.After all I only want to do whats best for the animals and maybe the woman,if she has biten moare then she can chu(chew?).Thank you all for your advice I'll Keep you all post on how things go. :lol:

  6. I would say, the best thing would be to talk to the owners, saying you'd like to see the animals, and could they oblige? Don't be confrontational, be friendly. Tell them you really like animals, and would like to give a little time to these strays. Strike up a conversation, maybe they'll tell you how they came to set up the shelter, about the problems they have, etc.
    Don't go in looking for trouble, go in trying to be friends. And go in to really be nice to some of the animals there, if they'll let you.

    If they are harsh/unfriendly/won't let you see the animals, then I'd say go talk to another shelter, find out what options those animals have, whether anything can be done to help them. I don't think you should just report them, if your report results in the poor creatures being 'put down' it would be a terrible thing, so talk to other shelters etc. That's IF things really are as bad as they seemed at first sight. It may be that these people really care about animals and are doing the best they can on a very limited budget, so give them the benefit of the doubt.

    Have you heard the saying 'He who treads softly goes far' - tread lightly, don't step on anyone's toes, be friendly, and try to find the way to do what's best for those little creatures.

    Thank you,I will try that before jumping the gun,that really great advise I think that the best thing I could do.My mom just want to forget about it and let the whole thing go but I can't.I think if you can't take full care of a animal you should not start some of that scale,there vet cost,food cost housing and getting them fix so you do have more and grooming,like flea and tick care.It's some thing you most think out very good before you and do it.Like in the cases of hoarder who keep animal to save them but the animals suffer because they can keep up with the cost of caring for them.This can be avoided if people just fix there animal,they think there doing what best for there animal by not fixing them but there only hurting there them and there children and then both the animal and there baby have to be put down.There so many wonderful animals that are just waiting to be taken home but people pass them up for the fancy pure bred it sad really.

  7. I think not enough people tell others their art sucks. Too many people go around posting blurry text'd crap everywhere on the internet and people tell them its beautiful. I don't get it. Meanwhile others who are actually good get left in the dark. Why do people do this? Is it because they don't want the crappy 'artist' to feel bad and assume the better already has self esteem or something? I am too nice to tell people their work sucks, but i hardly like most peoples work and i hardly praise anyones unless i really do like it, usually i just say 'looks nice' because i am far to nice to tell them really i think its horrible and they never should attempt it again. I agree that not everyone is a graphically skilled as others especially in the beginning, but its unfair to the person to continue and tell them their work is great when it sucks miserably. Chances are that person is wasting their time, and should move on to things they can do better.

    That why I think people should give them helpful critique on how to get better,but not really to bash it or like you said to overly baby them.There are those ding dong that take your helpfulness as being flaming and will trash you for only being helpful as well it a double edge sword.I just favorite what I like and that should be good enough for them,I really don't care if people leave comment to my art but when they fav my work I fell honored because the bottom line is that mean they like it and that what matter to me at least that they like it that is what I draw for fun not really to me the best and if some one like then that great.

  8. Last week My mom saw a news report saying shelters and how they needed donations.We when to the store and got 2, 20 lbs bags of food one being dog and one being cat.We got to are local township shelter only to find it close they are only open three days out of a week and that the first thing that bugged me,how can a shelter only be open for a short time each week?,another thing bugs me it is a house it not even a building made for the sole reason to house animal.Not only that when we came back they didn't even let us see the dogs which were house in little shack in the back yard from what I could see from the window.the cats from what I saw were running around or in small cages.Not one thing about this place made me feel well....I some how feel that I should have reported this place or call some one to check it out or some thing but then I was left with a hard choice do you report them and have then checked out and have the animals go to other shelters or killed because theres no room for them or turn a blind eye to it and live with the fact that they maybe suffering and I had a chance to help them.I don't know what I should do,there a no kill shelter but what if there not being treated right,In fact I may be wrong and they can be a alright place but it keeps playing in my head being animal lover I'm left with a hard choice to make.

  9. I have 2,687 download 15,hack a lot other custom stuff.I live at MTS2 it a awesome site I only wish I knew how to make my own custom content tho.I love to use the tome stone of L&D a lot together with the hack that lets you have more then 8 family members...oh man but it kill my computers,Hehe I use it to full my lot with ghosts. I my self am not in to the zombies,alien,vampire or werewolves.I don't like the vampires because you can go out in the day time so it make them getting jobs kinda hard and werewolves are not that great to me.I am kinda disappointed the sim 2 pets they added pets which is fun as heck but thaey didn't add much of any thing in terms of items I it wasn't worth the 30$ price tag.

  10. I enjoy firefox indeed pages do load faster and using tabs makes it easy to browse even if IE added them but the add on are nice and very helpful.the down side is that most websites are made to be run on IE and you have to take that in to account when you make a website because it will look and work diffrent at time from what you see.I am very happy with my browser but then again I have yet to try the others yet.

  11. I love the Redawall series of books,I remember looking threw the fantasy Ilse of the book store and seeing Marlfox it was the first book I read and now I love the the series.Granted it can be a little hard read the part with mole talk are almost unreadable and british terms are a little confusing.I don't think it hard read unless your ready to ready read chapter books but then again harry potter book can be 30 chapters and people seem to have to problem reading those.

  12. I gave trying to live up to the unbelievably high standard in which I as a woman am expected to live up too because we keep pushing are selves only to have the bar raised even higher to the level that we can't reach that are inhumanly possible.For what? so are boyfriends can leave us for a even better looking woman.I feel if a man can except me for what I am.I take care of my looks for my own happiness and to feel good not for any body else.

  13. Right now i'm reading the readwall series of books,I love the first book Marlfox so much that I am now trying to read the whole series so far I have read Mattimeo,Redwall,Triss and right now I'm reading The Pearls of Lutra.I love these books for thoses whom don't know redwall is fantasy series that centers on a diffrent group of aninals depending on the book which is most a diffrent story and character each book.It may sound lame but it is really a great series of books,I think it is good series with very good storys byBrian Jacques you sould check it out I think you'll like if you like books like Harry potter and Eragon.

  14. The online hate


    After reading a rant on a site I feel the need to voice my feelings


    thing that bug me




    I like to say some thing I don't like people who flame or bad mouth others for speaking there mind and you know what it makes no sense at all.When you post some thing like your feeling on some thing no matter what it is you expect to get some critical reply but to go out of your way to say horrible thing about them just because there views are not the same as them is just wrong.What wrong with people online just because your on online doesn't mean you lower your standards just because you can not be seen.


    Noobie bashing:


    I really hate people online on MMORPGs who ignore or bash beginning players just because there new to the game.Would it be so hard to help this person out just a little? or tell them you don't want or can't help them.I remember a long time ago I was playing ever quest and I was new to the game so ask other player if they knew a good place to start only to get people bad mouthing me for no good reason other then me being a beginner.Then there those very kind people whom see a beginner struggling and help them out like a very kind wolf who helped me get out of some water I was stuck in(long story).what make this worst is they forget that once upon a time they to were beginners.The bad thing is when beginners become experts they treat beginners they same way making a cycle.the same goes for other online community's like gaia online were my avatar is very plain and it is dressed in very basic wear well I'm working on making it better.I find that I was looking around for some one to talk to and out of the blue some one says "nice skirt noob" I said what was that for and I get a lol smile.What was I doing? but looking plain.



    Art bashing:


    This another thing that bugs me is the way people spam other peoples art with "your art suck" and "why do you bother posting" what does every body have to be the best artist ever.This person may have put a lot of time on there art and granted they may not be the best but there no reason to crush the hope like that.I think if you don't like that person's art then try giving them some help.Post some tip to help them improve.Becoming a good artist takes time and practice unless you were bless with good art talent from youth then you need to work at it.I think that good artist should help not bash art work and if your art is not so good then don't say bad things out of spite.I'm not going say I'm a awesome artist I can stand to become better and I love when people tell how to make my artist better.


    I can't understand this kind of stuff in fact I may get flame for starting this topic but I just wanted my voice to be hear.



    people who steal:


    I hate people whom steal form artists maybe because I am a artist my self.People seem to think that because some things on a website and you can right click that mean that it is free but thats not how things work.If they would work hard on there art or graphics they wouldn't have take other peoples art.Then of course theres some people who think that editing it a little or changing colors make it ok well it does not! and what bugs me is they run around posting it and think there wonderful.The irony is that this work doesn't even look like there other work and they get flamed like crazy from people who know the real artist.I remember some moron who stole some sprites from a site that had HTML and BBS code that you post of your site and they put it on there site not only stealing the content by the idea to the irony again being that they didn't even change the code so it link right back to the site they come from it ended with the web master being flamed in his/her guest book.I my self always make two copies of my work,the sketch and finished work just in case I need to prove my work not that my crappy art is worth steeling.Well guess that how thing are now you have to go to amazing high level to protect your act on your website by disabling almost every thing or put a but ugly water mark over it....


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