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Posts posted by Joshthegreat

  1. The second one is great. Good work. The first one is pretty boring and simple. The third one is just a bit too lame. But seriously good work with the second one. That is a well nice banner. First: 7/10Second: 8/10Third: 5/10

  2. Wow... I forgot I had posted this. Well thanks for the amazing response. Beeseven. That simple script is exactly what I'm looking for but I'm kind of a bit weirded out by the layout. Mobious, do I need to set anything up on my Xisto host in order to use yours? You say you'll edit the template for anyone who doesnt know php..? Sounds great. But if there is anything I need to set up on the host before I can use it I need to know, sorry I'm a bit of a newbie to php and MySQL.Thanks, in advance of it all going down smoothly.

  3. It's not supoosed to be fully functional yet at all. I am getting a new banner some time. But I may have to make a not so great one in Unlead Gif Animator because I don't have photoshop at the moment.Do you guys mean the main content area text size? A little bit of cellpadding to the little content cells in the middle sounds a good idea. I'll try that out and see what it looks like. Links on the right side...? I don't know. One of my friends did that on his site and it didn't really look all that great. I think I'll keep them on the right.I was already going to change the cursor style over the links because I was starting to click that it does look pretty lame.Thanks for all your comments guys! Keep 'em coming if you have any ideas.

  4. :D:D:D:D:D:D .
    Seriously all get your rear ends out and buy Timesplitters 2. It'll be really cheap now as Timesplitters 3 is about to come out but.... Seriously I can't believe none of you have head of Timesplitters. It's only one of the greatest FPS of all time!
    Lemmie find a link....

    Timesplitters 2

    I admit the intro makes the game look absolutley rubbish and cheesey. But don't let that decieve you. Seriously people. This game is as vital to your console as your central nervous system is to your brain!

  5. Well can I just say that when reading OPS2 (Official Playstation2 Magazine) Febuary edition, they said that on their PSP none of the glitches or problems turned out to be true. And the square button on their console works absolutley fine. So, can I just say that if there is a problem, it's evidently hardly something worrying about. So no worries people!

  6. I know why there are no more Driver games. It's because the main driver producer editor supreme guy who created the games has quit. I saw it in the latest version of OPS2. It's official, No lies in there. But yeah, dunno if there will be anyone taking over from him though and actually make a gamethat's more worthy of peoples time. But only time will tell...

  7. Youre wrong. U make me remember myself,because when I was 12, I think exactaly like you. "PHP is hard". But now, (Im 14, learn php with 13) I see that this is an very simple language. Try to pickup tutorials and look at some scripts (but never only copy them, use it to learn).


    I'm 13 now, and I can imagine it being a simple language once you've got used to it, but it's that first sudden impact of crazy little symbols and random text that really throws people. I mean, it threw me. I was like :D. But now you say it's actually quite easy. I might just give it an extra shot.
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