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Everything posted by egbakaet

  1. Either for free torrents or for looking up games or homework. Basically that's all I do on the internet, other than web design.
  2. I made my own, but it wasn't as easy to administrate (if you consider phpnuke easy). I have a real great layout too, or at least I think I do! LOL.
  3. My dad is the same, if not worse. COLLEGE HERE I COME!
  4. Here's an even easier way, if that's too complicated. lol. <? $show = 2; //change 5 to number of buttons you want to show $button[] = "|-img code here-|";$button[] = "|-img code here-|"; //and so on srand ((float) microtime() * 10000000); $Keys = array_rand($button, 3); //change 5 to number of buttons you want to show for($K = 0; $K < $show; $K++){ echo "".$button[$Keys[$K]].""; } ?> Just add more lines of $button[] = "|-img code here-|"; to the code to make more images! Hope that helps!
  5. Hey, if any of you guys need a mail newsletter script, let me know. I got one that works beautifully and is barely a hassle. Only 3 files needed!
  6. Well, if gmail doesn't go public soon, I still have 50 invites if anyone is interested. Just send an email to egbakaet@gmail.com.
  7. Here are some great bit torrent sites if all of you are interested. I got numerous games such as Soldier of Fortune 2 and Halo from these sites! Enjoy! 1. Torrent Spy 2. Torrent Reactor 3. Torrent Reactor (another website) 4. Mini Nova I do not take responsibility for the legality of these sites. Any concerns can be taken up with the sites' administrators. Enjoy!
  8. I use IE 6 right now, but I had firefox and I must say, it is a lot better than IE. With IE I get so many viruses it's unbelievable.
  9. I've never played it, but once I get my own alienware computer, I plan to get that and Counter Strike Source! I heard Half life 2 was great. My friend (who lives in Australia) has the game and he says it's off the hook. I definately want to get that game. Right now, I got some old crappy ones I got for free off of some torrent site.
  10. I'd probably play CS source, half life 2, or doom3 all day long!
  11. Hey, no offense to anyone, but those are some really unusually weird names! Oh well, mine's Samblimbe. LOL! (not really, jk)
  12. Wow that's insane!!! Well I have like 25 gmail accounts. I don't think I need anymore email accounts. LOL!
  13. I found this awesome place on a free webhost search engine! Wow, nice website by the way. Love the layout.
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