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Posts posted by moblati461

  1. I dunno it really depends on the girl, Some have acne and whatever and want to cover it up. If make up is done right then she will look amazing, Better then she can al natural. But I dont think in the least bit its needed, My girl is beautiful to me either way, I like it when she doesnt have make up on but it makes them feel better about themselves when they think they are pretty. So its kinda a self esteem thing.

  2. Yea first off I wanna say that that is pathetic, Not trying to offend but come on man. If she is a 10 then she must be amazing and there for easy to get shy around but you cant just ignore her, I would say forget her because I have found alot of school relationships and how girls think of you have to do with timing. You have to take action before its too late, If you get to know them but dont act soon enough they you will be put in the "friend zone". I think you still have a chance since you make it seem like you really havent even gotten to know her and her know you, Just try to find some time to talk to her and know what your about. Dont be so shy, Its hard at first but it gets easier. Confidence is one of the biggest turn on's for ladies, and confidence can be faked. Dont think of yourself as the *BLEEP* and get all cocky but she likes you, Go for it and just see what happens. If you dont do something you will always think what could have happened. Go for it now and if it doesnt work then move on.

  3. First of all I wanna say I LOVE the colors, The shade of green used is really nice. Its looks like a pretty good site with ALOT of content, over 30 thousand programs to download wow. The only thing I dont like is the ad, I have to scroll down below it to find the programs I wanna download. But you gotta put it somewhere to pay the bills so I agree with everything you have done with the site so far, Great job.

  4. Ive never used imageshack so I cant really say anything about it but I love photobucket. I have heard both sites are great but I just signed up for an account at photobucket and havent had any problems with it so no real reason so change. I would definitly recommend photobucket because the site is simple and very easy to use and gives links to the images you upload very easy. Great site all in all.

  5. Recently I bought an xbox (The original one not the 360) and a Xbox Live 12-Month Subscription card, I plugged in the xbox and turned it on. Once it started up I went to the xbox live button and tryed to set up a new account, When I did I got a DNS failed error. Seeing this I called xbox live support which started with a machine, I listened to the steps it gave me and none worked so I was set on hold for a short while until an agent was available. When I did get to talk to someone they first lead me through the same steps the machine told me to do which started to piss me off, We did a few other things which opening up a few ports and manually setting up the ip address the box connects to. Nothing was working, After about 1 and 1/2 of troubleshooting he asked what kind of router I had. I told him and he said that it was an incompatible router and that there was nothing he could do, He suggested I call my ISP and ask for new router. So then I called qwest and they said a new router would cost $70 bucks, I didnt want to buy a new one since my current one was working fine for internet. So I called xbox live support back and asked if I could get a refund on my purchase of the subscription card, He said that he couldnt do that and said the only thing I could do was to get a compatible router. After all that time spent thats the response I got, The guys were trying there best and were nice but there product didnt work for me. I should get a refund. :lol: :lol:

  6. Good guide and does work, The only thing is the majority of people who play runescape are kids under the age of 18. For this to work you have to have a verified paypal account, That means you have to connect your paypal account to a bank account. Most kids do not know there bank account info or even have one. Its a good tip and does work very well, But Im guessing this is aimed towards kids and they cant really do it.

  7. This is a tough one, There are really two main views on this and it depends on the kind of person you are. There are people who are very analytical and can only believe what is in front of them or can be seen and there are people who believe there is god. I personally dont think there is a god, I think religion is made up and dont believe in that either. People need hope, Its what keeps them going so a vast majority of people seek this in religion and god.

  8. I would definitly say Microsoft's Xbox wins by far, I am obsessed with halo 2 so thats pretty much why I chose the system. But I have a modded xbox which allows me to play burned games and I can download games to my hard drive which is awesome since a disc isnt required to play anymore. I personnaly think the xbox beats the ps2 in every category but physical appearance, The xbox is exactly what the names says, A Box.

  9. First of all I wanna say Modding halo 2 DOES NOT mean cheating, Although thats the rep modding is getting because all of you with unmodded boxes dont see the cool things we do with mods. Modding is above all about having fun doing things you wish you could do, Adding things you wish were adding to the original game you add yourself. People who cheat are stupid and should die in my opinion. But the best modding site I know about is halomods.com, They have pcitures of their mods and its a really active community.

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