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Everything posted by greenyb118

  1. greenyb118


    Hi everyone, never been on here before, but it looked interesting...On the off-chance that anyone cares what I think here goes:It is impossible really to have any rasoned arguement about the existence of god with a believer. Of course, you could have a conversation atheist to atheist, but as neither of you actually believe in a higher power: what's the point? So, why can't you argue with a Christian? It's the matter of faith.You can come up with as many reasoned arguements and back them up as well as you like but the Christian will always ruin a perfectly good debate, especially if you back him/her into a corner, by saying that it is a matter of faith - and of course that if you don't have it you will burn in hell for an eternity or suffer some other ghastly punishment. Perhaps being the only single women surrounded by a sea of attractive gay men. I say this as most men wouldn't mind being surrounded by a sea of attractive gay women. But I digress...On a serious note; there is no firm way to prove or disprove the existence of God and so we ALWAYS return to the matter of faith, to which there can be no real response. So to any believers in God readign this I implore you: have a reasonable debate. Fight fair. Don't ruin it by using the F word.I leave you with two of the ten commandments which i feel convey the hypocrisy of Christianity quite well:The 2nd commandment: 'Thou shalt worship no other God but me, for i am a jealous God'The 7th commandment: 'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, neither shall you desire your neighbour?s house, or field, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor' For jealousy is a sin.
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