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Posts posted by assasinkilla

  1. Well... In this time if you REALLY dont want to go with her, just call her and tell her, try to be mature and not to offend her... Just try to explain her the situation, really helps, but maybe she will get angry but do you care? I dont think so because you dont even know her. Other thing MOM WHY AVOIDING?! xD... She is that bad? She is ugly or what's up bro? I dont think is that bad bro. But well your life. Good luck and reply if you used my method :lol:

  2. If there was no internet then I would have a life. I would go out and be active doing things like jogging, rollerblading, or football. I would not be the fat slob that I am right now.
    I would also develop social skills because I would have to go out and make friends and hang out with them. Ideally, I would like to develop wit and sarcasm.

    But, since the internet is here and looks like it will stay... I retire to my room so that I am able to continue being a fat, witless, slob.

    Agree with that man... WITH ALL OF THAT! xD... But yesterday i was having no internet, i thought i was on hell! serious, nothing to do, so i go out.... (wasnt so bad) xD... I spend like 16-18 hours on pc sometime less.... normally 12 hours, but well at least im good on pc xD... Also internet isnt good for kids... (surf control is excellent :lol: for kids)

  3. Hey There,

    Hacker is a term applied often to computer software or computer hardware programmers, designers and administrators, and especially those who are perceived as experts or highly accomplished. A hacker is also someone who modifies electronics, for example, ham radio transceivers, printers or even home sprinkler systems for extra functionality or performance. The term usually bears strong connotations, but may be either favorable or denigrating depending on cultural context.
    In computer programming, a hacker is a software designer and programmer who builds programs and systems that garner the respect of one's peers. A hacker can also be a programmer who hacks or reaches a goal by employing a series of modifications to exploit or extend existing code or resources. For some, "hacker" has a negative connotation and refers to a person who "hacks" or uses kludges to accomplish programming tasks that are ugly, inelegant, and inefficient. This pejorative form of the noun "hack" is even used among users of the positive sense of "hacker" (some argue that it should not be due to this pejorative meaning, but others argue that some kludges can, for all their ugliness and imperfection, still have "hack value").
    In computer security, a hacker is a person who specializes in work with the security mechanisms for computer and network systems. While including those who endeavor to strengthen such mechanisms, it is more often used by the mass media and popular culture to refer to those who seek access despite them.
    In other technical fields, hacker is extended to mean a person who makes things work beyond perceived limits through their own technical skill, such as a hardware hacker, or reality hacker.
    In hacker culture, a hacker is a person who has attained the respect of one's peers.

    Notice from Johnny:
    When taking material from outside sources, please use quotes around the copied text.

    Copied from Wikipedia:


  4. Hey,The design goes great with the back ground color, the sides are a little too plain i would suggest adding some cool designs on the left and right and crop it like semi-circle wise on the side(for the corners not to look to edgy or pointy, make them more circle shape)But its going gret You have excellente talent keep going:D

  5. Hey,What do you guys think about the new cure for cancer?The other day, i was watching a documentary about Cancer and it's new cures, and they announced a new cure made in NewYork and tey say its enough for level 1 and 2 of cancer, and I know a friend who had cancer for about 4 years of his life and he never did Kemotherapy nor shos nothing at all...He just prayed and asked god to cure him, untill one day he realized that God id curing him by sending these shots,kemo,etc.. So he decided to start doing Kemo, and taking Shots, etc...Untill the first day he did it he passed away(R.I.P), I thought to myself why did it happen to him, If he always ued to pray and ask gos to cure him? And then i Just knew its fate, if a person dies or not, it's not the cures...please reply leaving your opinion...Thanks

  6. Hey,I also was thinking to buy the Xbox 360, it's that its game are not my type.I like games that are rated M and the majority i found were on the PS3.I guess i could go to EBGames and try which one i like their so i dont know right now i would hve to think about it!But call of duty sounds good!, i played that on my friends house(ps3) you can connnecto to internet with xbox 360 and play on internet with people of other country right? If that its a yes, i will buy it! I think its very cheap and sounds good, waiting the replies xD Thanks :lol:

  7. Hey There,Webs are my ultimate specialty, I started learing when I was about 10 years old. It was really helpfull to start young because as you knowthe younger the better. I really like doing webs and designs and other specities. One of my freinds showed me how to make a real live robot that walks and talks with only 12 dollars, his name was Omar Barghouthi. Hes going Professional in this web designing specialty.If you are intrested in talking to him reply to me and i will telll you more about him.

  8. Hey There,As you know there are the rich and the poor, the respected are the rich, he disrespected are the rich. Many people think that being rich is a popularity concert about who has more money, who is respected more, and who is know in society. But on the contrary it's not lke that, to me i think that the rich with no life are the ones who are poor on the inside because thay are not happy, and the poor are the one who are rich on the inside beause their happy no problems in life, no wonder walls to enfront ...Let me put it this way, I school i was told to do an essay about Respevt,Rich and Poverty etc... So i went around investigatingn school about peoples opinions the said that i was right, money doesnt bye happiness neither respect in socety it just buys you some more im to lie t yourself aout anything you have problems on.So I think a poor person q also be happy by not having money just as the person who has money who isn't happy... Thanks

  9. Hello, Judo is a very important sport, it was originated in Japan, its an excellent art and combat style. Judo Can be very helpful, like if your walking down a strret and somebody attacks you will reactly really quickly and be precise about what your doing to the person like giving him a special kick in a special part where he wont get hurt just leave him uncontious etc...I tried Judo for 3 years and when i started football, i really helped me, when i would fall down I would jump back up and try again so its really usefull trust me.I truley know, that you will never have regrets... Thanks

  10. Hey guys the one that needs me... For diet or something, which exercise needs post it here... You must complete this form so i can help you guysNameAge*Pounds*What you got(cholesterol or something)*How much you want to loose*And i will help him(dont worry is free thx to Xisto!)Good Luck... I will be waiting to anyone...

  11. I play a lot of CS, I also play on surf maps,climb maps MASTER ON ALL CS! xD... My team just ended cal, we loosed!!! xD.... We will try nex time, but i also like to play sro, cuz sometime my mouse begin to suck, i just breaked my mouse yesterday when we loosed xD!! Now im using numeric table to use the mouse, SUCKS!! xD... I will buy a new mouse on monday :lol:.... Well what cal you were?...See youAssasinkillaCal-I

  12. Islam, very different of terrorism, i heared a lot of people telling that.... ya those muslims only wants war, and kill innocent people.... WHAT THE .... Islam is a religion how the ..... will be bad.... Tell me a good religion that wants war.... So please stop saying that about islam, and muslims......Im with GOD who is vs me?.... (love this phrase) (sounds better in spanish) xD

  13. Im both sides, litle more of no...Why yes?You can save many animals,humans and all that, if they are goin to exctinct or something...Why no?First: LOT, BUT LOT of animals are killed by tring to clon itSecond: GOD is the one that makes the humans and animals. Why people wants to do it?... Its GOD the one that got that power and the only one that makes itThird: (No third :lol:)I must see that documentation in discovery channel i will try to search it on youtube or something, its look interesting, but well good luck tryin to clonWe beleave on GOD

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