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Everything posted by KingKobraKilla

  1. hey do you guys know how to mod if so can someone help me i see so many post about moddint but have no clue how to so if you know can you im me cause i dont get on here much Whiteboy1311@yahoo.com thanks a lot guys
  2. ive heared from a few people the next elder scrolls is not going to be for any of the systems out now does anybody know if this is true
  3. me and my brother pay with paypal all the time nothing is wrong with it. and nothing ever gets deducted if we leave money in it nobody steals money its great for use.
  4. um ya they are deff coming out wit it in november so idk wat this kid is talking about i work for ebgames and we have shipment coming in on november 1st so ya its deff coming out then.
  5. ya you should put doctor stuff on it because like the one kid said she aint a gamer buddy shes your girlfriend
  6. i cant decide halo 3 or forza motorsport 2?i cant decide which one i want to put a down payment on so which one do yall think looks better?
  7. i dont like either one of those games but i guess thats just me i mean im more into halo and splinter cell but theyre not that bad
  8. haha she looke funny hey maybe her head was getting really hot like in napolian dynomite hahaha
  9. I believe in god strongly but hey if you dont believe in him its up to you noone is gonna change your mind ya no
  10. I like halo 2 The elder scrolls oblivion And gears of war all fun games
  11. The two games im hooked on right now is halo2 and elder scrolls oblivion they are both off the hook and im a major super bouncer in halo lol i love superbounces so if you think you have any new ones let me know
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