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Well, do you have to refill the vacumm cleaner with water everytime or does it just reuse what it already has? Just if you have to keep refilling the thing I would just get bored and use it without, also I don't think many people would use them as there not really available everywhere. Like, if I wanted a vacumm cleaner I would just go down to Argos or something and pick up a cheap one. It's not really the sort of thing I can see people (atleast not people like me) spending a lot of money on or even time to order the thing when I can get one down the road in less than ten minutes.A cool idea, but I can't see it working commercially. What exactly does the water do then? Is it just pumped around to make it look cool, because last time I checked water doesn't kill germs, or do you have to put a cleaning solution in there? If you do does any one work or does it have to be THERE solution, because that sounds like a good way to sting you for money.Cool idea though.
Run Video And The Game Doom On Any Ipod
hybridsystem replied to affhotspot's topic in Science and Technology
I believe this is only for older generation iPods, the first through third generation. The newer ipods, such as the iPod nano and the NEW iPod nano cannot take iPod linux and so far there is no development at all for it. This is because the firmware, the thing you change to install linux, is encrypted on the nano. The first one to have an encrypted firmware.I believe that apple won't have a fit, they'll just continue to encrypt all new ipods, in theory they could also rewrite the firmware for the old ipods and distribute it as an 'update' thus encrypting all older generation ipods and effectively killing ipodlinux.I have seen this product used and it is good, it has many more features than just being able to play video and doom. Also, I heard that it's not ACTUALLY doom, it's just another game skinned to hell to make it look like doom, for most peoples needs it will surfice.It's easy to install if you've done stuff like this before, it's all graphical user interface based stuff and it works fine. Also, if you DO screw yourself over there are several methods of restoring your ipod to it's original state.So by all means if you have an older ipod check it out, but if you have a newer one (like myself) then it's not for you. atleast not yet but like I said, from what I've heard there are no development into deryption nano firmware. Nor will there be soon, -
I have to say it's an easy wait to make $50 but I do believe that it should be permanently removed. I don't follow any religion and for those who follow religions other than Christianity, of which there are a lot, I think it should. I DON'T think it should be replaced by another religion though, or that they should release coins for all major religions! That would be obsurd but I know of people who think like that.I think in Government and Politics, religion only has a small place, and should not be forced upon the masses in such a way as to publish it on currency.I think it should be removed and that if it came down to a vote that it would be.
Just give your ISP a ring and ask them, if you don't want to spoof or proxy then you'll have to speak directly to them, or atleast give us some more information on why you would want to change your IP address. I can't think of a single reason, enlighten me.
Holographic Storage A step Forward....
hybridsystem replied to theem's topic in Science and Technology
Whenever I read about Hard Drives, which is suprisingly often actually, I always think about how strange it is when you think back only a few years. Back in the Days where 500MB was only for the rich, now I've filled 500GB without batting an eyelid. Where people said we would never hit the 1GB limit, now I can download 2GB without being in the room! I got for a cofee and when I get back I've filled my 500MB hard drive, and then some!I guess right now I don't need a Terabyte per inch, I also presume that I can't afford it either. Though, I am sure that I will want one someday, rather, need one someday. Although right now I am living off only about 200GB per system with a Terabyte file serve in the middle and that's a LOT of storage space, at least for now...I think that hard drive space is not something that we should follow, just something that we should accept. It comes and goes, it grows as we do. It's not that important. I've read pages and pages on different hard drives and benchmarks and stuff. Though, last time I checked the top compared to the bottom performer wasn't that much different, prices aren't either. It's pretty much industry standard.When I was working in a PC store a while back as a Technician, we didn't look at brand or size too much, we got Seagate, Toshiba anything good and 40 and 80 gigabytes were pretty much all we sold. IDE of course. The occasional 120 SATA drive for certain customers, but Hard Drives aren't the first thing that people think of upgrading (unless they run out of space then they merely get a bigger one). When I next upgrade (which should be June this year) I am going for a new processor socket (one of my systems is still nicely running on a 462 socket A) and I'll no doubt get a PCI-Express graphics card and some crucial RAM, a couple of gig, 1.5 atleast. Though when it comes to hard drives, I want a couple of SATA 120GBs, but brand doesn't matter. I chose them as I need that much space, that's it. There is no thought going in to buying hard drives, they are just industry standards pretty much.Anyway, I'm waffling I think, I mean basically that people don't think too much about hard drives, at least not compared to what they would when choosing processors or graphics cards or ram or whatever.... -
You mean to change your IP? Yeah, although really there isn't much need. Why do you want to change your IP, might make it easier for us to help you. Really, if your using an elite annonymous proxy then it shouldn't pass any information onto the server and should appear pretty close to you actually being that IP.You can spoof your IP too, which is different to using a proxy as it tells the remote server that you are actually using a different IP and if they ping that IP another computer (not yours) will respond. So it's like a proxy where you can't recieve traffic back (because it goes to the wrong system). Again, there are only very few cases where this will ever be needed.You can contact your ISP to change it although you'll probably be on the phone a while as if you ring the help desk you'll just get one of the standard employees answer who won't be able to help with strange questions like these. I'm sure you know what call centres are like.
I don't agree with the whole past life experience stuff. I'm sorry I just don't. I'm too stuck in this Matrix that my physics teacher shows me. Same reason I don't believe in God. If my crappy survival of the fittest senses can't work it out then I can't work it out. I don't believe in God becuase I can't see him, get me? Although I do ponder on things such as god I do normally end up just reverting back to what I thought before, what is written in physics books.Anyway, someone once told me what they belive deja vu is and I think it's the best explanation for it that I have heard.The brain thinks quicker than our nerves and senses and sometimes if our sense send information to our brain in two parts, such as YOUR RIGHT HAND JUST TOUCHED AN OVEN, then it sent THE OVER IS HOT. You move your hand away, though it takes a second due to this sensory delay. Also, some senses are faster than others, for example touching something hot automatically makes you withdraw your hand but trying to press the stop button when the screen goes red (like on reaction tests).So, say one sense says WE ARE IN THIS SITUATION, your brain reconginses this and logs it in memory, then ANOTHER sense says WE ARE IN THIS SITUATION your brain loads it's memorys (though it has no idea how old they are) and goes, WOW, we've beem here before.Therefore, under this theory, deja vu (in most cases, of course the whole dream thing is not explained) is merely a sensory 'delay' as our brain goes to quickly...That was quite hard to explain, do you all understand what I mean?
War Is Becoming Like A Videogame
hybridsystem replied to Matrixdudej's topic in Science and Technology
Wow. Oh my god, how can you ever compare War to a video game. I presume of course that you have never had any active military service? Try going down to your local AFCO (Armed Forces Careers Office) and telling one of the soldiers there that you think war is like a videogame. Oh and yes I am in the military. The army.It actually insults me to think that I spend hours everyday in the gym and out running, on assault courses and at the shooting ranges to prepare myself physically and mentally for when I am on operations. For when I put MY life in danger to save other peoples. Take a walk down to a site like liveleak.com. Download a few videos and watch what it is actually LIKE to be at war.I can't believe that someone would be so inconsiderate to think that war is oh it's alright it's just like playing coutner strike you respawn after each round! Bull! Over one thousand americans have been killed in Iraq and about 130 british, KILLED! That means there's no respawning and their families have to deal with it.During Operation Telic, the invasion of Iraq the news showed the odd video of people on operations, all on patrols. It rarely ever (if ever at all) showed videos of what TRUE front line soldiering is about, people straight out of college, 18 - 21, right in teh firein range on the enemy. Iraq insurgents only twenty meters away. Mortars droping right next to you.Believe it or not I have never feared for my life playing a video game. I doubt 1200 people have died playing video games. I am insulted. I do NOT believe war is or ever will be like a video game. Sorry for the stern post but I do believe that it had to be said, and I am sure that every single soldier that serves beside me would agree. -
This has already been done hasn't it? I am sure that I have seen this somewhere... Thinkgeek. That was it. I saw this on Thinkgeek.com I was a remote power adapter with a PC fitting on one end and a UK wall plug fitting on the other, it could transmit power over something like 130 meters (in a field with nothing in the way, like sheep or people, you know normal field stuff). Though you would only need it for like 5 meters or something. Imaging if they fit this into like lamposts or something like they are doing with Wireless Internet Technology, I could surf all the time, like 24/7 on my laptop! Now we just need to get rid of my nemesis sleep... Anyway, I'll link you to what I saw... http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/wec.shtml There you go. I just checked as well; wireless power over 300 feet! Awesome!
I've Got An Invention For You Trap17
hybridsystem replied to galexcd's topic in Science and Technology
Damn it people! Why does every good idea get stomped on by physics or that fact that it 'kills the environment' or even a few people. Damn it some people deserve to die! So what if my nuclear reactor that I have in my back garden could blow up and kill like half the planet, damn it I don't want to be for national grid energy! Take something as modest as the family car, run someone over and it's a murder weapon!No seriously though, there is a point to my post. The guy who mentioned channeling it to a 'nuke-gun', this thing hasn't even been invented yet and we are already using it to kill people! (Theoretically at least). Why does everything that humanity create end up just hurting others? Is that going to be the end of the world? When we aventually create something really truely amazing that it just ends up killing us? -
Mars Probes Snap Stunning Images Of Giant Crater
hybridsystem replied to boludo66's topic in Science and Technology
Wow, Yratorm, I never actually thought of it like that. If we do indeed discover technologies that allow us to 'teleport' so to speak to places far far away (infact even quite relatively close like the moon or mars) the universe would seem a million times smaller! If we could eventually skip ourselves over to the otherside of the universe and be back in time for dinner then all this whole the universe is massive thing would just....vanish.Wow, I really never though of it like that. I really am stuck in my own mortality. I guess I need to watch the matrix a few more times and try and open my mind a little more. I though I was so liberal and open to things like that already Damn you and you thinking further outside the box than I did. Well thanks for opening my mind a little. -
Right,I think that it would be a good idea to have guttering on buses, but I think that it would be more important for the company that owns my college bus to BUY A NEW ONE! Seriously, our bus is like fourty or something. You know the bars that you hold on to to stand up? They aren't connected to the ceilng! They like rock and move if you try and stand, the seats (the cusion not the metal) comes away from it's base when you lift it up! But worst of all, water, it doens't just come in the windows when it rains, it comes in the roof and everything, it snowed pretty heave a while back and it all came in the back windows and they had to like tape off the back three or four rows of seats because they were getting soaked!It's terrible, whenever we complain they give us another bus for like a week then guess what....the old one always comes back. About a month and a half ago I had to walk about a mile home as the bus tire came off the wheel, it wasn't majorly serious, no one was hurt, but the tyre certainly (well about a six inch chunk of it) came away from the bus and was left in the road then the bus had to pull over and we all walked.One door jams on the double doors so you have to squeeze in, and finally, the exhaust fell off once about a year ago too.Seriously I wish I was joking. I'll get a photo of it sometime to show you lot.Anyone here think they're in a worse situation...anyone go to my college? (PPCollege). If you do, it's the double decker that I'm talking about, the rest are all fine.Grey. Notice from BuffaloHELP: So does your school plans to have buses with gutters or not? Stay on the topic of discussion.
Right, well it sounds like it has a nice user community behind it, but what exactly does it do? I mean what IS warping software and what makes it worth a download? You have nice long post there but there is no real description of what the software actually does or anything. You say things like it's one of the fastest available today with a high output? But what exactly is it outputting and how fast is fast? A day a week a year? A millenia?Also, you say that it is new, well the page you are linking to is in a directory /win95/ I wouldn't consider 12 years ago new, nor would I consider Windows Ninety Five new either!You also said it will soon be ported to linux? Which distibutions, how easy will it be to install on linux? Will it be RPM or will it come with certain distribution MO installations for easy modules installation? If it's coming soon, you should have information like that.Please do inform us a little more before expecting us to download. Especially with a third-party link. I don't want to be clicking on other sites that I don't know whether or not to trust if I don't know what I am clicking on!Grey.
I am what people commonly refer to as a Computer Geek. I have worked in computer stores since I was fifteen and I get my hands on the newest technology as soon as I can. Which is often pretty quick as we get it in at work.I am a laptop supporter all the way. Smaller is better. Although I still do see a place for destops, I would always buy a laptop from here on.I own:3 desktops2 laptops1 palmtopI rarely ever use the desktops and they are mainly for the various members of my family, friends, bussiness assosiates, the bum who lives with me...I live on my laptop as I can take it anywhere and it is set up EXACTLY how I like it, it saves me having to ever switch machines, as I move it comes with me and the setup is the same each time. You can never set up two PCs exactly alike, even if you ghost the hard disk drive and use the same hardware, within about 10 minutes they will be totally different.I love my laptop because it is my personal home. Also as I am the only one that uses the system it is all mine. With the desktops there are multiple accounts (they are all set up on a roaming network, as is the other laptop I mentioned, connected to a central filesystem) and so I don't get 100% of the hard drive and other resoureces.Also, with the advantages of wireless I now get internet all over my house, and for quite a way around the land I own too! Of course I don't get total coverage but it's pretty damn good, I can go sit on the lawn and check my email with my breakfast. Also, although I can check my email and do all my work as I have Microsoft's Office, Open Office, Windows XP and a Linux Distribution (and a heck of a load of other software) I can still use the excuse that "Sorry I can't help you right now, I'm not in the office"! It's win win!If your buying new, go with a laptop, of course though, if multiple people are using it, go with a desktop.Don't spend too much on a laptop, or it'll just get damaged or worse stolen.I have a desktop with all my 'gadgets' on and my laptop is just a little bit above the average at the moment, so that if I drop it out of the window of my moving car at 170mph and a lorry hits it I will only cry for an hour. Hey I said I was a geek, I get attached to my machines!! No seriously, don't spend a thousand pounds on a laptop, half it, five hundred and a bigger stick of ram and that's all you'll even need!Grey.