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Posts posted by Neutrality

  1. Game Maker 5 (not sure wether they have updated it yet), is one of the worst programs ever made. You can make any sort of 2D game, it comes with three game (Pacman, 1945, and Street Race) they games are good and you can add in your own cheats if you want. you don't do any of the scripting yourself. all you do is pick a sprite (picture) set it as an object and give it commands (if i press this button, this object does this, etc.) Sure it's easy enough to use, but if you ask anyone who does C/C++ programing they will tell you that it's Sh*t. It also deosn't come with many help functions.


    Are you out of your mind? Have you actually worked with GM for more than a day? This is one of the most ignorant posts I've ever read. If you actually knew about GM, you would understand that GM is alot more than just D&D actions. In fact, D&D is only for those starting out in GM. Once you have become affluent with D&D or once you feel you can move on without too much D&D practise, you can move onto the powerful and flexible GML. Sure, GML is not as powerful as C or C++, but that's only one way to look at it. GML was built for making games, so it suits game makers better than C/C++. C/C++ is made for any type of program, but it takes forever to make a game in C/C++.


    Help functions? There's a very detailed GM manual that comes with GM. Plus, there's a message board. Next time, don't make such an ignorant post as that.

  2. About a week ago, I was trying to figure out a way to clear all of my data out of my server. So, I deleted the public_html folder and trashed it. I created a new public_html folder, set the permissions to 0755, created a new index.php file, but when I tried to view my website, it showed this error, a Forbidden Error:


    Do I have to touch up the htaccess for the public_html folder or something for the server to remove that message? Thanks for the help.

  3. I would have to say Invision Power Board (IPB). It's the message board software I am most accustomed to. I've used PHPBB several times, but it didn't have the same feel as IPB for some reason. I have never used vBulletin, either. I see it as being too expensive for message board software ($200 US or something like that). I would rather make my own message board than pay $200 for a premade board.

  4. Despite the fact that this topic is better served in the programming forum generally, I will pitch in my two cents. I never really delved into ASP that much. I did use an ASP webhost at one point in time, but using ASP was not my number one priority. I learned that ASP was a combination of Microsoft's VBScript and Javascript. I'm not sure if this is correct, but it's what I've read before on HTMLGoodies.com.I've come to the conclusion that PHP is better than ASP, but since I don't comprehend ASP to the extent that I do PHP, my perspective would seem quite biased. So, I will say for now that PHP is most likely a more powerful and efficient scripting language than ASP.

  5. Are you ready to accept ads on your website ?

    Well, I'm not quite sure about this one. Maybe, maybe not. I would certainly link back to Xisto from my website, but ads? Hmmm... I'm speaking honestly here.

    Are you ready to make a small payment for not posting?

    Not at this point in time. I was looking for a good webhosting service [ which I also found at Xisto ] that I could use until I could afford a dedicated server with my own domain.

    Do you feel that you are compelled to post? If yes, Suggest about other methods in which we can ask you to come up and support us. We are supported by advertising networks.

    Most times, yes. I do feel compelled to post. Other times, not so. But I have a history of not being a consistent poster.
    Anyways, I can't really suggest anything at the moment.

    Do you feel that the facilities provided by this host is enough for you? If not, what do you require?

    Yes, I feel that the features you offer with the web hosting meets and even surpasses my expectations. I would have been happy with 100 MB, 3 GB Bandwidth, PHP/MySQL and that's it. But other features have proven to be useful as well.

    Do you require Cpanel. [ We provide the most advanced cpanel ]

    Like mentioned above, no, I don't need CPanel technically. I consider it to be a bonus, not a requirement. However, it has served me well so far.

    Can you comprise Cpanel with more hosting facilites like space and BW.

    I could compromise CPanel for 200 MB space and 10 GB bandwidth. On the other hand, I honestly don't require that much space or bandwidth. I would rather use CPanel instead of acquiring more space and/or bandwidth.

    I hope my feedback was fruitful and enlightening. :)

  6. As I understand it, no, there is no difference between the Starter package and the Default package when it comes to maintaining credits. One Credit is equal to one day for both packages, so you don't need to concern yourself about that.To answer your second query, no. Once you receive your hosting account, the surplus credits that you are left will be reset to 3 credits [ this goes for both packages ] . It doesn't matter how many credits you've accumulated before you've received your hosting, it will always be reset to 3. From there, you must maintain your hosting credits as they will decrease by 0.1 every 13-14 minutes.I hope this clears up your concerns. Good luck with your hosting. :)

  7. As others have iterated earlier, try your best to accumulate a sufficient amount of credits so that when you get back from your vacation, you can start to build up your credits once again. Like another person mentioned, this may be the only drawback for Xisto [ or Xisto for that matter ]. So, post a few more times [ depending on the number of credits you currently have to your name ], and then you'll be set.By the way, good luck with your flight and have fun in Vietnam [ if you are there already, have fun nonetheless ] . I just realized that this topic was created a month ago, silly me. :)

  8. It seems that I'm having the same problem. My disk space usage is static - it has not surpassed the 0.00 MB mark yet, but I have plenty of data on my server to surpass it. Well, I wouldn't say it's a bad problem really. I'm assuming that its just another bug that the administrators have to fix, that's all.Actually, come to think of it, I do believe that this happened at Xisto before too. Nothing too get concerned about.

  9. As ive said before, im an open-minded dude so i dont judge others interests in here.  But to anyone saying they hate rap because its all noise, they all sound the same, and just babbling on the mic is not reasonable.  I mean, if you think about it rock is the same thing.  Think about these bands who just scream all the time.


    I'm speaking for myself here. I never said that I hate rap. I said that rap does not appeal to me in any way. For me, it's very difficult to get into rap. I can't, really. To me, it's very unenjoyable. Just because some of the lyrics aren't about sex or drugs doesn't mean I have to like the genre. And by the way, I don't listen to heavy metal or death metal either, so I'm not too fond of the scream in some of the songs either. I listen to hard rock/stadium rock/classic rock. There isn't too much screaming in these genres really. Okay, I digress.

  10. I'll have to agree with moonwitch on this one. Xisto is already professional hosting as it contains with CPanel 10 and a myriad of features that comes with it. 150 MB disk space and 5 GB bandwidth is pretty generous if you ask me.

    I don't think I really need more than that.


    If Opaque or NilsC actually upgraded our space to say 250 MB and our bandwidth to say 10 GB, the cost for keeping the service up would skyrocket. They would either have to make this service a paid web host to cover all of the costs, they would have to stop people from applying for hosting, or, the most unfortunate scenario, close up shop and call it a day.


    Plus, there would be more spamming because the members will be eager to receive the best hosting possible. And guess what happens when a forum's members turn to spam? :P


    IF, it's a good idea in theory, but it wouldn't work in practise [ just like Communism ]. Okay, I've said my bit.

  11. so can anyone tell me which one is better ? html or php cuz i wanna make a pro site to get some respect. i'm making a rap group site...if nyone can help me with this please do so and please give me a link to an adecuate layout...i prefer dark colours and a nav's on both sides

    Actually, if you're planning to build a site, you'll still need to use PHP and HTML interchangeably. Without HTML, PHP xan only output data and perform certain actions that HTML can't. HTML and CSS add the formatting to the outputted data so that the website doesn't look monochrome [ black and white in this case ] and dull. So in essence, the question is not which is better, because PHP needs HTML to make websites look presentable. A website is NOT solely based on PHP. That's a misconception some have [ I'm not saying you specifically ].

    However when I say use PHP and HTML interchangeably, I mean that you must integrate the HTML tags into PHP's echo or print functions like so:

    <?phpecho "<html>";echo "<head>";echo "<title>My Site - Whatever</title>";echo "</head>";echo "<body>";echo "<font class='title'>Welcome to my website!</font>";echo "</body>";echo "</html>";?>

    This is HTML and PHP at work together. It's just a small example, nothing extravagant. I hope you understand what I'm getting at. :P

  12. I only attained my hosting yesterday afternoon, but I used to frequent at Xisto, so I know how the packages are already here at Xisto. And to be honest - they're excellent. You can't really ask for better from a free web host. I mean, there's a generous amount of space and decent amount of bandwidth with many easy-to-use featuresand CPanel to boot.I've searched and utilized other hosts before Xisto and Xisto. Some offered more space and bandwidth, but lacked in features. Other hosts offered a plethora of features, but then the space and bandwidth were compromised drastically.Then when I found the sister hosts Xisto and currently Xisto, I knew that I had found diamonds in the rough. Plus, Xisto has an excellent community. There's just something about this place that makes it more appealing than Xisto. Maybe it's the increase in the exchange of knowledge? Or maybe friendlier members? Maybe it's a combination of both? But whatever the reason, posting is fun here. Okay, I'm done with my rant.

  13. Trek and I both own forums and we have both upgraded to SMF 1.1 beta 3 public, so I can say something about this. As per Trek's first post, he used to have many themes, but when you upgrade to 1.1b3p, you are supposed to uninstall all mods and themes, so this is why there is just a boring plain theme, or at least I think it's boring and plain. A note to Trek: Get Neptune from Bloc. Here's a preview.


    I don't think he actually needs that many of themes necessarily. I think just two or three would do. But what do I know? It's not my board. :P

  14. Honestly, I do not like rap. I just can't get into the music. The lyrics are something to be desired, and the music doesn't appeal to me. It all sounds the same, just with different lyrics. Even if the rappers aren't necessarily rapping about sex, booze and whatnot, I still don't like that genre of music. It's not me, and it just doesn't appeal to me.I'm more of a classic rock type of guy. I do like some of the more modern stuff, but not as much as the classics. Now I'm not saying 60s, I'm referring to the early 1970s to the mid 1980s. And that's my say on this issue.

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