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Posts posted by street

  1. Is anyone else excited about the DSi? I know I am. Just take a look at the features



    Thinner (by about 12%)

    2 cameras (one on the inside where the mic was before that's 0.3MP and another on the outside of the DS that is 3.0MP)

    Internet Browser

    Media Player (can finally play music and such)

    More RAM! (this is good for the browser. I don't know if any games will utilize it though.)

    Downloadable Content (Much like WiiWare)


    No GBA slot

    Less battery life

    All these addons are not what hand held gaming is about, they are turning the ds in to a iphone basically. Do we REALLY need a camera to play pokemon? Come on people when i'm battling someone on wifi i don't want to see their face lagging while i try to pick my next move. lol


    I will stick with my old ds thank you very much =), as long as they dont change the ds games i'm good.


    Also NO GBA SLOT i still have all my old gba games, i want to be able to pop in my red version and play good old pokemon and other ancient gba games i have :P

  2. Well Mcdoandls will always be on top, reason behind this most people dont want change. Mcdonalds was the fast food restaurant to go to when you needed a quick meal. Mcdoanld is right down the street from were you work your house and its even on campus. I'm not a big fan of the golden archers but when i need a quick chicken wrap and its in walking distance i go to McDonald.Many will rather go else were for better quality food that may take longer time to make but in America we like things done fast, if a website is not loaded in 10 seconds we press the back button and go elsewhere.

  3. I have windows vista and i really don't see the startup time to be that bad at all. Takes at least a min to startup and shutdown is basically a few seconds. Shutdown is the fastest process for all computers. I think people are bs on the startup time. Today in my computer class we brought a ancient computer to life running windows 95, took at least 5 minutes to startup which included startup programs. Shutdown time was a minute. Vista is not that bad all users are just confused by the new look which is not that hard to understand. If users can adjust to the new office which i find to be more complex than vista.

  4. I think the youngest age a kid should have a cellphone is 12. During this age kids start getting into school activities and sports. When kids stay after school having a cellphone is a better way to keep in touch. In my old middle school, if you stayed after hrs to a point that the main office was closed their was no point of communication unless you asked someone to use their cellphone.During my middle school days i had many days where i walked home cause i couldn't contact my mom before she went off to work.

  5. My favorite nba player will have to be tony parker. His quickness to get into the lane and slice defenses in half. Many people dont like parker cause of his simple game play, drive in and layup. That is why some people call the spurs boring because the players dont do amazing dunks and tricks. What it comes down to is old fashion basketball.Lebron may have all those fancy dunks but that doesnt win games.

  6. I agree stage 6 shutting down is a shock to the online company. It was the only site that had good quality videos for free. Stage 6 was the place where people can post their work without it being downgraded to youtube standards. The bar that stage 6 set was really high they did something that many others never dare to touch. Also if you look at the company that made stage 6 it is divix not the all mighty google or microsoft. I feel that if funds was the problem the community would have been able to help.One of my friends who work for stage 6 states that it wasnt a money issuse they just didnt have enough resources.

  7. I saw this a while back i really like the whole interface and the ability to recognize certain eletronic products. I think that they should change the design because it looks like a kitchen counter. Unless they plan on making for the audience of photo editing for house moms and people who do scrap books.I dont know if this was a real product but i saw a sony version of this but instead it was on the window.

  8. Well Yahoo and Microsoft has always made their two im services have the ability to talk to other people who has a yahoo account and they dont own a msn account. When i first saw that i believed that it was the first steps on microsoft and yahoo becoming a whole company. I think Yahoo should accept the bid i dont think microsoft will shutdown the whole yahoo site and force everyone to come to hotmail. Cause if they did that the whole purpose on buying yahoo will be a waste.

  9. I tried using blender once i made a stick figure but that is about it. I think it is bit confusing to me. I use 3d studio max and cinema 4d I am still learning how to make 3d models but the two programs seem much easier. The movie that they made with blender blew me away the graphics and the texture looks as if it was made using one of the expensive 3d programs.

  10. I agree with the options that you have there but lets say you have a gaming review web site. There is no way you would be able to get orginal content unless you have connections to get an exclusive interview or only here information. Another example will be if you are running a site that has to do with (neopets a site that i am currently making). It is tough to make game guides for the games that are on the site because there is going to be a site out there that is giving the same information but just in a diffrent way with a few diffrent words.What i do agree with thou is having stuff that is free. There are some websites out there that says please donate so we can keep the site up and running. Most of these sites are not even running servers or hosting things that people download on a regular basics. It should be your responsibilty on keeping your site up that is just what comes when you decide to make a site.

  11. Well microsoft has always been told they will never stand chance when they went in to the gaming business and look at them now they are on the top right now. It did not take long for them to have the best gaming system it is going to be a matter of time that the microsoft pulls off something so super that it is going to blow google out. I dont think defeat is in microsoft vocbulary. :)

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