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  1. Hey, I am learning Visual Basic and it's pretty fun. Are you a programmer? Do you program? Here is some line of code from VB I made for an example: What you need The above code shows you how to loop through a listbox, to find/remove an item, and to check if a textbox has anything in it. OMG I AM SORRY! THIS IS THE WRONG FORUM!! PLEASE MOVE THIS Notice from KuBi: Moved from google chat. Added code tags, credits reduced.
  2. Plenoptic I love your avatar and you know alot... As for this word, all I known was something about the Germans and the Nazis. Nothing more than that. Thanks for posting this, I was wondering this also. w00t
  3. Hello,What do I think of Xisto?I love Xisto. Xisto is one of the best, next to ej.am. Not to be mean though. I like it... But what gets me is it's unorganized at the bottom there is so many links that get in my way. Please change this guys. I like the shoutbox being at the top of all pages though. And the thought of Xisto giving FREE hosting amazes me... I really need a host for my site and I can't find one. This is the place I need to be. Thanks for your services Xisto, I'll always be with you.. I hope.. Hopefuly I don't get suspended like I did at ej.am for no appearant reason. So everyone else, what do you think of Xisto?
  4. It may have something to do with the meta tags on your site. I don't deal with ads I hate them
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