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Posts posted by qu33n.Bee//x

  1. & it doesnt help when the college you go to is really relaxed about things! - like mine! i need to get my *bottom* in gear, seriously. the work load is hard but I guess its toughing us up for the real world, when you leave for Uni & start to work.. so think of it positivley =]

  2. ?SCRAMBLE-THE-ALPHA? *Quick Time*, Smoke A Phonic Till I Choke-on-It, So Im ?SICK-BY-THA-HOUR??

    *I got Mine* & Ill-Eezy be?s a stealing b!!ch too so guard your own before I rob ya chrome and ya Steel to!


    This ?LIKE-THE-FIFTH-AMEND-MENT? Play By The Rules, So If You Gots A Lose Jaw, ?MA-FIST-CAN-MEND-IT?...

    Call It A Murder-Sentence, Getting Nicked for *Killin-Sh!t* with no Repentance, Man-Slaughter in Jus 1 Sentence!


    &thats to whoever thinks girls cant write :P wordplaaaaaaaaaaayy :P

    &soz for the lang, i dont mean any offence! x



    on a deeper note..


    Visions of armed forces falling our only mental escape/

    Officers switching? roles, left their mark... it was ?just? five holes/

    Actions of stiff hits, or blind Pr!!ks? Colour fits - so were treated as suspects/

    Justice must have been shy, cause it didn?t show when prejudice took over our lives/

    The System was adjusted after dem attacks, 7/7, showin the average Brit-brother can stab us in our backs/

    sorryy for buttiiiiiiing in your battle :$ loll

  3. The title is self explanatory but what makes us human, what differentiates us from other species? is it "i think therefore i am?" like rene descartes said, speech? having opposable thumbs?

    Honestly, I could write you a 10,000 word essay on various aspects of what makes us human, the purpose of life, definition of species, why humans are humans and not animals, the physcology of emotion, etc, and try and attempt to ans all the other cascade of Qn's induced by this Qn. And even then, I wouldnt have a plausable answer lol. So tell me what u guys thiink.. id like 2 knowww.. :P

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