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Posts posted by Klas2B

  1. This tutorial will teach you how to make 3D text with Photoshop.1. We would start with a simple New File of 280X150 pixels. Press D to set up the background and foreground colors to default. Press Alt+Backspace to make background black. Then with the help of the Horizontal Type Tool [T] write your text in white color using such settings: font family - Garamond Narrow, font size ? 60pt, font style ? Bold. After accomplishing all this you will need to raster your image for further work go to Layer > Rasterize > Type to make it.2. Choose Edit > Transform > Perspective to make it. All this changes will be done in a new layer which you will need to make a copy of. The simplest way of copying the layer is to drag it to the ?Create New Layer? icon with Layers palette. Make the layer invisible. Switch to the background layer and press Ctrl+Shift+E to merge visible layers.3. Use Motion Blur filter (Filter > Blur > Motion Blur) with Angle -20 and Distance 20 pixels.4. The next filter you?ll need is ?Find Edges? (Filter > Stylize > Find Edges). The result of using this filter can be seen on the picture below. To invert the picture press Ctrl+I.5. Make the layer with the copy of the text visible again and set opacity for this layer 70%. Press V to switch Move tool. Put the text layer in front of the 3D text. Then make a copy of the text layer. Set 30% for the opacity of the new layer and put it with the backside of the 3D text. That?s it!

  2. Here you will be taught how to make a metal Texture.




    1)Open a new file, around 450 x 350 pixels and make it transparent.


    2) Pick a gray/dark gray color and set it as the background color.


    3) Go to FILTER > NOISE > ADD NOISE and use these settings.

    Posted Image


    4) Go to FILTER > BLUR > MOTION BLUR and use these settings.

    Posted Image


    5) Now go to FILTER > RENDER > LIGHTING EFFECTS and use these settings

    Posted Image



    Heres my result


    Posted Image

  3. 1) make a "gradient bath" just randomly place 5 to 10 thick gradients over your document.





    2) Right after that, go into Craquelure(Filter>Texture>Craquelure) and use these settings(it'll be the same all through the tutorial)

    Spacing: 15

    Depth: 6

    Brightness: 7




    3) After using Craquelure, use Extrude(Filters>Stylize>Extrude)



    Size: 30

    Depth: 30




    4) Then Emboss(Filters>Stylize>Emboss)


    Angle: 135

    Height: 45

    Amount: 100%




    5)Then Craquelure again(same settings)



    6) Make a new layer and fill it with the color of your choice, then set it's blending mode to Color


    7) Adding a darkness:


    -Make a new layer and fill it black,


    -use Grain(Filters>Texture>Grain)


    Intensity: 100

    Contrast: 100

    Vertical Lines



    -then Spatter,


    Radius: 25

    Smoothness: 5


    -and set the Blending mode to Overlay, merge all layer(Ctrl/Cmd+shift+E). If it looks rough, blur it(Filters>Blur>Blur)



    Posted Image

  4. First, Yes there is an URL on the thing but i didn't steal it, because I posted it on that site ;)

    Open Photoshop, Make a new image with a white background. Then choose your fore and backgroundcolor. In this tutorial I use Foreground?#009B16 and as background I use black.

    Then do Filter->Render->Clouds and just CTRL+F 'till there is something you like :P. You now should have this:

    Posted Image

    Then you do Filter->Blur->Radial Blur

    Amount: 20
    Blur Method: Zoom
    Quality: Best

    Then go to Filter->Pixelate->Mosaic. I took 5 as cell size for this tutorial, but again it's your choice :D

    Now it should look like this:
    Posted Image

    Then the final step:

    Filter -> Stylize -> Glowing Edges

    Edge Width: 3
    Edge Brightness: 20
    Smoothness: 5

    But again it's all your choice what you prefer.

    And then, THE RESULT!

    Posted Image

  5. no, it's not free you can read it in the  Pinned topic at the Request Hosting Account forum  _o_U but well i think the (.com!) is there because they can only host .com domains? imagine how many people would sign to Xisto because they give out .com domains! and pay each member's domain name...  ;) they would be very..hmm poor o_o..


    OK thanks then :P I was just wondering, cause they can pay this good hosting too :D

  6. I live in Holland, you can have a gay marriage here, and it's not weird to be gay here, dunno how it is in the USA. There are no problems with the homosexuals at all, so i don't get stupid Bush's point. Sometimes i really think America is a weird country, I mean, go to the judge because you child is fat of McDonalds... I mean, 1. Why would you go to McDonalds everyday, their food sucks! (Go to the SubWay! :P) and 2. Why the hell do you blame McDonals and not you F$$$$ng child?! It's with the drugs too, I mean, Softdrugs are legal in Hollland, Harddrugs aren't but they don't check it if you have it with you, so it's acutally legal :D. I think that in America, and other countries where drugs are not legal, there is much more criminality by drugs then here, because it's illegal there so the prices of it are very high and here in Holland you don't have a lot of drugs ciminality.Christiaan[by the way, i'm not homosexual and i'm not a junk, it's just my opinion ;)]

  7. This tutorial will run through creating a very simple PHP and MySQL based guestbook, from creating the database table to storing and displaying the messages and assumes that you have either phpmyadmin or some other database manager available. phpmyadmin can be downloaded from https://www.phpmyadmin.net/

    When you create a table in MySQL you need to decide what information you're going to store there and how many columns you'll need. For a simple guestbook you would probally want a column for each of the following: name, email, message, date posted.

    The first thing you need is a CREATE TABLE statement, then you also need to give the table a name, we'll call it 'guestbook'

    Now it's useful to give each of the guestbook entries an id number, so that later we can refer to the id if we want to edit or delete certain posts, so the next line for creating our table could be something like: id INT(10) not null AUTO_INCREMENT

    This is basically creating a field of integer type with a width of 10 and the 'auto_increment' will mean each entry has a unique id making them easier to refer to later.

    Now onto the fields for the entries into the guestbook:

    * Name - the person posting the message, we'll use name VARCHAR(50) this gives us a field that can have a varying number of characters with a maximum length of 50.
    * Email - the email of the person posting the message email VARCHAR(50) same as above.
    * Message - the actual message the person is posting, for this we'll use message TEXT a text field as we don't want the same restrictions on the message as we have on the name and email.
    * Date - the time and date the message was posted date CHAR(10) we'll be using a UNIX time value which is 10 characters in length. (It'll be 11 characters in about 35 years time, so i don't think we really need to allow for that =])

    Finally, we'll add the following PRIMARY KEY(id) a primary key is a unique key where each entry must be defined as not null, this is the main key that MySQL will use when refering to entries in the table.
    Put It Together

    Now that we have everything ready to create the table we need, all that's left is to put it together:

    CREATE TABLE guestbook(            id INT(10) not null AUTO_INCREMENT,            name VARCHAR(50),            email VARCHAR(50),            message TEXT,            date CHAR(10),            PRIMARY KEY(id));

    Now that we have our table ready we can make a simple form to add the entries into the guestbook.

    Often you'll find it easier to have a seperate page for your form that people fill out and for the code needed to add the data into your table, but i'll give an example of doing everything in one page because it's easier to explain that way.

    The first thing we need to do is check the form has been posted and connect to our database:

    $db = mysql_connect('localhost','db_user','db_pass')
         or die(mysql_errno().' : '.mysql_error());
         or die(mysql_errno().' : '.mysql_error());

    Obviously you need to replace the database values (host, user, password and database name) with your own. The if($_POST['submit']) line means that the script will only connect once somebody submits the form, as there's no need to connect to the database everytime the page loads.

    Now we can form the query that will add the information into our table.

    $sql[addpost] = mysql_query("INSERT INTO guestbook (name, email, message, date)
    VALUES ('$_POST[name]','$_POST[email]','$_POST[message]',time())");
    echo "Thanks ".$_POST['name']." your message has been added\n";

    When we put it all together it should look something like this:

    $db = mysql_connect('localhost','db_user','db_pass')
         or die(mysql_errno().' : '.mysql_error());
         or die(mysql_errno().' : '.mysql_error());
    $sql[addpost] = mysql_query("INSERT INTO guestbook (name, email, message, date)
    VALUES ('$_POST[name]','$_POST[email]','$_POST[message]',time())");
    echo "Thanks ".$_POST['name']." your message has been added\n";

    The time() function given for the date field returns a UNIX timestamp of the current time and date, later we'll convert this into a readable date format.
    The Form

    Now all that's really left is to create the form for the user to fill in.

    I'm hoping that if you're reading about creating and submitting infomation to a database that you at least know how to create a basic form, so i wont explain this much.

    <form method="post" action="./"><table cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"> <tr>  <td>Name :</td>  <td><input type="text" name="name" /></td> </tr> <tr>  <td>Email :</td>  <td><input type="text" name="email" /></td> </tr> <tr>  <td valign="top">Message :</td>  <td><textarea name="message" cols="30" rows="6"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr>  <td> </td>  <td>  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Message" />  <input type="reset" name="reset" value="Clear Message" />  </td> </tr></table></form>

    We just have three inputs for our fields name, email and message.

    That's all, aslong as you followed everything correctly when you submit the form, the details will be added to the database.

    Now this is far from perfect, you would really want to firstly check that all the fields are completed before the form is submitted, otherwise you'll get people posting blank messages, check the query is successful before telling the user their message was posted and probally limit the amount of characters allowed in the name and message.

    It would also be a good idea to strip out the slashes from peoples messages to stop them spamming your guestbook with urls or trying to post HTML code and Javascript but this is intended to cover only the very basics so that'll require some thought and research from you to put in place.

    Obviously this part is quite important. There's no point having a database full of guestbook posts if you don't know how to show them on your page, though it's also very simple.


    Exactly the same way we did when adding the message we need to connect to the database so that we can print out the messages, and we'll use much of the same code as before:
    $db = mysql_connect('localhost','db_user','db_pass')      or die(mysql_errno().' : '.mysql_error());      mysql_select_db('db_name')      or die(mysql_errno().' : '.mysql_error());

    As before, change the values to connect to your own database. Then once we're connected, we can run a query to grab the information from the table.

    $sql[getPosts] = mysql_query("SELECT name, email, message, date, FROM guestbook order by id DESC LIMIT 10");

    Now this is slightly different from the query we used before, but it's quite easy to understand.

    * SELECT name, email, message, date FROM guestbook this part just says that we want to 'select' the name, email, message and date from our table named 'guestbook'.
    * order by id DESC LIMIT 10 This second part defines how we want to show the messages on our page order by id DESC if you remember when creating the table we added an "id" field that will give each entry a unique number, well this basically says we want to sort our messages in order according to their id number starting with the most recent first DESC = descending.
    * LIMIT 10 The final part, is exactly what it says, it will limit the output to 10 entries, so using this means only the last 10 messages will be displayed on our page, obviously you can change that however you like, if you don't specify a limit then all entries will be shown.

    Display The Messages

    Now that we've grabbed the information from the database we just need to print it onto the page. We need to create a loop, because we're grabbing a number of entries and not just one. You can use a while loop to make an array of the information we grabbed from the table.
    while($data = mysql_fetch_array($sql[getPosts]))
    Then print out each entry from the array. This is also the point where we'll convert the UNIX timestamp in the date field to a readable format using PHP's date() function.
       $post_date = date('D F jS Y @ g:ia', $data[date]);
       echo "<div>On $post_date <a href=\"mailto:$data[email]\">$data[user]</a> said:</div>\n";
       echo "<div>$data[message]</div>\n\n";

    After putting that together, you should have something like the following:

    $db = mysql_connect('localhost','db_user','db_pass')
         or die(mysql_errno()'. : .'mysql_error());
         or die(mysql_errno()'. : .'mysql_error());
    $sql[getPosts] = mysql_query("SELECT name, email, message, date, FROM guestbook order by id DESC LIMIT 10");
    while($data = mysql_fetch_array($sql[getPosts]))
       $post_date = date('D F jS Y @ g:ia', $data[date]);
       echo "<div>On $post_date <a href=\"mailto:$data[email]\">$data[user]</a> said:</div>\n";
       echo "<div>$data[message]</div>\n\n";

    And that's all you need, connect to the database, grab the entries from the table, put them into an array and use a loop to echo them one by one to the page.

    Now you have your very own guestbook ;)

  8. This is not a single decoder: you havve to decode it very much:


    I know it f&cks the layout, but it's too long to split the lines. [edit: Hmmz, just saw that it's autosplit ;)]

    Win 2 gmail invties! and i'll give you some reputation

  9. 1. Start out with a new 250x250 image. Choose a white background. Then press D on your keyboard to reset the colors.


    2. Go to filter > render > clouds

    Posted Image


    3. Now go to Filter > Pixelate > Mezzotint. Select long lines from the drop down menu.

    Posted Image


    4. Next go to Filter > Blur > Radial Blur. Choose 100, zoom, and best.

    Posted Image


    5. Finally, to add some color, go to Image > Adjust > Hue/Saturation. You can do this quickly by pressing Ctrl+U. You can adjust the colors there. Make sure you check "colorize".


    Posted Image


    [edit]Seems some of the images don't work

  10. %4F%6B%2C%20%4E%6F%77%20%74%68%69%73%20%69%73%20%68%61%72%64%20%3A%50%0D%0A%49%66%20%79%6F%75%20%6D%61%6E%61%67%65%64%20%74%6F%20%64%65%63%6F%64%

    Paste it all together, i didn't do it cause else the layout would be *BLEEP*ed up

  11. Has any of you guys ever read a Darren Shan book? there are 12 of it now, and the 12th is the last one :'(... It's about a boy who goes to a Freak Show with is friend, then his friend says he sees a real vampire and Darren's friend goes to the vampire and wants to be one too, but the vampire says he has bad blood. Then Darrens friend gets sick and darren goes to the vampire to ask for help. But the vampire says he will only help if Darren is gonna be a vampire too....

  12. This is definately a very hard to answer question...


    What do you define as the best game every?


    The one that we think is the most fun to play?


    The one with the best story line?


    The one with the best graphics?


    The one with the best gameplay?


    Please be just a tad more specific next time.


    But, My favorite game TO PLAY is Rainbow Six 3:Black arrow for the Xbox and WC3 for the PC.


    What do you define as the best game every? Half-Life

    The one that we think is the most fun to play? Counter-Strike

    The one with the best story line? Half-Life or Grand Theft Auto III/Vice City/San Andreas

    The one with the best graphics? Doom 3/Half-life 2

    The one with the best gameplay? Half-life(2)

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