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Codemaster Snake

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Posts posted by Codemaster Snake

  1. 1. Will Durant, American historian: "India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages: she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all".
    2. Mark Twain, American author: "India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only."

    3. Albert Einstein, American scientist: "We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made."

    4. Max Mueller, German scholar: If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I should point to India.

    5. Romain Rolland, French scholar : "If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India."

    6. Hu Shih, former Ambassador of China to USA: "India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border."

    7. Mark Twain: "So far as I am able to judge, nothing has been left undone, either by man or nature, to make India the most extraordinary country that the sun visits on his rounds. Nothing seems to have been forgotten, nothing overlooked."

    8. Keith Bellows, VP - National Geographic Society : "There are some parts of the world that, once visited, get into your heart and won’t go. For me, India is such a place. When I first visited, I was stunned by the richness of the land, by its lush beauty and exotic architecture, by its ability to overload the senses with the pure, concentrated intensity of its colors, smells, tastes, and sounds... I had been seeing the world in black & white and, when brought face-to-face with India, experienced everything re-rendered in brilliant technicolor."

    9. Mark Twain: "India has two million gods, and worships them all. In religion all other countries are paupers; India is the only millionaire."

    10. A Rough Guide to India: "It is impossible not to be astonished by India. Nowhere on Earth does humanity present itself in such a dizzying, creative burst of cultures and religions, races and tongues. Enriched by successive waves of migration and marauders from distant lands, every one of them left an indelible imprint which was absorbed into the Indian way of life. Every aspect of the country presents itself on a massive, exaggerated scale, worthy in comparison only to the superlative mountains that overshadow it. It is this variety which provides a breathtaking ensemble for experiences that is uniquely Indian. Perhaps the only thing more difficult than to be indifferent to India would be to describe or understand India completely. There are perhaps very few nations in the world with the enormous variety that India has to offer. Modern day India represents the largest democracy in the world with a seamless picture of unity in diversity unparalleled anywhere else."

    I recieved this content in my email. I have selected some of the few point that I liked the most. Just wanted to share them.

    Sometimes when I get around something like this, I get so overwhelmed with the feeling. Sometimes "It's really great to be a pert of such a great nation. This is My 'India'."

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Verbal warning. Material copied must be quote tagged and a reference given.

  2. I would say, That An Operating System is a bridge between The Hardware and ( Users & Applications ). It basically provides the framework that let other things to use a computer hardware to perform desired tasks.HARDWARE |OPERATING SYSTEM | +---------- USERS |ApplicationsIt's on the Operating System to manage everything regarding Hardware, User Permissions & lot of other stuff.Moreover a good OS is that which is fast, secure, reliable, Robust etc.

  3. You have: Real IP Address & Fast Internet Connection

    You Need: Want To Host your own Website at your Home/Office



    First thing, Check out the speed of your Internet Connection. It should be really fast. Speed is proportional to the traffic your site is getting. Because more is the traffic more you requests your server have to serve and more the bandwidth is required. If your Internet Connection's speed is fast then you can send more data through the same ime slot!

    Second thing, You must have a very fast processor installed in your server. This is because your server is going to handle many connections at a time therefore you must get yourself a very fast server. This way you will be able to handle more reques\t and more traffic. And your site will get served at the clients side in no time. Otherwise if your server is slow then it won't be able handle requests and will eventually crash.

    Third thing, Get your self a web server software. Apache is available for free. It's very widely used. THere are many reasons for using apache. You won't have to invest for Apache. But if you want to go for Brand Name then Microsoft's IIS is also an alternat`ive. It's free but only runs in Windows platform. So you'll have to buy MS Windows. You can add features to your web server like MYSQL, PHP PERL etc. Most of these are also free. Paid alternatives are also available like in the case of Apache.

    Foruth thing, THen buy a domain name from any Domain seller. Just make sure it's ICANN acredited. Point out the DNS of your Domain to your server's IP address.

  4. I would suggets you to go for XOOPS. It's a very flexible CMS and very easy to use. It's also very popular on the internet. You can find it at http://www.xoops.org/ There is a very huge community to help you out. I have been using it for past three years now and It has evolved so much.

    And regarding PHPBB. I'll say that it's the best forum script

    And for wordpress you just can't integrate it with Joomla as it is by just giving a link.

  5. If you are talking about Graphics part then Yeah I have Intel 965RY Motherboard. May be the card is the reason that you are not able to get those effects.Secondly if you want to create severs then I would to suggest you that you go for a server edition of various Linux distribution. Then tell me what do you specifically want. Only then I'll be able to help

  6. Hi all!

    I am The Codemaster Snake :XD:

    Well I have been recently approved for hosting my site here. Before getting started with my website I thought that I should discudd few aspects of my site with you all. I would appreciate if you can help me out with my website.

    My website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is going to be focussed on Operating System Development! I will also use it to showcase my Operating System: 'Magneto'. Don't get surprised it just boots from floppy and displays a Welcom Message only :)

    I have been working on my Operating System for four years now. An now I want to share all my knowledge about the Basics of an Operating Syetm with all. I know that there is a vast community out on the net that is into the Operating System's Development. So the taget is huge that I can achieve.

    My goals that I have set up:

    1] I'll be providing a wiki which will contain everything that a newbie should be knowing. It'll teach the practical implementation of C++ for writing an Operating System.

    2] I'll also be hosting forums for the discussion on the same topic.

    3] I am also planning to provide a link database to various resources that can help in Operating System Development.

    4] I'll also showcase my own Operating Syetm there.

    Now what I need from you pleople is to tell whether I am going in right direction or I should re consigder some things before launching my site.

    Second I also want to know that how can I get more visitors to my site.

    Third, Any kinda suggetion is welcome!


  7. When I was a kid. My Tution Teacher was used to tell me a story about what happens after death?I would like to share it with you all. It goes something like this:According to this theory, There is an invisible camera behind your head. It records each and every thing that you do all the time. It even records your most private times :XD:. Then when you die, You are received by the God whom you believe the most, in front of the doors of Heaven and the Hell. Then your all closed ones are called there. You are made to stand in front of them. Then that camera which recorded all your life is set to play all the recording. And then your loved ones are to decide whether to send you to Hell or Heaven.Then most scary :) part of this theory is that, the camera records all of your private moments also!

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