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Posts posted by Koopler

  1. Yeah, I agree. I think that people should get busted for breaking the rules, but I also agree that there's exceptions where you have to break the rules in order to do something good. The kid in the article has done one of these exceptions, and through that he might have potentially saved someones life. So I think that this incident should be settled in court because the kid really shouldn't be expelled for this. BTW, I don't appreciate the warning. By posting this article I'm submitting content to these forums, even if I don't summarize the entire article. Getting warned for doing something good is almost as ridiculous as this kid getting expelled for turning in a gun.

  2. Good question...Well... I would divide that million up into four quarters. The first 250k would go in the bank, because I'd plan to use it somewhere down the road. To start a small company or something. The second quarter would go towards buying a house. The third quarter would go towards college. The final quarter would be wasted on junk that I don't really need, but want, like a car, a TV, tons of videogames, and other crap like that.

  3. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    (CBS) PLAINFIELD, Ill. A 13-year-old Plainfield boy and his parents are stunned and outraged after the teen found a gun in school and turned it in to authorities, who then expelled him.
    CBS 2's Dana Kozlov reports Ryan Morgan's parents and supporters attended the school board meeting Wednesday evening to try to fight the expulsion. They believe the punishment, and the subsequent alternative school option, are not the proper responses to a mistake made by a teenage boy.

    Ryan Morgan, 13, says he pocketed a pellet gun he and a friend found in their school's bathroom to keep people safe. Morgan's mother says a short time later Morgan gave the gun to the Troy Middle School assistant principal.

    "I told him maybe that wasn't the best decision, to remove that gun, but it did lead to you finding the culprit, he was arrested and to put my son in alternative school -- he has no behavior problems," Audrey Morgan, Ryan's mother, said.

    The Morgans say there was no reasoning with the principal or with the school superintendent.

    "He said, 'The board can give your son full two-year expulsion, I'm asking you not to go before them,'" Audrey Morgan said.

    They went anyway, saying they had nothing to lose, only to see the meeting minutes already recommend expulsion.

    Roy Morgan says he can't accept that, but accepts his son's decision.

    "He said 'I'm going to turn this in' and you know what, I commend my son for making that decision. It was the right decision," he said.

    School board officials issued a statement Wednesday night saying due to confidentiality reasons they can't discuss the specifics of this case, but that "purposeful possession of weapons is a serious offense and deserves careful consideration by the administration and the school board."

    That's pretty *BLEEP*ed up...

    Notice from KuBi:
    Entire article copied. Extreme lack of content on your part, and swearing is not allowed.

  4. I don't mind the small ones that are barely noticeable, but these days, advertisements can be so annoying. Seriously, I was just on a site that had a giant flashing one pasted across the sides. I had to minimize the browser window, making the ad unvisible, or else I would have gotten a siezure. Well, that's that's probably an exaggeration, but the point still stand: advertisements can be *BLEEP*ing annoying. They detract away from what you're trying to do on the website that you're at, especially the already-mentioned flashing ones, or these new ones that make noise.

  5. For those who don't know, Dai.sy is a cool firefox addon. It allows you to chat with other dai.sy users who are browsing this site, post blogs, and share files. The file sharing aspect is a little iffy, but other than that, it's an awesome app.

    So does anyone here use it? I haven't seen anyone on recently, so I'm just spreading the word because this thing has the potential to be the greatest addon ever if it gets the publicity.


  6. It's possible, but it would probably require cloning. You would step into the machine, die, and have a copy of yourself transported to another destination. The machine would completely replicate your body and shoot you off your data to a far distance at lightning fast speeds. When you reach your destination, you're data would be used to rebuild your body, making a clone of yourself. This would give the effect of teleporting, but it's kind of scary, because it's not you that comes out to the other side, it's a clone that would function exactly like you. So theoretically, it's possible, but even when a machine like that does appear, it would be an unpleasant way to travel...

  7. Thanks for the greetings, guys. I always appreciate a warm welcoming. The theme of my site? Well... that's certainly a good question. I'm mainly using Xisto to host my nintendo-themed site that I call IFCA. It's not up yet, but I'll make sure to upload it as soon as I acquire more than 20 megs of space...

  8. Well, depending on where you live, there might be some health risks involved with tap water. I've heard of some people having digestion problems and whatnot because of the chemicals in tap water. But again, it depends on where you live because different locations have different water facilities. Down here in florida, the tap water is perfectly fine. And even if it wasn't, you can install some kind of filter to your faucet that purifies the water.

  9. Yeah, Smash Bros Melee was a great game. I consider it to be highly over-rated but still great. And the multiplayer portion is where the greatness lied. I must have spent over 1000 hours playing multiplayer smash bros. and even today, I still play it every once in awhile. Now if only the single player portion was more fleshed out it would be my favorite fighting game of all time...

  10. Koopler tell me when you have been caught. After you have reached $100 mark and asked for payout or before that. Also I have heard that they block urls who are clicking on there ads, but you have said that you are earning $0.10 a week, is it from adsense or some where else.

    I haven't hit the $100 mark yet. Right now I'm at $22, and I was able to reach $19 by cheating google's system.

  11. I don't drink very much water... And I am a sissy when it comes to oceans and stuff (no way I'm letting a shark or Loch Ness Monster eat me, screw that dude!), so I was too chicken to finish my swimming lessons. So, no, I can't say that I really like water all that much. :D I think I must have drowned in a previous life... stupid water. :lol: Just the thought of dark water scares the crap out of me. Water = Scary ^_^


    So what do you drink? Mercury? Because you pretty much have to drink lots of water to survive. Even if it's not plan water, than it's a drink that contains a ton of water.

  12. I don't think that Xbox 360 is the best console or even the next generation its just normal in my opinion PS3 is the next generation in gaming technology Xbox is just dull , Thats what I think about it

    If that's what you think about it, then it's time to do some research. Both PS3 and the 360 have about the same amount of power. That means that every game on the PS3 is possible on the 360, and vice-versa. And the 360 is far from dull. In fact, the 1 year head start has turned into a huge benefit for the 360, as it has already acquired a good number of excellent games, not to mention 2007, which is loaded with AAA 360 games.

  13. Nobody died, you didn't end up in the hospital, and you didn't lose anything valuable. I'm sorry dude, but head phones getting tangled up, and having to endure some bad body odor might be unpleasant, but the worst day ever? Dude, you haven't experienced a truly bad day...

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