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Posts posted by fallenfirebanshi

  1. Hey Guys, Do any of you know anything about Down's Synrome? I have to do a project on it and its effects, so far I know that 'Downers' have a 3rd 21st chromozone which has strange affecs upon all of their systems, but apart from that I know nothing Thanking you in advance fallenfrebanshi

  2. This is a fairly dumb question, but... I went through high school and CEGEP with the general attitude that "time management is for losers", did what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it, etc. Yay. (I got stuff done based on either "I feel like doing homework now" or "Holy crap, it's due tomorrow" or, well, just not doing it, depending. Managed to do well enough (to get into any reasonable university), so I was happy. Now, I just realised that if I keep on doing this (having started university two weeks ago), I'll be completely screwed within a fairly short amount of time. Sooo... time management tips anyone? So far I've come up with "actually getting stuff done during my breaks" instead of "wasting 5 hours a day sitting in the math lounge chatting"... and "making use of libraries to study", and "setting aside time to do assignments", but I'm still a little baffled.Ideas?

  3. Have you ever wondered the purpose of life?Is it just the aimless wandering through repititious routines day after day?Is it the constant longing and unhappily reaching for something better, yet not satisfied with what we have gained?Is is the constant heartbreaks, betrayals, lies, and denials...not learning from the experience?Sleep, wake up, eat, work, eat, more work, eat, Sleep....and on and on. What is the purpose of getting up in the morning to do the same thing over and over again? What do I have to live for?Then it dawned on me that Life is what we make of it... We have the power to make things happen....it's always been within our control. It is the journey, not the destination. Life is to love and be loved in return. Life to give, to be kind, to be respectful, and to be proud of who you are and what you have. Life is to live each day as if it is your last. When the journey ends, hopefully you are loved and the world is a better place because of what you've done.

  4. Why is it called a soap opera when nobody sings? If French kissing is a big thing in America, how do French people react to normal American kissing?
    Can you "zone out" and be "in the zone" at the same time?
    Do you wake up or open your eyes first?
    Is the vice president's wife called the second lady?
    If a stripper gets breast implants can she write it off on her taxes as a business expense?
    If your eyes are crossed, do your tears fall straight?
    Why do child labor laws not prohibit children from acting in movies?
    If a vampire were Jewish would his Sabbath start at sunrise?
    Why do people say "The alarm just went off" when really it just came on?
    Do they put underwear on corpses?
    Do bubbles freeze in winter?
    What sound does a bunny make?
    If you had only one hand, would second hand smoking effect you?
    Do suicide hotlines have hold?
    Have you ever wondered why in the 1500's nude photos/painting were art, while today it's pornography?
    If you are old and are in a bathtub how would you know if you have been in there too long?
    If you can see your breath outide on a cold day, could you see your fart?

    Notice from truefusion:
    Copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Warning issued.

  5. Learning Functions v1:


    W3schools Definition:

    A function contains some code that will be executed only by an event or by a call to that function.


    You may call a function from anywhere within the page (or even from other pages if the function is embedded in an external .js file).


    Functions are defined at the beginning of a page, in the <head> section.

    So how the heck do you use a function?


    well you simple start off with the function methid


    <script>function functionname(var1,var2,...,varX){some code}</script>

    Functions are useful because you can do such big things easier in smaller commands.


    Lets take my example


    Lets change a whole forum link/name into a google link/text


    <script>function change(oldt,newt){var a = document.getElementsByTagName("b");for(x=0;x<a.length;x++){ if(a[x].firstChild.innerHTML == oldt){  a[x].innerHTML = newt; }}}change("Bug Reports","<a href='http://google.com'>Google</a>");</script>

    alright back to what we was talking about Big things made easier


    well lets look at the script


    line 1 = <script>

    -Starts our script out with the javascript tag

    line 2 = function change(oldt,newt){

    -well here we go function we just declared a new function now we give our function a name

    sort of like an object and we called it "change" now we've made our new function now you ask

    whats inside the round braces (*,*) well there called perimeters. There are used to define what I call "SIMPLE CODING".

    With this perimeter defined we can now say what in the world we want to make. Well I said humm I want to make a custom url.

    so I had to think first what did I want to do. well simple I said we need to get the old link and replace it with somthen else.

    Well isn't that what i did? yes it is so we make up our varibles for the perimeters to be defined.


    oldt and newt.

    oldt is used as what I call the "OLD TEXT" and newt is what i call "NEW TEXT"

    so now we cleared that up. now we can use this function over and over and over.

    Whys that you ask? wat until line 4.


    line 3 = lets get our HTML TAG what tag do we need to grab to get information from.

    well we did that but using a DOM feature.So basicaly getElementByTagName means get HTML tag name but its actual tag.

    such as <span> or <font> or <i> etc.. get me? so we add document. infront of that so we can get that pages tag names. Then find a accorate match.


    line 4 = well so we have LOADS of tags on the page right? well we use the "for" method.

    this will loop threw all tags we define in the line. Lets say " for(x=0;x<a.length;x++){"


    x=0 were making that varible equal to 0 so we start at the very begining of the document to loop threw

    then were saying our x is less then a's length well that simple means while we search for all the x is less then the total number of "B" tags until it ends the loop

    and x++ means lets finish the x less then a part to make sure we get ALL bold tags on our page. So now we have gotten every bold tag on the page the script is on.


    now we have to narrow the search down to access a smaller part of information to edit. So we try matching stuff.


    line 5 = if(a[x].firstChild.innerHTML == oldt){

    well to understand that you would need to see what the bold tag we are trying to access.


    <b><a href="http://z11.invisionfree.com/DemonicScriptsv2/index.php?showforum=1">Bug Reports</a></b>

    now that out the way. "B" is the parent node (most outter element) of "a". So firstChild means the first element inside the B tag


    since its written out like this: <b><a hre....>text</a></b> a is the first element.


    so thats "B"'s firstChild and only child. now we want to narrow the search down so we check what we are matching


    so innerHTML is equal to "Bug Reports" so we say "if a[x].firstChild is equal to our second perimiter in our function then do somthen.

    so later when we redeclair this function we define our perimeters to what we want to search for and make a perfect match.

    (Cool fact remember a was our tagname we matching and x is our loop we need to put them into a array form to try and grab all tags so that looks like so a[x])

    so now we grabbed our content.

    So now we redeclair our second perimiter. "newt" so since we grabbed that content we force the script to make our innerHTML newt


    so now its running the script and saying : if you find this content then we will force you to turn into somthen we tell you to be.


    and the other lines 6-8 we are closing our tags: first line 6 = if tag,7= for loop tag,8 = function tag.


    and Thats how we make the function. Now you should understand how its made so when putting it into action you should understand why "Bug Reports" is where it is and "our new text such as google url" is where it is.


    then we do


    change("Bug Reports","<a href='http://'>HAHAHA</a>");

    so now we redeclared our function above and its saying to our computers browser if we match Bug Reports then change Bug Reports into a random url.


    Hope this helps you because I spent 20 minutes on it 107 lines.

  6. Now obviously when I started drinking seriously (i.e. not just bucks fizz at christmas) I was about 13 and I drank beer because it was cool. Then I started drinking vodka because I could get drunk a whole lot quicker. Since then I've dried most alcoholic drinks including most cocktails though not all and I was wondering how everyone else's alcoholic taste has develope. Call it a study if you will but basically I'm just interested. Until about 8 months ago I had a strick alcohol diet. I drank Guiness in pints that had to be pored in three separate stages and takes 180 secsonds until its ready to drink. If I was going to drink a spirit then a drank Gin. NOw while these are still my favourite drinks my secondary tastes have changed. I used to never touch wine, could stand the stuff, especially red and yet now I often find myself drinking red wine(out of a gin/whiskey tumbler though, i don't want that whole wine conasiour (sp??) look) I used to never drink weak crappy lagers but since i've travelled the world and found out the only thing you can get in south east asia the light beer I've started enjoyin it more. Cider again is another drink I never used to have but I now find myself partaking of it whenever it's available. And other spirits have become nicer it seems. Vodka has never tasted as nice as it does now. Essentially what i'm asking is simply how have you tastes devoloped. I'm 19 now and when I was 18 I had refined my self to 2 regular drinks. Now i'm 19 i'll drink anything but straight whiskey but put something with it and I won't complain. So how have your tastes developed over time?Just my thoughts.

  7. God has no beginning and no end because God is unimaginable. The beginning and the end must be also unimaginable for an unimaginable item. The beginning and the end of the cosmic energy or space or the creation are also unimaginable. Therefore, the beginning and the end are unimaginable for the unimaginable item like God and also for the imaginable item like space. Therefore, the two points, which are the beginning-less and end-less characteristics cannot help you in understanding the real nature of God. If you start recognizing the God by simply these two points (beginning-less and end-less), you may think that God is an imaginable item like the space or energy or the creation. In fact based on these two characteristics people have imagined God as an imaginable item like space or energy or creation. This concept has misled people to such a low level that people think that God is the very infinite space or infinite energy or infinite creation. Therefore, one should filter the concept of God at this juncture itself. One should think that God has no beginning and no end because the beginning and the end of an unimaginable item are also unimaginable.

    Notice from truefusion:

  8. Alright, let's not go superman here. If you were a superhero and only had ONE amazing super power, what would it be? This can be interesting, yes? Oh! And what would be your name? That's important : P Gee... this is a toughy, because I really don't know what to be... so many choices! OO! Okay, I'd be able change my size! Not fatter or skinnier... just bigger or smaller. I'd be called the Big Small Lady! AHAHAHAH! HAH!HAha... so yah, what would you be? And what's your awesome name?

  9. I formed my own metal band with 2 friends. There are going to be a total of 3 people in the band. Me (Ian), my friend Seth, and my friend Steven. Ian - Lead Electric Guitar / Acustic Guitar (Featured in some songs) / Acustic Guitar Base Tab Drumming (Featured in some songs).Seth - Bass.Steven - Vocals / Minor Electric Guitar.We will be working in my basement and useing it as our studio over Christmas Break, while naming our band, createing tablature, and lyrics. We will be practicing through 4 days over Christmas Break together and will create our first album. We also would like to make a website and forum over time. We also will be making interview DVD's and Discography. We dont plan on doing anything live for a year or two. We would like to sell our albums in stores, but we dont know how to do that. I also need to know how to book up gigs and live shows for places. Is there some kind fo website I could use for booking gigs and what not? Also, I am wondering if we need to copyright anything, but how do you copyright something? Well, I guess we wouldn't need to copyright anything until we start selling our first album in stores. How would I be able to copyright my band name, lyrics, music, and everything? I would also like to create some tribute songs from different bands, but would I have to get permission from each band first before I create a tribute? Those are all my questions, and I would be greatful if someone could help.Thank you.

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