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Posts posted by day_armstrong

  1. Here in Singapore, the dominant race is Chinese. They make up about 80% of the population. I am no Chinese but I am learning it since I guess it will be useful for my career (to interact with them, etc). Chinese ppl are good businessmen, hence it will be good to be able to speak in Chinese when you have some business with them. I see that your job is in IT and you live in Mexico. I would not say that Chinese will not be useful. It IS always good to learn other's language. You see, China is growing market. If you have some intention of doing business in the future, Chinese will surely be good for you. Moreover, it is practically useful when you are working in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, not to mention about PRC as well. One more thing is that Chinese people are everywhere, from US to India to Africa.

  2. I haven't been married yet but I want to try to suggest something. When you say you love your wife, you will accept whatever comes from her, right? My father and mother also argued each other sometime. Usually my mother "win" in the end. My father is more soft spoken than my mother. But the good thing is my father is patient. You see, to beat fire you need water after all. After quarrel they become happily together again :P. I think a quarrel is the sign that they care for each other.


    I seriously think that your wife still loves you as well. She still ask you company and ask your attention, right? One question though. Perhaps you can think about yourself. Did you do something hurt her, intentionally or unintentionally? My suggestion is try to apologize with a sweet words, even if there is no reason for it. Lower yourself a bit to get her back.


    Wohoo, i always get so energetic for this kind of topic, as if i am married :P. Anyway, don't ever think about separation. It will hurt you and of course, your kids. :P

  3. I think it is just best to be yourself. You want to be popular because you are envious to those who are so-called popular. It is not important to have a lot of friends in your circle if they are there only because you are popular. They will leave in no time. It is always good to have only some friends, but the true ones. The ones who are there for you in any condition. Oya, don't underestimate your "dork" friend! You wouldn't know what kind of person they will be in the future. Cheer up! :P-day

  4. Hi. Don't get pessimistic too early. I am sure you will like joomla so much.

    I assume you have successfully install the joomla. For template integration, I will suggest you to start from modifying a free template out there. I think it is much easier that way to figure out what the joomla template do since to make a template from scratch won't be so simple. I may be wrong though.

    Here is what I do. I modify the template here (the lightframe one) to become the layout of my site here. To install a template, see this how-to. You can start to modify the template to the one that you designed by altering [your_joomla_location]\templates\[the_name_of_your_template]\index.php and some css files in .\css\ and may be (for further modification) the php files inside .\html\.

    I would suggest you to set up a local server in your own computer so that, in your learning process, the modification can take effect instantaneously. After you are happy with the modification you can upload it to Xisto hosting. Good luck. :P

    Note: My site seems to be down at the time I write this post. It says mysql error. Hope it will come back soon.

  5. Hi. If I have written something (tutorials, etc) in my own website (i.e. it's my own writing), can I repost it in this forum? And how about the opposite (if I have written something in this forum, can I repost it in my website)? It is all because I am lazy to write a brand new thing every now and then :P. hehe. The writing is my own anyway, i think. I hope i am making myself clear here. :P-day

  6. I might have given a unclear statement. What I mean is that I can not get the same view (appearance) in IE 7 and Opera as the appearance in FF2. The details are in the picture I gave above. In other words, IE 7 and Opera do not render correctly (FF' render is correct, other's are not). Or are you guys saying that only my computer experiences this difference in appearance?

  7. Hi,

    I would like to know your views regarding my site. For now, please comment on its layout only since I don't have my own writing inside. The site is originally meant for storing articles of technical stuffs in my areas of interest. Please kindly log on to:


    In this time being, though, I have some problem with css in different browsers. See this (about 160kb or so):


    The one that I really want to get is Firefox' (so, log on it with FF for better views). Any idea with this issue? Any input is greatly appreciated. Thank you. :o


  8. Haha... I see that you are new to Blender. But it's quite ok for early "toucher". At least you know how to go to edit mode and modify the vertex location. Try several more times. Try to find out extrusion, smooth modifier, bezier curve, etc. I am sure you will fall in love with it. I remember to have created some tutorial on Wings and Blender 3D:
    (the Blender tut is on the last post). I hope its useful.

  9. I used to dream that way, too. But come on guys, 41 light years away. 41 years travelling with the speed of light. I personally can not imagine the shuttle ship to be used for the journey. How they design the ship so that the crew are not much affected by acceleration until such a speed? How they find fuel for 41 years at least? ( remember Einstein rule: nothing faster than light).

  10. My answer is maybe. Yes, I'd like to know IF my death is in the near future (like tomorrow). So, I can say goodbye to everyone around me. Apologize for all my mistakes to them. And the most important, prepare myself for the hereafter (do prayers and good deeds) for my last day in the world. But no if it is still ages in the future. Most likely, I will take it lightly and my life will go worse than if not knowing when I die.

  11. I don't quite agree with the way that the guy did. If I were him, I will also give my helmet to her. But instead of lying that the helmet is "bugging me", I will say the truth that there is a break failure and insist her for taking the helmet and say whatever in my heart to her for the last time. It's enough for the girl to feel how much our love to her and I will encourage her to continue to live on. I think the girl will feel so sad if the guy was lying and leave her behind alone.

  12. Indeed, the subjects in the school are very boring. Especially the subjects that you do not like. However, I agree that you need to go to school to get a proper education. Until my senior high school, I had been very happy to go to school because I had a lot of nice friends around me (not because of the subjects). We always had laughs together. That was nice. But now, here in university, it seems not like before. Everyday is boring. But yet, I need to be patient until my graduation day :P. So, enjoy your day in the school! Try to make friends as many as you can. Try to find friends who "like making websites and stuff", as the same as you, to share your joy.

  13. Do you know what is i-mode phone? I have just bought one (ericsson k610im). I-mode phone is a phone that has i-mode capability. i-mode is an another implementation of usual GPRS/WAP. I have to say it is indeed more convenient. However, if your phone has i-mode capabilty, you can't play (install) standard java out there (MIDP). I-mode is using Doja (Docomo Java from NTT Docomo) which is different from MIDP although based on the same CLDC. This Doja is a bit troublesome. You can't just copy to the phone memory then install. You need to download from the internet directly. You can't share your application to another phone as well. The trouble that I have using this phone is that I can't install the application I need, since that app needs MIDP. So, if you're going to buy new phone and expecting to play games or apps from internet, check whether that phone using i-mode and what the games or apps support (MIDP or DoJa). Anyone has experience with i-mode phone as well?

  14. Tut on Blender3d (3D text modelling)

    Yo, there. Let's Continue.

    1. Download Blender here, install, then run it.

    2. Let's say we want to make a letter like this:

    Posted Image

    3. Let's examine basic things of Blender:

    a. By default, Blender always start with a cube

    b. to rotate view, use Middle Mouse Button (MMB). Try it. You'll see the cube.

    c. to pan the view, use Shift+MMB. Try it.

    d. Use num (activate numlock) 0 - 9 for select view. 1 -> front view, 3 -> left view, 7 -> top view. You can use CTRL+[0-9] to make the bring you to the opposite face.

    e. Don't use your intuition for the first time. I mean, blender UI is not like the others. For example, selecting object is right click instead of left click. Left click is to move the "cursor".

    4. Got it? Press num 7 (top view), delete the cube (press del).

    5. Go to view menu -> Back ground image. Search for your image. You'll see an image in the background right away.

    Posted Image

    6. Press spaacebar, It'll bring you a menu. Selct add->curve->Bezier Curve. Select a vertex, press G, move it to a vertex of the letter. If you need more vertices, do CTRL->LMB. If you need to rotate a vertex, press R.

    7. There are two important things here. Press H -> free handling. Press V -> angle handling. Experiment with them a bit. Press C to close the curve. Then, make it like this: (note: to toggle wireframe press z)

    Posted Image

    8. press spacebar again -> curve -> bezier crve. Add the "hole" inside the A letter. (press z to toggle wireframe)

    Posted Image

    9. Still follow? Press tab, to go to object mode. Click edit button, change the value in extrude field to 0.100, Bevel depth 0.020, Bevel resol 2. Rotate the view. See? Then, click Scene button. Click Render. You'll get:

    Posted Image


    That's all. Hope you get a bit of feeling about blender and wings. :lol:



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